Akron Children’s Hospital has opted to drop “OMG” from future advertising after a few complaints over its new billboard in the Montrose shopping area.
The billboard reads “OMG! There’s an Akron Children’s ER in Montrose!” and looks down upon the busy intersection of Route 18 and Cleveland-Massillon Road.
Blogger Cindy Orley felt the sign was a slam against God and began writing about it last week. She and her father, a local minister, voiced concerns to Children’s Hospital.
Hospital leaders say they meant no disrespect and received few complaints but, nevertheless, they will drop OMG from future advertisements.
Keep on rocking in the Free World.
At least they didnt put Mohammed on the sign.
#1 – With an exploding turban.
Wasn’t that a flash-based game?
“The billboard reads “OMG! There’s an Akron Children’s ER in Montrose!”
Sounds like a WARNING rather than an advertisement.
Awwww, some poor sheep thinks their imaginary friend has been offended. Boo friggin’ hoo.
OMG–probably the “straight” reading of which does sound more like a threat, but with the inflection and cultural meme of Valley Speak, its nothing but fun and light hearted.
Thats what the religious are all about: turning fun and light hearted into a threat.
And you’awl think Dallas’ use of Christian Taliban is hyperbole?
Ha, Ha. The deeply religious: carrying around the constant fear that somewhere, somehow, someone might be a little bit happy.
“…and the priests in black gowns
were making their rounds
and binding in briars
my joys and desires.”
Yea, verily.
@TEA(bagger)Dude…. the fool that complained about the sign was a christianist – a right winger, more like you than any liberal. You’re a bit more off-base on this one than usual.
The Edvard Munch estate is also sending a take down notice.
Change OMG to WTF?
Never mind the too easily offended Christians with nothing more spiritual to do than complain about a now common text message acronym, the hospital administrator clearly needs a SPINE IMPLANT and maybe some Neuticals to make him think he has some balls.
Seriously, the person runs a hospital that daily makes literal life and death decisions, and they _collapse_ over a small handful of complaints on an advertisement? They’re unfit for the job.
It takes a consistent coward to turn xhristian censorship into fear and trembling over Islam. Or atheists. Or 2-party politics.
umm, doesn’t OMG = Oh my goodness! ?
Anyone who would think otherwise is clearly some kind of Satan-worshiper.
OMFG this is hilarious. Heads are exploding everywhere
You got it right #10 🙂
Wait till Pope Perry gets elected. We’ll be burning books before he’s through.
As if God cares
Oh my goodness.
#11, Bobbo, the hospital ad person probably believed Dallas’s posts and other liberal blathering about about the Christian Taliban and believed his life was in danger if he didn’t change the sign.
This site on the other hand appears to have felt the same way with no Mohammed cartoons being posted, joining the rest of the media like Viacom which censored South Park’s showing Family Guy’s showing Mohammed.
Here’s the three-letter solution: W. O. W.
Old mangy goat?
At least I got to see it before it got taken down.
I knew it was going to p!ss off some thumpers!
I wonder what Cindy Orley would think of all the “Jesus F-ing Christ” comments in the discussion of OnStar?
Is there no one here willing to put in a good word for civil language in public?
I, personally, try to avoid language that debases others people’s beliefs and values, even if I don’t share them.
(I know, I know, “OMG” is about as mild as it gets. I honestly don’t care about this specific term.)
>> Taxed Enough Already Dude
>>They demand abortion be free everywhere, or they riot in the streets, steal TVs etc.
>> Tangential, yes, but still relevant.
But truthful, not.
# 10 wrhamblen said,”Change OMG to WTF?”
Nah. WTF doesn’t show the surprise and pleasure OMG was intended to convey. I think it’s time for the expression we used so frequently in the Army: Fuckin’A!
# 27 GregAllen said, “Is there no one here willing to put in a good word for civil language in public?” So you feel OMG is not civil? How do you feel about “darn” and “heck”?
I guess so as not offend people like Greg, we’ll have to drop expletives and go back to “pshaw!”
The real question is why Akron Children’s Hospital changed its policies because of one idiot blogger.
I’ve seen this sign in question (I live near Akron), and, as stupid as they are, I would have never thought a Christian would take offence to ‘OMG.’
Here is hoping that in the near future we can live in a world without hypersensitive, religious types.
The fussbudgets probably have something to hide. If the pope doesn’t start an inquisition, I’m taking that as a sign — a sign of weakness.
Meanwhile a city in california is fining a couple $500 for having a home bible study.
OMG! What a cunt!
Won’t references to God in the public square (e.g. this billboard) offend atheists? OMG stands for “Oh my God!” Wouldn’t an atheist hate to refer to God whom he or she views as imaginary as his or her God? Just saying.
I suppose that the minister and company will want to go back to stoning people when they use the name of Jehovah.
I guess the new revival in American Christianity is orthodox Judaism.
OMG! Who cares???