I’m sorry but I’m a little confused here. I could swear I saw a Hollywood movie that claimed this flight was brought down by the passengers of Flight 93. Neil Young even wrote a song about it called “Let’s Roll”. Now Dick wants to take the credit? I know he has a book to sell, but does Dick have no sense of decency? I may have to rethink this whole thing.

Your comments?

Thanks to AC and No Agenda

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Well, of course. Some mornings I’m just not in the mood to explore or write about all those feelings for a blog comment. lol

  2. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    #64–Well, thank you Mike. At least you can recognize rationality when you aren’t paid otherwise?

    #65–Olo==yes, all too true. But there is no exploration if its right on the surface.

    We all layer our lives as we please==the more conscious the better?

    yea, verily.

  3. morramm says:

    Well Dallas,
    It musta been the other way around
    since it took 20 to get a reply
    while knowing well
    cheney couldn’t last a second with pedro,
    after all he’s another fellow

  4. MikeN says:

    Liberals need to get their talking points updated.
    George Bush and Dick Cheney are now to be recognized as reasonable moderates. It’s the new Republican candidate, whoever it is, that should be attacked as extremist and dumb.


  5. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    #68–Lyin’ Mike===what you say? You take YOUR talking points from a conservative source reviewing what an alleged liberal things?

    Gee Mikey–look up straw man and appeal to authority for the purpose of mocking.

    I read half of the first paragraph. One person never speaks for the group he is nominally a part of and attributing words to him is beneath legitimacy. Only idiots buy this tripe.

    I am a liberal. This evaluation is what liberals think:

    Bush/Cheney were and are monsters in Puke clothing. They were and are not reasonable nor moderate. The only thing I have heard “anyone” say is they aren’t as bad as Perry, Bachman, and other Teabag stooges===and that probably, sadly but probably, is true. The depth of perfidy and ill will of the Teabag Republican Party has no known bottom. Bush may have been just as corrupt and evil “but” he had a desire to be re-elected and then he thought about his place in history, and he wanted Daddy to be Proud of him: all to his moderation of what he really wanted to do.

    No such restraints on the current crop of Teabag waste products.

    “It’s the new Republican candidate, whoever it is, that should be attacked as extremist and dumb.” /// Not true of Romney and Huntsman. Pretty much true of the rest including Bush and Cheney. Dumb may be the weakest charge and evil has been left out but no one will disagree with extreme.

    I don’t know why you don’t accept the reality of what these pukes clearly reveal Mickey? Why do you do that? Soc Sec is a Ponzi Scheme? If you get sick, find charity care?

    It is what it is. Careful of those fleas Mickey.

  6. PatMan says:

    If you would watch more than 1:11 of the interview you would see that he actually says that because of the bravery of the people on the plane that there ended up being no reason to shoot it down. Love him or hate him but do it for the correct reasons, not a very short clip from a longer interview that was obviously taken out of context.


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