Click on the image above for .pdf of the whole statement

Today marks the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell“. The law is repealed. From this day forward Gay and Lesbian soldiers may serve in our Army with the dignity and respect they deserve. Our rules, regulations and policies reflect the repeal guidance issues by the Department of Defense and will apply uniformly without regard to sexual orientation, which is a personal and private matter.


  1. Phydeau says:

    #34 LOL

  2. wirelessg says:

    Has there been a war movie that presents a war hero who is homosexual? If not, when will the first movie of that type be released?

  3. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Sparticus and Ben Hur I think are mentioned from time to time.

    Hero? Many Nazi’s under Hitler were.

    Joining an all male organization?????? Nah.

    Lawrence of Arabia?

    What is a hero, how gay is gay?

  4. Cave Johnson says:

    #38Taxed Enough Already Dude

    You sir look like a duck, swim like a duck, and most definitely quack like a duck,

    (religious extremist = duck) in case you refused to take algebra because you were told it was a form of Arabic/Islamic mathematics or you just thought it was gay.

  5. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I don’t think of Alfie as a religious extremist. He’s more of one of those lemons life has produced. Very sour–undrinkable without some sugar making the whole experience an unhealthy waste of time.

    Make life take him back–retro abortion if you will.

    If we only could.


  6. tcc3 says:

    Wow, TeaDud would have us capitulate and appease “extremist Islam.”

    Frankly I know were doing the right thing when it pisses off extremist nutballs like TeaDud and Osama Bin Ladin.

  7. What? says:

    #6 legendinmyownmind, no, they would just kick out out. You don’t know the meaning of the word respect.

    Taxed, you are such a Nancy Boy.

    Bobbo FTW.

  8. spsffan says:

    Lawrence of Arabia wasn’t gay. He was just British. :).

  9. spsffan says:

    Alexander the Great, on the other had…..

  10. spsffan says:

    oops. “had” should be “hand”

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Where are the Village People when you need them?

    “Young man, there’s a place you can go…”

  12. Drive By Poster says:

    #37, Bobbo

    First off, in the greek/roman ancient world, while gay sex was for fun and relationships for many men, it was still considered degrading to be a “bottom” – it was often older men with younger boys, often students of the older men (a “perk” of being a teacher back then). As such, the sexual preference may have been a cultural product rather than brain chemistry.
    Gay sex was much, much more prevalent in Greece than Rome, if the podcast “The History of Rome” is accurate.

    Secondly, unlike today’s gays, gays back during ancient Greece/Rome were expected to *have sex with their wives*, if only to produce the next generation of citizenry (that was an official duty to the State as well as heirs for the family line). As such, all the talk about ancient greek men being homosexual is not the same situation as being homosexual today, since they did in fact BREED back then instead of referring to such people with the dissing terms like “breeders”. It would probably be more accurate to call the ancient greek men bisexual.

    I seriously doubt Ben Hur was gay, being a jew of Judea – any gay sex he had was probably of the jailhouse type (where they don’t consider themselves gay) while a galley slave. Claims of Ben Hur being gay is probably something made up whole cloth by members of the Christian Hating Left just to piss off Christians (and probably succeeds if they keep mentioning it). No idea about Spartacus. Not a heck of a lot is know about Spartacus since most of the people who knew about him were killed along with Spartacus. You’d probably have to look at the prevalence of gay sex amongst professional gladiators, which again may be of the jailhouse type.

  13. Drive By Poster says:

    Regarding AIDS and gay/straight sex transmission, there are several strains of AIDS, some of which are easier to get than others. America still largely has the hard to get strain, meaning that the main form of spreading is mostly (gay) ass sex and drug needle sharing. Spreading by vaginal sex is usually restricted to prostitutes and their johns.

    Other parts of the world have strains that are easier to transfer during vaginal sex. Don’t have sex in any asian sex tourist destinations or much of Africa, where a casual attitude towards sex (or rape, for that matter) and easily spread strains of AIDS make for a bad combo.

    I recall reading of massive AIDS epidemics in China destroying small towns/villages due to how they collected blood donations at the time. Needles were reused and never sterilized, and in some cases they combined the blood of many donors at once into large containers, filtered out hemoglobin, and pumped the commingled blood plasma BACK into the villagers. So if one blood donating villager had AIDS (usually caught in the Big Cities), now all the blood donors had AIDS.

  14. What? says:


  15. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Drive By–I like everything you post but other than demonstrate your detailed knowledge of things gay–so what?

    Soooooooooo simplistic to think “anything” is “caused by” one thing and one thing only. Sadly, we see this thinking expressed in every aspect of life including the gay.

    I assume being gay, to doing gay, or passing within a block of gay, or curious gay, or denying gay or any other variation of gay which is to say any combo of straight, which is to say any aspect of sexuality, which is to say any aspect of being human is…….. multi-faceted? Can I be so liberal in my thinking on this blog?===with Alfie’s single issue mentality lemonading around?

    Of course, some gay activity and some gay being is culturally influenced, and brain chemistry influenced, and biologically influenced, and personal experience influenced and influenced by the stars and who knows what else?

    Its life. Not a politically money backed driven agenda to secure votes.

    Everybody knows that.

    Yea, verily.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    In # 3 Drive By Poster said: who reject their biology while embracing their homosexuality?.

    I know a few trannies and they’re all lesbians.

    It figures, they loved women enough to want to be one, so its natural that want to have sex with one…

    Yes, the women who know exactly what a man really wants (because they used to be one,) would rather rug munch.

    And that’s the way it goes…

  17. noname says:

    I served in the Navy back in the 80s. I find it really irritating, people outside the military always want to use the military as their social Petri dish.

    It’s was hard enough as it was serving on a Ship with 6+ month long overseas deployments. I thought DADT was appropriate. It kept gays sexuality issues out of the work place, off the ship. I didn’t and don’t want to be sequestered with someone parading or wearing their affections or longings on their sleeves. If you can’t get away from this gay butt shit, bad things will happen!

    That is what I, and many others strongly object too, them not keeping it to themselves. I don’t want to know, and that is why DADT works.

    Let say, as gays always commonly claim, 10% of people are born gay. Ok, then up to 90% of people don’t want to know or care your gay, keep it to yourselves. 90% of people are not aspiring to be gay. It’s way more then equal rights they want; gays, demand to “flaunt it to justify it”.

    The military has a mission. This gay butt shit, only detracts from staying focused on the mission.

  18. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    noname==can you read, or were you really in the Navy? This thread alone would educate you if you chose to widen your perspective.

    Do you think that gays that were in the Navy under DADT wanted to use the Navy as their Petri Dish?

    I’ve known a good number of gays in the work place. I’ve never seen one flaunt their sexuality === well, beyond getting excited about the community play they were in.

    I also so very few hetero’s display anything except an “at work” attitude===again, seems theres always an exception==except for the mail room girl who was a body lifter. Fine looking gluts as she bent over to get those packages. I still recall one guys saying “Jesus–I’ll bet she has muscles in her shit.” I think she did too. I don’t know if she was gay or straight–all she ever talked about was working out.

    Say Navy guy: maybe its something in you that makes all the gays want to come out to you? No? Does the Navy still have Rank Officers? You know rank don’t you?—it prioritizes who you salute and who you don’t? I think you got your sexual/work/military priorities out of whack there.

    Back to boot with you! Join the 21st Century==its there whether you join the Navy or not.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Sorry, noname. You’re talking real world experience.

    The “Progressives” on this blog have no room for that.

  20. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ah Yea—real world experience huh?

    I don’t read anything except his own personal feelings about the situation. Kinda gay if you ask me, not that that is a bad thing.

    You know what is a bad thing though?

    Not being able to tell shit from shinola.

    Yea, verily.

  21. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’m finding my own real world experience being challenged right now: weepy young female marine declaring how she can be herself now.

    I totally accept weepy young females in the Coast Guard and National Guard but can just barely “buy” weepy young females in the AF, Army, and Navy.

    but the Marines????? I’m probably wrong but she didn’t look like she could carry a 100 pound backpack up a mountain and a wounded buddy back. Surprising what these weepy young females can do these days. Must be the lesbian in them?

    Hey! Standards are standards.

  22. Somebody says:

    Hate to rain on your parade, but I think I feel a draft.

  23. Benjamin says:

    When I was in the military I didn’t care to hear straight sailors tell sex stories. DADT made it so I didn’t have to listen to gay sailors telling sex stories. I really rather hear no sex stories at all.

  24. Cave Johnson says:

    Taxed Enough Already Dude it sounds like you want to impose your beliefs on the rest of the nation that’s downright Un-American! Are you sure the USA is the right country for you? You might be happier in a theocracy, Vatican City or Iran would suite you better. It’s clear the Great Melting Pot (cultural mosaic) of the US is not for you.

    noname my Dad was a Commander in the Navy and he is fine DADT being repealed. (grow a pair) Blacks, women, gays they are taking the same oath and offering to defend our nation with there lives if it comes to that. The Navy’s ban on fraternization and intimacy aboard its vessels is still in place If thats not good enough for you you don’t belong in this nations Navy.

    ¿Hyper masculinity…gay or not think about it.

  25. noname says:

    # 62 Cave Johnson, I am really happy, for your Daddy, being a “Commander” and all in the Navy.

    What where you? Should I instead ask, what do you want to be when you grow up?

    I can’t believe, some supposedly grown-up (# 62 Cave Johnson) is telling me “my Daddy is” Stories.

    Maybe your “Commander” “Daddy” can help you answer your own supposedly cleaver “think about it question”: “¿Hyper masculinity…gay or not think about it.”

    Why is it, the ignorant and the most non-qualified diffises (My Daddy is: # 62 Cave Johnson), so full of themselves, even dare to venture out and try to impose their dangerous childish thoughts? Your Daddy must have given you lots of luv and self esteem?

    Like you say, (grow a pair); if you even know what I mean!

    # 58 Taxed Enough Already Dude, you and your tea party “certifiable idiots” are also full dangerously of it.

  26. noname says:

    # 56 bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist,

    You should read your own stuff and learn how “to tell shit from shinola.”

    What was your rank?

  27. foobar says:

    “Our military is the best, as presently organised.”

    Yup, those guys at Omaha Beach and Midway really don’t deserve my respect.

  28. Milo says:

    Gee, I though Obama never accomplishes anything!

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Milo, you thought right. Obama has just destroyed the entire US military, killed recruitment, made gay sex a common foxhole activity, and gave aids to all the soldiers.

    Get your spin right.

  30. Dallas says:

    Finally! Now our military can be as effective as the gay and bad ass Israeli military!

    What’s next to cause Christian Taliban heads to explode?


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