I’m sorry but I’m a little confused here. I could swear I saw a Hollywood movie that claimed this flight was brought down by the passengers of Flight 93. Neil Young even wrote a song about it called “Let’s Roll”. Now Dick wants to take the credit? I know he has a book to sell, but does Dick have no sense of decency? I may have to rethink this whole thing.

Your comments?

Thanks to AC and No Agenda

  1. Dallas says:

    He’s trying to define his legacy but I do admire his abilities for being so cold and stone faced as he lies.

    He and the other 50’s relic, Rumsfeld, are quite the piece of work.

  2. BertDawg says:

    On that day, the initial news reports described a 6-mile debris field of wreckage from that flight, which is what happens when an aircraft comes apart at altitude. Later that day the feel-good story started and the debris field reports just stopped. Just saying…

  3. Dallas says:

    #1 Pedro, I’m surprised you’re not sucking Cheney’s dick today. I mean it’s 9-11 anniv and would think this is a great day for Dick and Bush fans to argue for a police state.

  4. McCullough says:

    #2. Dallas – What makes you think he is lying?

  5. Drive By Poster says:

    Your question presumes that career politicians have a sense of decency.

    Given how brutal running for high office has become, I don’t think anybody with a sense of decency would care to run for high office, assuming they had any decency to begin with.

    I would not be surprised to learn that there is a high percentage of genuine sociopaths amongst the ranks of high level politicians of any party.

  6. MikeN says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with what he’s saying, other than he’s not in the military chain of command. What am I missing?

  7. Dallas says:

    #5 well, good point. He probably isn’t lying.

  8. noname says:

    The fact that he can comfortably and confidently reconcile in his mind being both a war hawk and a draft dodger tells you what his internal dictionary says about the meaning of decency.

    Decency: Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.

    Cheney’s standards of propriety is the republicant’s prevailing standard. Nuff said.

  9. MikeN says:

    I don’t see the point. This has been reported before. He was asked did you give the order, and he said yes, and explained why.

    #3, I wouldn’t rule it out. They they shot it down just after the passengers took over.

    Don’t forget about another flight that exploded a week later. Could this have been another shoe bomber who wasn’t caught, and maybe the thing that KSM actually confessed too before they replaced it with killed Daniel Pearl?

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #3…a massive debris field also results from an airliner–full of fuel–crashing nose-first at high speed…maybe at or near full speed.

    Cheney is padding his legacy before that heart pump quits. He has a lot to gain, historically, if he says all this crap now. There is no reason to believe anything he says.

    IMO history will judge him as the worst presidential adviser ever, but only time will tell for sure.

  11. Now there is a guy who was appropriately named.

  12. McCullough says:

    #7. Not in the Military Chain of Command but can order an civilian airliner shot down. Really?

    You can do better than that.

  13. sg says:

    No, No, No! George Bush was the REAL hero of 9/11.

    After all, he kept us safe AFTER 9/11!!

    (Just gloss over the fact that although he was in charge and was warned of the imminent danger, it happened on his watch anyway.)

  14. jbenson2 says:

    Joe “Plugs” Biden
    Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney

    Cheney would win every time

  15. bricsa says:

    That’s because, not having military experience other than advocating we get into every war $$$, he got into the bunker first!

  16. Barry says:

    I listened closely.. he states he ok’d the order to shoot down the airplane. He doesn’t say they then shot down the airplane. What am I missing, So what’s the big deal?

  17. Mac Guy says:

    He’s saying the order was given. What’s the fucking controversy?

    If it was actually shot down, fine, they gave the order. If it wasn’t shot down and the passengers did try to take back the airplane, resulting in its destruction, fine, but they still gave the order.

  18. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    This is the guy who leaked info about Saddam/WMD (much of it wrong) to the New York Times and would then reference said leaks on Sunday morning shows as confirmation of his info.

    Ultimate Jedi mind trick.

  19. Cheney's pump says:

    Listen to the ATC tapes published by Rutgers Law and it’s clear the veep was giving the orders. Why not the CiC? That’s the far more significant question, and supports the idea that Dick was in charge from day 1, and Dub was the stooge he appeared to be.

  20. DocColorado says:

    You guys who aren’t seeing the point aren’t drinking the B-HO cool aid.

  21. Dood says:

    Didn’t like him then, don’t like him now.

    His phrasing is carefully worded that he ‘gave the order’ as a necessity, but it ultimately was unnecessary, as the brave passengers on 93 took the bad guys out – sadly with themselves.

    The guys a weasel, just like almost all ‘party’ politicians that can’t stand on their own feet.

  22. Axl says:

    This man is pure evil!

  23. msbpodcast says:

    The guy needs a heart, but they’re having trouble finding a reptilian donor who’s organs don’t wither in shame upon contact. (Human organs reject him by crawling right of the petri dish when its wheeled into an operating theatre.)

    He reminds me of James Earl Jones’‘s Thulsa Doom role in “Konan the Barbarian.“.

  24. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    #2. Dallas – What makes you think he is lying?

    Cheney’s lips moved.

    It might have been oooooing though, with pedro licking his anus.

  25. steelcobra says:

    Even if he ordered it, no fighter jet was even close to 93 when it went down.


  26. Bahram says:

    As much as i dislike this guy, what he is saying is not controversial, if you believe the official story.
    e.g. according to this one here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/11/heather-lucky-penney-flight-93_n_957326.html at least two jets were intercepting flight 93 with a kill order, but had no ammunition (wtf?!) and were planning to slam into the airliner, but eventually it was not necessary as it was downed before they could reach it.

  27. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Well, thank you Barry for getting the ball rolling at your post #17.

    I really dislike Cheney and what he stands for and what he has done, but I find no fault at all in what is said/done in this video. He did exactly what any competent leader would have done in such circumstances. If he didn’t give an order to shoot down the plane, he should have.

    As some may recall, I am “anti-hero” when it comes to those called such by our media and political culture: all pandering to the public to keep us asleep. But the HEROES on Flight 93 are an exception and I admire what that group of people did. Their families should have gotten a “double share” of the 911 Tribute that got paid out.

    Nice dust up on Morning Joe this morning between political whore Joe Scarborough wanting the public to kiss Washington’s ass as he usually does, and Travis Smiley liberal whore wanting the public to kiss the disadvantaged’s ass as he usually does. Travis said Bush lied to get us into Iraq. The rest of the panel disagreed saying at worst that he was wrong on his intel. There was agreement that Bush wanted to go to war. Travis said that wanting to go to war and then having “the system” come up with facts/scenario/story that supported going to war was a lie by his definition. Joe disagreed saying Bush’s heart was in the right place and he really believed.

    It is definitional. Should we have one definition for a President taking the country into a War of Choice? I think so. A lie it was or so incompetent as to amount to the same thing. If you want to say he did not lie and just trusted the wrong intelligence then I would say you should still wind up with the same animosity those do who call him a liar. The consequences are the same. What else is the valid measure of a leader?

    Flt 93–Heroes.

  28. Special Ed says:

    Pedro, will you be blowing any of the new candidates?

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    Yes, Barry got it right.

    Even more so, Cheney isn’t even talking about flight 93. Flight 93 WAS headed to Washington. The flight they are talking about was “incorrectly” believed to be heading to Washington.

    So A) As stated in #17, nowhere is it stated the plane was shot down, and
    B) Nowhere is it stated the flight was 93. In fact, it’s implied the flight wasn’t 93.

    In fact, if you “progressive” morons actually saw the movie “Flight 93”, this is explained in excellent detail. The exact flight he IS talking about is highlighted and what happened.

    Just shows how absolutely crazy Dallas and some of the other brain dead idiot numnuts are here on this blog.

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    Yea, Dallas. The head of a billion dollar company!!



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