1. ben-in-the-woods says:

    He should have laid on the floor and flopped like a fish …

  2. jdmurray says:

    So that *wasn’t* the real Sponge Bob?

    “Who lives as a Bedouin under the sea…”

  3. jpfitz says:

    The bitches were after Crusty’s krabby patty recipe. What is this world coming to.

  4. Miguel says:

    Just one more sign of the impending doom of Western Civilization, Spongebob being attacked by fat mommas on the street… Thank Heavens for the Police to restore public safety…

  5. TacoTrainwreck says:

    I’m still not sure if those are pants or a terrible tattoo. Either way, I can still see it when I shut my eyes.

  6. deowll says:

    Why do I have the feeling that all three of them have been arrested before?

  7. Grandpa says:

    Right wing TeaTards fighting over tax breaks.

  8. B. Dog says:

    What next, arresting the stunt Obama?


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