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Executive Producers: Ellen Hirsch de Haan, Robert Claeson, John Johnson II, James Spitzer, Juul van der Meer, Anonymous, Ying Zhu
Associate Executive Producers: Dame Astrid Klein, Nick McNeil
Executive Producers and 337 Club members: James Spitzer, Juul van der Meer, Anonymous
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. Publius says:

    Constitutional values is a timely subject.

    In the news today is the revelation that an order by Vice President Dick Cheney was ignored by the military, which saw his order to shoot down aircraft as outside the chain of command.

    This is true. The Vice President has no authority to order the military, even now. You can read the Constitution directly. The VP is given the power to break ties in the Senate, and to be next in succession when the President is incapacitated. THAT IS ALL. We have limited government — only the power we give them, explicitly, is what they have.

    It was an ugly, poorly timed power-grab, a bold and reckless attempt to assert authority where none existed.

    Cheney is directly responsible for the deadly chaos which resulted from Cheney’s violation of the highest law in our country.

    How many died as a result of Cheney’s ill-advised violation? How many died as a result of Bush’s ill-advised failure to demonstrate the leadership required of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?

    They did not bomb but they did have responsibility to follow our highest law that day. If they had at least followed our law, there would have been fewer deaths. Our laws exist to protect Americans. Our temporarily elected officials need to follow our laws or else they must go to jail.

    Cheney and Bush belong on trial for the egregious failure to follow the law. Americans died from their reckless carelessness.

  2. Publius says:

    The failure of the citizens to bring lawbreakers to trial will have even worse ramifications going forward — there will certainly be people carefully watching, who will take notice of what laws are not enforced, and these people will be encouraged to break more of our laws. Chaos is the predictable result of lawlessness. This is a warning to fellow citizens why you must support law enforcement EVEN ON GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

  3. Publius says:

    Having a man like Cheney roam about a free man after deadly violations of the chain of command is eroding our system of government right before our eyes.

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    “How many died as a result of Cheney’s ill-advised violation? ”

    You answered your own question:

    “an order by Vice President Dick Cheney was ignored by the military”

    0 died, because as you said, it was “ignored”…


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