Click on the image above for .pdf of the whole statement

Today marks the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell“. The law is repealed. From this day forward Gay and Lesbian soldiers may serve in our Army with the dignity and respect they deserve. Our rules, regulations and policies reflect the repeal guidance issues by the Department of Defense and will apply uniformly without regard to sexual orientation, which is a personal and private matter.


  1. msbpodcast says:

    Crackpot was wrong… 🙂

    According to A.C. it was not supposed to get repealed this year, if at all.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    I read the .pdf and the second paragraph made me puke in my mouth a bit, but allright.

    And in case any of you are wondering why a Canadian cares?

    My ex-brother-in-law was in the military here and I don’t think if he was gay but he was a real tight-assed cock-sucking son-of-a-bitch. (The forces’ll do that to anybody. 🙂

  3. Drive By Poster says:

    Can they still hit the non-biological “transgendered” in the face with a bat repeatedly for being drama whores who reject their biology while embracing their homosexuality? I’m talking about the “I’m a woman born in a biological man’s body (read ‘homosexual’)” type rather that the few people with the genuinely messed up sexual anatomy.

  4. borg9 says:

    Got to be the first time in American history the Army beat the Marines at advancing progress in the military.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Should be interesting to watch the real impact of this change as opposed to the collapse of the military and its morale as predicted by conservatives.

  6. legendinmyownmind. says:

    So glad I retired in ’96, I’d probably end up in jail for my attitude.

  7. Grandpa says:

    I hope this new policy works out better than the policy on illegals has worked.

  8. McCullough says:

    I’m still ticked that they allowed females in.


  9. bi-curious says:

    Congratulations on your right to get shot up while empire building for your corporate masters with the dignity and respect you deserve!

  10. dusanmal says:

    Still I do not know of an assignment or task in US Military that requires knowing sexual orientation of anyone involved to be done well.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    dusanmal…I have the same dilemma when thinking of the US government entities that are allowed to discriminate against people based on a biological trait.

  12. admfubar says:

    HA! And i bet everyone here thinks the military did this outta some sense of equality…
    truth is their is a shortage of personnel and the military needs as many as it can get… when you are cannon fodder, the cannon shells dont care what your sexuality is!

  13. pjk says:

    So now we can emancipate the Breast loving men and women, the Ass men and women. Brunette fanciers will no longer be razzed for not oogling Blondes. And last but not least, Men or Women who like those of a difference race can at last live with dignity. Anyone detect the sarcasm yet? Let’s get over all this crap.

  14. AC_in_Mich says:

    #14 => and you can’t get Aids from heterosexuals?

    Be sure to tell the millions worldwide infected without being gay.


  15. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstonoe values become DOGMA says:

    Conservative Mind Set: stop the world, I want to get off.

    Liberal Mind Set: why didn’t we do this sooner and why can’t we do more.

    Transgender Mind Set: Conservative who has a gay kid.

    It is harder, but not impossible, to be conservative and part of any larger society. Being forced to confront ideas you weren’t exposed to before the age of 8 can be very hard for some folks.


  16. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstonoe values become DOGMA says:

    2ND Paragraph of the Pdf: standard rah, rah for the cannon fodder. After stifling my own initial negative reaction to the hyperbole==I would accept a toned down version of the notion but that kind of nuance is not what an 18 yo unemployable youth needs when storming a family compound.

    I wonder what kind of world we “would have” if the military response was not used as often as it has been? Is using economic hit man techniques really any better?

    Or maybe not using the military would be so much better only because we don’t bleed ourselves dry.

    Pro’s and Con’s to all we do.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, everyone who joins the military is already irrationally ignoring the odds. Your gays/aids argument is so 1990.

    And you only get your checkbox if I get one to avoid paying for the BushToo wars.

  18. MikeN says:

    Ignoring the concept of eros and impact on unit cohesion. But hey they managed to browbeat a study that concluded otherwise by getting those opposed to stay silent.

  19. bobbo, society is not naturally one thing==it is a series of choices says:

    Mickey–the army with the tightest unit cohesion was that of Sparta. Every one a raging gay.

    There are very few “rules” regarding human interactions except that they are what you make them to be……..any prejudice will apply as long as it is applied.

    Silly Hooman.

  20. sargasso_c says:

    I for one, welcome our new LGBT government trained killers.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Q: Who cares if they’re gay?

    A: Apparently, the homophobes do.

    Definition of homophobia: the fear of homosexuals (a.k.a. “gays”). Usually, when someone is afflicted with homophobia they too are often fearful that they might also be homosexual either partly or totally. So you’d be well advised to take a closer look at those who stringently oppose homosexuals who try to contribute to society.

    So, I say let gays serve. Even if they want to be marching fairies in a San Francisco gay pride parade or something. About all that would be necessary would be to make a special company, squad, battalion, etc. out of them.

    Think about it! The military just might be looking at a new weapon here. Cause if you send a bunch of cross dressing fairies into battle almost anywhere else in the world the enemy just might be more scared of that than being shot!

    …And let them get married too! Either the government should recognize marriage between “two people” or totally ban it’s legal recognition altogether (which is where I tend to lean). Cause when you think about it, any time married people are granted any sort of advantage (or disadvantage) – especially when it comes to taxes – it’s really not fair even for single straight people too. Just because two people decided to get “married” should not give any sort leg up/down with the government or anyone else. Therefore, this whole marriage issue is not just a gay thing either.

  22. Cave Johnson says:

    “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell The law is repealed”
    one more small step forward for the US lets be sure not to take two steps back this time

  23. Faxon says:

    My son says he was thinking of enlisting in the Navy, but with the gays all over the place, he won’t ever share a sleeping or shower facility with them.

  24. Stelth-killa says:

    This is *not* to improve the number of eligibles, or increase recruiting. The Army is scheduled to downsize 10 full combat brigades in the next couple years.
    The army will trim even a lot of good folks to make that goal.

    Getting AIDS in a blood transfusion is a stupid argument against DADT. Soldiers receive mandatory AIDS testing every year. At least officially. Even the gays in the closet. It has also been part of pre- and post-deployment physicals.

    The military has always been a great social experiment. Equal pay for equal rank, regardless of race or sex for decades(you don’t find that in the civilian work force even today). By the eighties, the army motto on race was “there is one color here. green” Not everyone liked it, and you had your share of those who kept contrary opinions (largely) to themselves, but it was the official policy, well enforced. Affirmative action is at least as important as skillset and abilities for competitive assignments. Really, it’s about time they lightened up on homosexuals. And I’m not being sarcastic about any of that.

  25. spsffan says:

    I wanta kill! I wanta kill!

    Okay, so now I’m not stopped for being gay. Now I’m stopped for being too old!

    I guess I don’t get to kill 🙁

  26. Phydeau says:

    #27 Faxon, looks like idiocy is hereditary. 🙂

    The number of gays in the general population is most often estimated in the low single digits. Probably even lower than that in the military. So saying they’re “all over the place” is bizarre. Your big strong son is afraid that some guy might be looking at him in the shower? Oooooh poor baby! Yes, good thing he’s not going to join — the military doesn’t need wimps like that.

    Psst… you might mention to him that you can’t catch homosexuality from other people. Hope your son isn’t one of those unfortunate closeted homophobes. 🙁

  27. Phydeau says:

    #26 great handle there… I thought Portal 2 was awesome too! 🙂

  28. Cave Johnson says:

    Faxon it sounds like your son is too much of a coward be in the US Armed Forces. If he is afraid of a gay man seeing him sleeping or in the shower how could he handle an actual perilous situation. I’m willing to bet the brave straights and gays in the service will be glad to here he wont be there peeing his pants when the going gets tough.

  29. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I think you can catch the gay. I’m not gay, (yet?) but our culture spends so much time on the issue that I’m not as “repulsed” by the notion as I once was. Doesn’t that give me an itch in the throat (so to speak) if not a full blown (so to speak) cold if not pneumonia? I think so, but Faxon and his little me may disagree. Its all a continuum anyway whether we admit to it or not.

    I’ve said this before but its funny/revealing. I still remember in school learning that some men were gay and did not like girls. My reaction was GREAT!!!===that just leaves more women for me. How sad I was a few days later to find out women were gay too. The odds leveled out and back to status quo. Ha, ha.

    Also funny is what a general culture does to people. Imagine “fighting” for the right to join the military?? That also (in addition to the gay) is not what I grew up not wanting.

    Onward Christian Soldiers. Yep. They are staunch christians too.

    No limit to homo sapiens ability to be hyocrits. Its why god loves us so.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  30. Cave Johnson says:

    When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade – make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give you lemons


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