1. The DON says:

    2 guys not on best of terms

    who the f*** are they?

  2. Observer says:

    Sorry, Ron, but I definitely feel a pulse. This debate is for zombie politicians only.

  3. bernardinho says:

    Pull my finger. Please!

  4. notatall says:

    “Rick, you’re going to look awfully funny walking around on this stage with that finger shoved up your ass if you don’t take a big step back.”

  5. deowll says:

    Hand on wrist. Finger up. To much ego.

    One of the things I like about Ron Paul is that he is a tolerant man. He has his opinions and respects your right to be wrong which you normally are if you disagree with him.

    Maybe I’m wrong but I suspect he’s the kind of guy that would tell anyone in danger, “We’re about to get flooded and your house is expected to go under. Do you need any help?” If you want help, I think he’d help you as much as he could. If you say no I think he’d check the next house and let you exercise your God given right to drown.

  6. admfubar says:

    the new republican strategy, giving each other the finger.


    wait i’ll check your prostate.


    you can pick you own nose, but you cant pick your debate candidates’ noses

  7. Cursor_ says:

    Remember Ron, I drew the shortest staw, I’m the front runner and the best chance of throwing this election so we can continue to blame the Democrats for the economy.

    Our time will come in 2016 when everyone will be sick of Obama and elect JEB and then we’ll be back in the saddle again.

    So make me look really crazy.


  8. dcphill says:

    Bend over doctor and spread your cheeks.

  9. McCullough says:

    Simple assault.

    It’s obvious that this sack of shit is afraid of Ron Paul. What a pathetic LOSER.

  10. Drive By Poster says:

    “There’s a zit on your forehead.”

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    “Better watch yourself, Paul. I now how to get innocent people executed.”

  12. The dogies bawl, and bawl and bawl, deep in the heart of Texas says:

    Don’t fu*k with me Paul I’m a psychotic crazy ass Texan

    And BTW
    You are to stupid to die your hair before this big show, you are an embarrassment to Texas, this campaign, and the GOP. could you at least buy a Stetson or flipflop on something.

  13. LotsaLuck says:

    I count two people but 5 hands.

    What’s the deal with that?

  14. chuck says:

    Ron, Pittsburgh is not in Texas.

  15. EnemyOfTheState says:

    The real wizard would have given me a brain AND and heart.

  16. meleader says:

    My dick is bigger than yours! And the biggest dick wins!

  17. Monte Pithon says:

    Let go of my Freakin arm, asshole!”

  18. ktsdad says:

    Not a caption, but the body language is horrendous. What a doucebag.

  19. jims says:

    You have no pulse…oh, wait, there’s one.

  20. randyayn says:

    “put that finger closer to my face and i’ll surgically remove asshole”

  21. Terry says:

    Your craigslist photo doesn’t do you justice, Daddy.

  22. GRtak says:

    I will find what skeletons you have, or I will make some up old man!

    I wonder what that third guy in there is doing.

  23. sdkeslar says:

    …dude… bats in the cave

  24. barry says:

    “Hehehe.. you know, my Mom called me Mr. Perry once. Once! And did you know, my gun, an eighty-eight Magnum, is so powerful, it can shoot through schools?”

  25. robman30 says:

    Mess with me and Ill rip your balls off and eat them!….Maybe Ill leave them on 😉

  26. HUGSaLOT says:

    Look Ron, I can count to one!

  27. sargasso_c says:

    “We met once before, in Manchuria”.

  28. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Now, when pedro slips his tongue up your anus, he likes to wiggle it like this.

  29. eman60657 says:

    Perry: I’ll pay you $10,000 if you stop making me look stupid !

    Paul: Oh ? I usually get more !

  30. Dallas says:

    Ron, you gotta deep throat not one, but 17 corndogs to win in this dumb ass state.


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