1. UncDon says:


  2. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    Yea–that caught me by surprise.

    Reminds me of several videos of people getting cars unstuck on a mountain road only to watch them roll off the mountain.

    Gotta think things thru.

  3. charmingbob says:

    I think that might be staged. It looks like the kid who falls into the book shelf is bracing himself for the hit. Even if that’s the case, it’s a well choreographed stunt, and hey, the kid did pull the table cloth off.

  4. wirelessg says:

    Staged, the smaller kid’s presence is not necessary for the table cloth trick

  5. MattG says:

    Even if staged, still pretty funny. Great misdirection!

  6. Barry says:

    Yeah, it is staged. Watched many times and gotta admit, it is pretty well done.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Off topic, can’t believe this blog missed the item about the Gumby robber turning himself in. I guess this Gumby will be visiting the Pokey.

  8. Peppeddu says:


    If you watch carefully (try to pause) the second kid, the one who falls, was removed from the scene as he fell down.

    Looks like an After Effects job.

  9. steve says:

    putin and medvedev teaming up at an early age for another russian trick

  10. Hyph3n says:

    I don’t think it was Aftereffects, but I bet there is some box or hole that the kid falls into that is hidden by the foreground table. The tv and everything in the bookcase is probably cardboard. Breakable stuff on top and a little sound FX– you have a crash.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    I certainly HOPE that was staged!

    The tray of dishes on the table can be seen to move with the tablecloth a short way, then stop, so that part was certainly staged. The blond kid braces for the impact from the tablecloth grab well before it hits, then after hitting the shelf immediately falls to his left, out of sight. The TV starts to fall off the shelf at about 45 degrees — it seems to me a real, heavy TV would fall with the shelf longer, so it may very well be one of those hollow plastic props they use in furniture stores.

    The china stacked on the very top so it will hit with maximum velocity and make a tremendous crash is a nice touch.

  12. deowll says:

    This was staged. The boy who was hit knew what was coming. He also landed in such a way that he wasn’t injured. I think the bookcase may have been standing on something and the boy fell near the base of the bookcase thus protecting him.

    Good job!

  13. michaelg says:

    The real fail is the choice in the wallpaper.

  14. sargasso_c says:

    Nice geese!

  15. Miguel says:

    Watch the 3 previous clips these two did on YouTube… Makes for a hilarious progression 😀

  16. jdmurray says:

    It would have been more realistic if the kids could have managed to make some vocalizations of shock and fear at what was happening. They need a director who isn’t also their stunt coordinator.

  17. Samy says:

    I like this video, because it is funny 🙂


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