The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist sympathizers; that the Prophet Mohammed was a “cult leader”; and that the Islamic practice of giving charity is no more than a “funding mechanism for combat.”

At the Bureau’s training ground in Quantico, Virginia, agents are shown a chart contending that the more “devout” a Muslim, the more likely he is to be “violent.” Those destructive tendencies cannot be reversed, an FBI instructional presentation adds: “Any war against non-believers is justified” under Muslim law; a “moderating process cannot happen if the Koran continues to be regarded as the unalterable word of Allah.”
The FBI isn’t just treading on thin legal ice by portraying ordinary, observant Americans as terrorists-in-waiting, former counterterrorism agents say. It’s also playing into al-Qaida’s hands.

Focusing on the religious behavior of American citizens instead of proven indicators of criminal activity like stockpiling guns or using shady financing makes it more likely that the FBI will miss the real warning signs of terrorism. And depicting Islam as inseparable from political violence is exactly the narrative al-Qaida spins — as is the related idea that America and Islam are necessarily in conflict. That’s why FBI whistleblowers provided Danger Room with these materials.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    “the more “devout” a Muslim, the more likely he is to be “violent.”

    And there is something wrong with this statement?

  2. dusanmal says:

    No, it is not PC but it is true…
    Jewish and Christian teachings demand equal/good treatment of others (by religion and behavior) and place “punishment” at spiritual/afterlife level: “You’ll go to Hell…” – well, if you do not subscribe to that belief system, you could care less.
    Muslim teaching places different treatment at here and now (and afterlife). Hence it is vastly easier to (mis?)interpret it in violent ways.
    Yes, it is always human interpretation so evil will find way to misinterpret any religion (or atheism) but Islam in teaching different treatment of believers and non-believers leaves the door to do so wide open. So, enforcement agencies should have that in mind.

  3. legendinmyownmind. says:

    So the FBI promotes ignorance, no surprise here.
    I guess they don’t remember how many deaths are attributed to religion BS through out history.
    I think christians beat out muslims by a wide margin as to resulting death and destruction.

  4. Guyver says:


    I think christians beat out muslims by a wide margin as to resulting death and destruction.

    Atheists beat them all (Look up deaths under Stalin or Mao Zedong). That said, in order to include Christians you typically have to go back a few centuries. Not so for Islam.

    Under the Obama administration alone, how many terrorist attacks were attempted on or towards U.S. soil by Christians? By Jews? By Buddhists? By Muslims? By Hindi? By ANY other faith?

  5. ralphie boy says:

    Let’s see; Politically incorrect vs. shit blown up. Yeah that’s a tough one.

    Not really. Their job is to prevent this from happening again. I’m all for it.

  6. bobbo, images have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    Guyver–You should be ashamed. You left off Hitler. How can you leave off Hitler. He was HITLER after all. What? You say he was Catholic??? Well, so were the other two dudes. What? You say they weren’t?

    What difference does that make.

    You want to define atheists by what they don’t believe in?

    Why don’t you recognize none of the Big Three, or even Pol Pot for Number 5, were bowlers. None of them enjoyed bowling. Non-bowlwers have killed more people than anyone else in the world.

    AND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE… not a bowler?

    Ha, ha. Yes, thats right. Bowler in Chief indeed.

  7. bobbo, images have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    Sorry I got thrown off my track there, but Guyver always does that to me. So elegant, so wrong. I’ll bet he doesn’t believe in bowling either. Because you know, in the guilt by association game, any association will do and guilt by not being associated with something leaves a completely blank page to work with.

    Ha, ha. Stoopid Hoomans.

    To that end, what would a CONSERVATIVB BOWLER more likely do? …… compared to a CONSERVATIVE muslim/christian/unicorn tamer?

    Think of groups of people with a continuum from liberal to conservative beliefs. When do they EVER not eventually get taken over by the CONSERVATIVE sub group? It is definitiona: conservatives wanting to kill everyone that disagrees with them, libs leaving groups that don’t agree with them. Its why conservative talk radio works and liberal talk radio doesn’t.

    Do you think god is a con or lib? When he doesn’t like what a group is doing does he kill them all, or leave the group?

    Ha, ha. Silly Unicorns.

    [God is of course, a Libertarian – ed. McCullough]

  8. Joe says:

    There is a distinct absence of Christian feats like the Crusades, Inquisition, colonization of foreign lands, etc. etc.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Guyver: IRA, KKK, Army of God, Eric Rudolph, Lambs of Christ… and a few individuals in the last 12 months, here in the US.

  10. Guyver says:

    6, Bobbo,

    You should be ashamed. You left off Hitler. How can you leave off Hitler. He was HITLER after all. What? You say he was Catholic??? Well, so were the other two dudes. What? You say they weren’t?

    I would have but didn’t see the need to overwhelm LegendInMyOwnMind with details. 🙂

    Hitler was “Catholic” just enough to talk the speak in order to get to power. In other words, Hitler was about as religious as Richard Dawkins.

    Most liberals / atheists only wish to take Hitler’s words at face value by cherry-picking Hitler’s “religious-talk”. Those same people then become intellectually dishonest by ignoring Hitler’s actions (or admit that Hitler spoke out of both sides of his mouth to achieve his goals).

    Hitler was a “Catholic” who considered himself a living God. He was a “Catholic” that believed the Aryan race were descendants of Atlantis. He was a “Catholic” that had a circle painted around the Vatican to assure the clergy no harm would come to them if they remained in the circle. He was a “Catholic” who had Catholic clergy killed who defied him.

    You want to define atheists by what they don’t believe in?

    Communism is an atheistic form of government. Communist doctrine is not compatible with religion. Practicing any religion without State-sanctioned versions of whichever holy book you study from will result in your arrest and re-education in China. Under Communism, the government is the religion.

    When Russian communism failed, all sorts of religious people came out of hiding.

    The MAIN reason why Mao Zedong created the simplified Chinese alphabet wasn’t to solve their illiteracy rate. Solving illiteracy was a secondary benefit. The primary reason was to make it so Chinese people cannot read classical Chinese texts written 100 years ago (because these texts were also not compatible with Communist doctrine).

    AND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE… not a bowler?

    Ha, ha. Yes, thats right. Bowler in Chief indeed.

    Well since you want to include your Bowler in Chief in your comparison to Hitler. Obama does do a good job of mimicking religious talk. After all, he CLAIMS

  11. bobbo, religions have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    #2–dusanmal==one of your best posts. Unique in being thoughtful. Ha. ha. Another important distinction that cannot be repeated enough is that the Christian religions do draw a difference between government and religion: Render unto Cesar’s what is Cesars–a willingness to recognize the validity of others. No such weakness in Islam. They are still all or nothing, black and white, with us or against us. Figures they comes from land that looks like Texas. What is it that sand does to the human mind? What the Muslims need is a reformation. On the big time table in the sky, they may only have a few hundred more years before they reach that maturity. Always has to come from within–forcing from without only entrenches attitudes.

    Still–thru time and even right now, some places have Muslims and Jews living right together. Muslim Morocco provided haven to Jews during WW2 (fact check that!). Its only higher odds that the TeaParty Wing of Muslim Denominations will take them over and want the poor to pay income tax. Its only fair to treat everyone the same doncha know?

    Ha, ha. Where’s my golden lariat?

  12. bobbo, religions have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    Guyver–do you really not get it, or you do get it and just don’t want to conform to the logic?

    You come so close, even have fun with it. Surely one of the most obstinate posters on this blog.

    I say that Communism is a non-bowling form of government. And they NEVER even give lip service to its non-values, so you know it must be a more deeply unheld belief system that drives everything else they do.

    Yea, verily===you can’t be too stoopid and not still hooman.

    Guyver, come back?……..Ha, ha. I crack myself up. Sheep. Here sheep. Sheeeeeeeple, where are you???? Better send Mary out after them. Don’t want them getting cold at night.

  13. Guyver says:

    7, Bobbo,

    Because you know, in the guilt by association game, any association will do and guilt by not being associated with something leaves a completely blank page to work with.

    Guilt by association certainly go both ways. Most people make the mistake of doing so when making the claim of wars by people who happen to have some religious association. How many of those wars were in the name of religion? How far back do you really have to go?

  14. nilum says:

    I am a liberal atheist, but what they teach to FBI agents is perfectly acceptable to me. There are many Muslims I have met who are sympathetic to the terrorists. But there are also many Christians who are sympathetic to those who bomb abortion clinics. So I personally would like all of them to be watched carefully.

    I would also like antitheists, agnostics, naturalists, humanists and atheists to start being open when they run for political office. There are many secularists in office, but they refuse to renounce their religion. It’s sad we live in a country where you pretty much need to be a Christian to take public office.

    I know it will change eventually, but when Christianity starts to fade, the crazies of that religion are going to come out of the woodwork.

  15. Guyver says:

    9, Olo Baggins of Bywater,

    IRA, KKK, Army of God, Eric Rudolph, Lambs of Christ… and a few individuals in the last 12 months, here in the US.

    You forgot the Westboro Baptist Church. 🙂

    Your point is moot because none of those organizations were sponsored and tolerated by any official religion.

  16. Guyver says:

    12, Bobbo,

    I say that Communism is a non-bowling form of government. And they NEVER even give lip service to its non-values, so you know it must be a more deeply unheld belief system that drives everything else they do.

    Are you THAT naive or intellectually dishonest? You think Communist governments are passive? Communist governments don’t have to give lip service because they lock you up for reading any holy book not produced by the government. It’s the Communist equivalent to the King James’ version of the Bible.

    Your only way out of lock up in Communist China for practicing religion is to stop reading non-State produced holy books and you have to pass their assessment of you complying with the Communist government’s version for ANY given religion.

    15, Nilum,

    There are many Muslims I have met who are sympathetic to the terrorists. But there are also many Christians who are sympathetic to those who bomb abortion clinics.

    There’s a big difference between sympathy and tolerance. Those who bomb abortion clinics are quickly arrested and punished as humanly possible by those of the same religion. Not so for Muslims who kill in the name of Allah.

    There are many secularists in office, but they refuse to renounce their religion. It’s sad we live in a country where you pretty much need to be a Christian to take public office.

    As an agnostic, I don’t care what your religion or lack thereof is if you run for office. I only care about where you lay on the issues.

  17. bobbo, religions have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    #15–nilum==you say: “I know it will change eventually, but when Christianity starts to fade, the crazies of that religion are going to come out of the woodwork.” /// …… and what do you call the Teabag Republican Party? Ahhhh, you are probably right. The real extremists haven’t shown up yet. After all, they are right now only cheering for the death penalty and for death by lack of healthcare. Just talk. They aren’t actually repealing any laws yet—just defunding the ability to enforce them. Moderate religious nice people.

    Silly Unicorns.

  18. bobbo, religions have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    McGuyver–you get me every time. Must be the point by point rebuttal. I give that process too much credit. I’ve learned something today: idiots can use it too. I feel affirmed.

    Yes, the clinic bombers are hotly rebuked by most religious leaders: “They were wrong violate the law but they were motivated to protect the innocent, the weakest among us. They broke the law in what they did and they will be judged by god as he admits them thru the pearly gates.” Strong rebuke indeed.


    YOU KNOW—people who put any ideology above people will kill those who disagree with the ideology==if its a people killing type of ideology. Does it matter if the ideology is religious based or economically based or bowling based? Given the track records, seems like we should all join the Dude and become good team members.

  19. Drive By Poster says:

    I never did hear of more than a single muslim cleric on the East Coast call on his fellow muslims to point out the muslim militants amongst themselves to the federal govenment in the wake of 9/11. Other than that one guy, the universal refrain by muslims in America was, “We’re not like Them.” (I literally heard that repeated by muslisms on TV and in print ad nauseum.) Never an actual Word of Condemnation for the deaths and destruction such as the WTC bombing caused by the muslims terrorists from those same “moderate”/”mainstream” muslims, though. And let’s not forget the spontaneous street celebrations across the muslim near east upon hearing that a jet liner had plowed into the first WTC tower.

    The Koran explicitly says that muslims are to put other muslims before non-muslims in all things, and furthermore that it is okay to Lie to non-muslims as long as you can say it advances the Faith or muslims. A heaping crapload of the Koran is focused on Holy War (jihad), the waging of it, the perks of being a holy warrior (such as raping otherwise untouchable unmarried young women), as well as support for jihad by non-warriors (money, food, goods, lodgings, etc).

    And, yes, it has in fact been proven that the so called “charitable giving” under islamic law goes in a large part to fund jihad militias such as in Chechnya if not outright terrorist cells. In middle eastern mosques, they explicitly state that the money is going to holy warriors/”freedom fighters” when collecting the money at services. After all, such funding of jiahd is expressly spelled out in the Koran as part of being a Good Muslism.

  20. Dallas says:

    I told you there was an official loon chart!!!!!

    In general, I agree the Muslins (Teabagger speak) are in their own loon category but the notion that the Christian Taliban poses little threat is wrong.

  21. nobodyspecial says:

    I never did hear of more than a single catholic priest in Boston call on his fellow Catholics to point out the IRA supporters amongst themselves to the British government in the wake of the London bombing.

    I never did hear of more than a single Sikh guru in Vancouver call on his fellow Sikhs to point out the supporters amongst themselves to the Canadian government in the wake of the Air India bombing.

    The difference is that these were done by people in their own communities that they knew – not by people from the other side of the world that happened to be the same religion.

  22. nobodyspecial says:

    That’s why catholics can’t be allowed to marry the king of England – while they regard the instructions of a foreign head of state to be the infallible word of god they can’t be trusted in any official position

  23. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    nobody==don’t limit yourself to Catholics. All religious types believe their souls are at risk if they don’t do what some religious leaders/teachings say they should do. These imperatives may or may not be consistent with the law they swear to uphold.

    The only saving grace to all this crap is that people are inherently weak and lie and ultimately do what is perceived in their own short term interest and assume everyone will think well of them because you know–they have a high opinion of themselves, so why shouldn’t everyone else.

    Yes, most people most of the time lie about who they are: to themselves, to god, to the electorate. Hypocrits most of the time about most things.

    “I vow to love you forever!” /// Changed my mind: fell out of love. Society/law recognizes this and provides for no-fault/((ie–we didn’t believe you the first time to begin with)) divorce laws. Same reason we let people lie under oath. We all know in our heart of hearts that we all lie all the time about everything. Just like people claiming atheists kill in the name of atheism just like the religious kill in the name of religion.

    Its like bowling, or not.

  24. So what says:

    The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Christians are likely to be terrorist (tparty) sympathizers; that the Prophet Jesus was a “cult leader”; and that the Christian practice of giving charity(campaign contribution)is no more than a “funding mechanism for combat.”

    At the Bureau’s training ground in Quantico, Virginia, agents are shown a chart contending that the more “devout” a Christian (tparty member), the more likely he is to be “violent.” Those destructive tendencies cannot be reversed, an FBI instructional presentation adds: “Any war against non-believers is justified” under Christian law; a “moderating process cannot happen if the Bible continues to be regarded as the unalterable word of God.

    Neat, pretty much describes any one of the GOP presidential candidates at a debate.

  25. President Amabo says:

    This is all irrelevant. Any religion that doesn’t promote more SUVs and 4x4s on the road, bigger houses and an increase to urban sprawl is a bad religion and against humanity. Christian, Muslim, GlobalWarming, it doesn’t matter. They’re all irrelevant. Until the lack of urban sprawl problem is solved, the rest is secondary and of minor importance.

  26. deowll says:

    You can download a good PDF translation of the Koran approved by Muslim sources.

    Jesus said turn the other cheek.

    Mohammad was not Jesus. It is written in the unchanging word of God that a good Muslim will not tolerate those deemed to oppose the will of Allah. How to treat non believers is explained. Read it for yourself.

  27. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #29–do-ill==a legitimate question to which there are several good answers: compare and contrast the worst parts of the Koran, some of which you have all ready referenced, to the worst parts of the Bible, you know==those parts we all ignore.

    Whats the difference?

  28. Somebody says:

    Interesting link, birddog.

    But you can find plenty of stuff in the OT that are bloody and terrifying.

    This talk explains the real reason that “we” can’t get along with Islam:

    Think about it, who invaded whom first?

  29. GregAllen says:

    >> Why don’t you recognize none of the Big Three, or even Pol Pot for Number 5, were bowlers. None of them enjoyed bowling.

    When my ancestors were killed and jailed by the Stalinists, we were told it was because society needed to be purged of religion. The sport of bowling was never mentioned.


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