Now there’s a way to protest those intrusive TSA X-ray body scanners without saying a word. Underclothes printed with the 4th Amendment in Metallic Ink. Let them know they’re spying at the privates of a private citizen. The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution is readable on TSA body scanners.
From the designers:
“4th Amendment Wear made a statement without having to say a word. It’s what we considered ‘technological Judo’ – it used the very act of invading someone’s privacy to communicate a message that questioned how far Americans were willing sacrifice that sense of privacy. It didn’t outright condemn the search – it just raised questions. It gave the wearer a sense of individual liberty to be able to express their concerns, while not causing a disturbance.”
Thanks, Ursarodinia
“It gave the wearer a sense of individual liberty to be able to express their concerns, while not causing a disturbance.” //// This statement and the idea behind it is in the nature of Orwellian double speak for the liberal minded folks.
The entire point of First amendment is to cause a disturbance.
Basic stuff.
You just violated the Patriot Act.
It does assume that the TSA operating the body scanners can read
Excellent !!! But you are liable to get clubbed to the floor and Tasered !!!
I like the spirit of this but in the end you’re still submitting to the scan. They should make one that has the outline of a gun.
In #5 kerpow said: They should make one that has the outline of a gun.
I ♥ the idea.
I’m not going to do it, but I’d love to see YouTube videos of what happens to some poor schmucks who try it.
TSA agents are hostile poorly trained semi-simians and I suspect they are likely to make you hurt if they so much as detect the outline of anything resembling a weapon.
I also suspect that they can’t read or the would know that what they do every day, day in and day out is against the Constitution.
I stay as far as possible from the fuckers.
Can I get a version of this shirt in Arabic? That would really freak out the screeners.
Free speech at work. Genius, love it!
I foresee an entire market for these types of shirts, pants, shoes, everything, just to jack with these guys.
The gun and Arabic language versions are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
In the meantime TSA is expanding its searches to other means of transportation. You know because people like Bobbo said you should oppose TSA’s searches by taking other means of transportation.
How about refusing the invasive scan and make government put effort into it? At some point they might drop the machines. Politicians won’t do anything about it as it is a fringe issue.
i ♥ the idea behind this shirt, but something tells me it would actually fast-track you for placement on the no-fly list.
Refuse the scan. Get the pat-down. Vocalize your enjoyment of the intimacy pat-down. I did and it was fun.
Why not use the direct approach. A black T-shirt that has a hand giving them the bird when x-rayed and nothing otherwise?
“Refuse the scan. Get the pat-down. Vocalize your enjoyment of the intimacy pat-down. I did and it was fun.”
Me too. I always ask for the “grope” and not the “radiation.” Sometimes they punish me for saying that and others times they laugh.
Who cares who sees my junk?
I asked for the grope the last time I had to go through a metal detector just to see what they’d say. My balls were feeling frisky that day.
I refused and they sent me thru one of the old machines.
I would think that wearing anything that purposely obscured the xray scan, would be some kind of violation. Like wearing tin foil, wrapped around your body. Just because it’s metallic lettering, probably makes no diff to the TSA. If you submit to the scan, then you waved your rights to privacy. Protesting it with a 4th A. shirt, is being disruptive of the TSA procedure. And enough people doing it, will just tick off the TSA goons, who haven’t the time or patience to play these games.
BTW, you can bet that US Congressmen and Senators, flying on private and military jets everywhere, AREN’T being scanned or groped. So they don’t have to deal with the reality they approved of, that the rest of us have to deal with.
Well the Feds are trained that anyone who endorses, advertises, or supports the US Constitution ‘must’ be a terrorist… Because white is black, up is down and X-rays are nutritious according to the government propaganda.
Cool T-shirt though.
I quit going through the x-rays and opted for the pat down. They have not once found my Mother Mary butt plug.
#18 – form the number of them caught doing their own ‘cavity searches’ in airport bathrooms I think most of them do fly commercial .
Just ordered mine from ThinkGeek.com
(Or I will when they get it in: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/)
I had no idea JCD was doing shirt modeling!
#23 I though it was Dick Cheney.