Obese model Susanne Eman is saying ‘Supersize Me’ for real – in her bid to become the fattest woman ever.

The 728-pound bombshell aims to reach a whopping 1,600lb by guzzling at least 20,000 calories a day…

‘I’d love to find out if it’s humanly possible to reach a ton,’ she said. ‘A previous record holder was 1,600lbs so I have to be at least that…‘At my current rate of growth, I should be 1600-pounds by age 41 or 42…’

‘Two years ago I hit 490-pounds because I was losing my battle against weight gain,’ she said. ‘I noticed I actually started attracting more men, and it made me feel good.’

The unemployed mother – who cannot work because of her weight – claims she stays active by doing simple exercises and having regular health checks…

Despite warnings from her doctor that her bizarre experiment could kill her, Susanne insists she wants to break the record…

Dr Flite said Susanne’s medical checks showed no current problems, adding: ‘She’s capable of making her own decisions. I don’t see any psychiatric problems or anything else wrong.’

No psychiatric problems? Cripes!

Thanks, Ursarodinia

  1. Ursa says:

    So, who is paying for her food, lifestyle and her ‘ambitious’ goal? Taxpayers???

  2. rcool says:

    I wonder what the heaviest women weighed that could still walk – I don’t think she’s far from it.

    I doubt that she cares about her child(ren) and should be reported!

  3. Faxon says:

    This is bullshit. If she weighed over 700 pounds she would be unable to walk. And the picture shows a fat woman, but she can’t weigh over 500.

    We have heard of the bed ridden people who could not fit through the doors to get outside, and other horrors. This lady just wants attention, and the media is happy to exploit her to make a few bucks.

    Sad story, actually. Just yesterday I saw a pleasant looking black man walking up my street. He must have weighed about 300, and had the side to side gait of a fat man. He just looked like such a nice person, and he was trapped in a huge body. I feel bad knowing they are going to have such short lives.

  4. pwuk says:

    She needs a”Belliwheel” ala the fatties in Judge Dredd (2000AD)

  5. MacBros says:

    I wrote a post on something like this last year for a different woman.

    These people are just giving IMO

  6. Grandpa says:

    Not all that different than the freaks and their piercings and tattoos. Disgusting.

  7. President Amabo says:

    I wonder how big her turds are.

  8. Peppeddu says:

    Being a world’s first, if she can monetize her effort then she probably wouldn’t have to worry about work for the rest of her life, while all the other people who yell “disgusting” still have to drive to work everyday for another few decades.

    Losing weight afterwords is easier than many people think.

  9. UncDon says:

    I recommend living next to a buffet restaurant, if you want to go for the win.

  10. legendinmyownmind. says:

    One sick puppy.

  11. e? says:

    “Losing weight afterwords is easier than many people think.”

    Skin stretches…

  12. scandihoovian says:

    Why does she even have a head? Chop that thing off and shove a feeding tube down her gullet. We are talking efficiency here aren’t we?

  13. Drive By Poster says:

    Is one leg shorter than the other or is she lifting one leg? I can’t tell from the picture…

  14. hewhomustnotbeflamed says:

    “Losing weight afterwords is easier than many people think.”

    Skin stretches…

    I bet afterwards she’ll be able glide around like a flying squirrel

  15. bobbo, well there's your problem right there: says:

    I recognize the impulse. Once I gained some weight and was near xxx and I thought should I put on 15 pounds to get there before getting back down to where I should be? I chose to lose the weight, but the question was there.

    Its mental disease on the hoof and should be recognized as such. Wifey would disagree saying her beauty is on the inside. We’ve had several arguments about that. but thats a different thread.

    Amusing to see the role of “social disapproval” in opposition to the FREEEEEDOM of leaving other people alone. Just goes to show the pro’s and con’s of everything we do.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    In #11, e? said: Skin stretches…

    The problem is that it stays stretched.

    Elasticity is a property of young skin healthy skin.

    Even if you are healthy, you can pinch the skin on the back of your hands and the amount of time (in seconds) that it take to return to a proper tautness is your age in decades.

    If you’re or weren’t healthy, it just doesn’t return.

    The skin around her ankles will trip her and make her look like a sharpei until she gets it surgically removed. (On her nickel, I don’t care, but since she’s unemployed, its either not happening or its probably not going to be on her nickel.

    That’s my medicare money you’re spending fatty and while I’m less likely to need it (you will for sure) I resent my having to pay for your self-administered experiment with weight gain that we’d have put doctors in jail for if they had done it to you in Nazi Germany.

    My only hope is that it leads to her prompt demise without having cost medicare.

    If she wants to commit suicide, then I say lets all chip in and buy her a pistol and a single bullet. (something with enough caliber, otherwise it’ll get stopped by the skin and fat layers.)

  17. msbpodcast says:

    I just had a wonderful image of Mr. Creosote in a Muumuu appear in my head.

    Thank you Monty Python… 🙂

  18. Darwin will win says:

    Darwin Award winner in 2012 or 2013?

  19. TacoTrainwreck says:

    Some people will do anything for attention.

  20. spsffan says:

    Too late for a Darwin Award. She’s already reproduced. Heck, she might even be pregnant.

    Oops, Sorry to have spoiled your lunches !

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    “728-pound bombshell”

    Bombshell?? I’d say BLOCKBUSTER!!

  22. ECA says:

    She has extra..for sale now at a Kmart near you.

  23. Faxon says:


    Somebody fucked this?

  24. TacoTrainwreck says:

    #21 Blockbuster?? I’d say BUNKER BUSTER!!!

  25. noname says:

    She is no different then these “Jackass” stars. Risking life and limb for some stupid, unimportant public notoriety.

  26. duh365 says:

    If you’re too fat to work, you shouldn’t be able to claim disability or government assistance. Then again, if the zombie apocalypse comes along, I know who I can outrun.

  27. HUGSaLOT says:

    Seriously…. WHAT THE FUCK?

  28. leavingearth says:

    Her intentional weight gain and food consumption are greatly offset by the millions of bulimic and anorexic women who also intentionally strive to be unhealthy.

  29. President Amabo says:

    #10 – I wonder how frequently she poops too. 😉

  30. admfubar says:

    #3 she’s not fat, she’s just big boned…


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