Obese model Susanne Eman is saying ‘Supersize Me’ for real – in her bid to become the fattest woman ever.

The 728-pound bombshell aims to reach a whopping 1,600lb by guzzling at least 20,000 calories a day…

‘I’d love to find out if it’s humanly possible to reach a ton,’ she said. ‘A previous record holder was 1,600lbs so I have to be at least that…‘At my current rate of growth, I should be 1600-pounds by age 41 or 42…’

‘Two years ago I hit 490-pounds because I was losing my battle against weight gain,’ she said. ‘I noticed I actually started attracting more men, and it made me feel good.’

The unemployed mother – who cannot work because of her weight – claims she stays active by doing simple exercises and having regular health checks…

Despite warnings from her doctor that her bizarre experiment could kill her, Susanne insists she wants to break the record…

Dr Flite said Susanne’s medical checks showed no current problems, adding: ‘She’s capable of making her own decisions. I don’t see any psychiatric problems or anything else wrong.’

No psychiatric problems? Cripes!

Thanks, Ursarodinia

  1. Reverse Engineer says:

    I don’t know, but I’ve been told
    A Big legged woman ain’t got no soul

  2. Skeptic says:

    She just wants to die doing what she loves most.

  3. So what says:

    Simple rule of life #113 if you’re to fat to wipe your own ass, its time to lose weight.

  4. Dallas says:

    Good lord, if I wanted to see that I’d go to a Walmart

  5. Benjamin says:

    How is this different from anorexia? She has a eating disorder and is making unhealthy food choices just like anorexic and bulimic women.

  6. Likes2LOL says:

    There’s an app for that, too: http://peopleofwalmart.com/photos/

    You can now ogle the Best of Walmart clan from the comfort of your own home!

  7. sargasso_c says:

    A doctor is not qualified to make a psychiatric assessment. The lady is in need of help, not attention.

  8. foobar says:

    I’m impressed. Not a single tasteless joke using the word “flour”.

  9. Special Ed says:

    Beyond FUPA!

  10. Animby says:

    # 3 Faxon said, “If she weighed over 700 pounds she would be unable to walk.” Not so. She’s young. Still strong. When I was in residency, I treated a woman who weighed in at 800 and something. She could walk … errr … waddle. Not very far and not very fast, but she could move. Her husband weighed over 600 and they had a teenaged boy who was into the 300s.

    # 35 Benny, “How is this different from anorexia? She has a eating disorder and is making unhealthy food choices…” You’re right she’s making bad choices. But INTENTIONALLY overeating is a far cry from the psychiatric disorder of anorexia (or bulimia). By the way, for anyone who’s not familiar with calories, the average woman needs about 1700 – 2000 calories each day to remain fairly active. So she’s eating enough for TEN women!!!

    # 37 sarg “A doctor is not qualified to make a psychiatric assessment. The lady is in need of help, not attention.”

    Excuse me? Doctors make psychiatric assessments every day. It’s part of our job. How do you think patients get referred to psychiatrists? This lady made a conscious decision to add weight. I suspect she could benefit from some counseling but not necessarily a shrink. On the other hand, this could be a ultra-slow suicide attempt.

  11. spsffan says:

    #40 “I suspect she could benefit from some counseling but not necessarily a shrink.”

    Oh, she could definitely use a SHRINK ! 🙂

  12. cjohnson says:

    What is she doing all of that exercise for? Doesn’t she know that she will get to her goal quicker if she just stays home, out of sight, not moving around?

  13. Special Ed says:

    I think she lifted her leg to fart.

  14. President Amabo says:

    I bet it was a wetfart too.

  15. Animby says:

    # 41 spsffan “she could definitely use a SHRINK” – Good catch. Thanks for the chuckle.

    # 44 President Amabo “I bet it was a wet fart too.” – No way to tell until it works it’s way to the surface.

  16. Mr Fog says:

    She needs a cigarette.

  17. noname says:

    I think she should start an “American style women’s SUMO wrestling league”. That way, she gets her attention, stupid American’s get dumb entertainment and cable can add another dumb reality TV channel.

    It’s a win/win/win; it helps the economy and creates jobs.

  18. Benjamin says:

    #40 Animby said,

    “But INTENTIONALLY overeating is a far cry from the psychiatric disorder of anorexia (or bulimia). ”

    Just as harmful to her health. She does need some counselling and a change of diet. There is no reason to eat ten times the normal diet of a human being.

  19. Animby says:

    # 48 Benjamin : “Just as harmful to her health. … counseling and a change of diet. There is no reason to eat ten times the normal…”

    Ben, you’re missing an important distinction. She is INTENTIONALLY doing this. Do YOU need counseling when you drive too fast? Very dangerous. I’m not arguing what she is doing is dangerous to herself, so is rock climbing! Where it does differ is she stands a chance of becoming a burden on you and me. Already is, I guess, if she’s on unemployment. Maybe the people who are feeding her 20K Cals* a day and doing her shopping should be charged with attempted manslaughter or something. Since she’s not yet out of her 30s, I’m guessing her child still lives at home. There’s a kid gonna need some counseling! Maybe lives with Dad, lucky kid. Of course, there’s a pretty good chance Dad loves fat chicks so that may not be a good environment, either.

    BTW – look for more people to challenge the record. After all, if O’BamaCare is in place and you can get all the care you need why work when you can just eat your way to repeated bypass surgeries and wear out a few kidney machines? Oh, and have someone wait on you (literally) hand and foot? Trust me: I’ve worked with a few patients like this and between the bedpans and sponger baths, nurses burn out quickly. Just think, she’s not yet 40 and chances are she already can’t wipe her own ass! Maybe her lucky kid gets to take care of Mom. Nobody wins.

    To those of you NOT in the US, that’s 20K kilocals. When Americans talk about Calories, they mean kilocalories. The capital C makes the difference.

  20. Animby says:

    Ah, poop. I finally read the linked article. There are TWO kids, 18 and 12, still living with her and helping take care of her. And he diet seems to include LOTS of bean burritos and tacos.

    Poor kids.

  21. noname says:

    # 49 Animby, one of the more cogent threads here!

    At least America has some one has some good ole “horse sense”.

    We may agree to disagree with regarding government health care; but one thing you might agree with, gov sponsored health care may create a legality to further require; helmets, seat belts, sports padding, fines for sun burns, government going after jungle gym makers, ….

  22. Animby says:

    #51 noname: When I was in the Army, I know people who received punishment for being sunburned. That was government run health care. So yes we can agree on your point.

    I still miss lawn darts…

  23. President Amabo says:

    Bean powered wetfarts. Oicks! Stay upwind….

  24. Yankinwaoz says:

    How much money does it cost to buy that many calories a day? She is able to pay for that from her welfare income? Wow.

  25. So what says:

    54 it’s not about cost it’s about bang for the buck. You can buy a lot of high calorie junk food on the cheap. Do the mickey D’s dollar menu for five meals a day.

  26. massivecabbage says:

    She makes money through subscriptions, people watch her eat. Apparently it is the 2nd biggest fetish in America behind porno. She was on Dr. Oz last night. She was in complete denial over her health as twice she went to the emergency room for trouble with her breathing but they couldn’t diagnose anything because she couldn’t fit in the cat0scan! Mental problems? Well she thinks she is perfectly healthy because they couldn’t find anything wrong with her as a result of not being able to test her. 🙂 She said that it was possible that she was having a panic attack.


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