Obama was a bit more lively than usual (which wouldn’t be hard) in presenting his plan. What do you think of it? Will Republicans vote for it? Will it work or will it be more money down the stimulus drain? Will it help 50+ year old office workers for whom construction work isn’t an option? Will it help laid off factory workers whose jobs are never coming back no matter how much money is pumped in? Will this help companies who don’t hire more and produce more because demand is gone because of the recession? And so on? Or is the fed gov doing anything pointless at this point with this being an attempt to prop up Obama’s low ratings for next year’s election? Sound off!

The much-anticipated jobs plan President Obama laid out Thursday evening borrows a page from the tax package he negotiated with GOP leaders in December. In order to get the stimulus spending he wants, Obama proposed to give Republicans tax breaks they’ve supported in the past — with a promise not to increase the deficit. The $447-billion plan isn’t particularly novel, relying on familiar tax breaks, infrastructure projects and grants to state and local governments. The details, though, may not matter as much as how lawmakers respond to them. The bitterly partisan brinkmanship in Washington over the debt ceiling weakened the public’s already shaky confidence; reaching bipartisan agreement on even a modest jobs plan could help undo that damage. It’s a rare moment of political convergence for the president and his critics.

Here’s the text of the speech.

What Did You Think of Obama’s Jobs Plan?

  • Exactly what’s needed
  • OK, gets the job done
  • Not good, not bad
  • Horriblificly awful
  • Undecided
  • What plan?

View Results

  1. Dallas says:

    #69 Dream on Teabagged Dude. Coolidge had nothing to do with ‘roaring 20’s’.

    It was converting from a wartime to peacetime economy – exactly what Obama is doing – exit the GOP wars and focus money inward with building shit right here.

    People spent money for better roads (infrastructure) and sheeple discovered Florida.

    Henry Ford invented the Model T so thank Jeebus that Obama saved the US auto industry to recreate the next generation US assembly line. Construction of roads and highways — pouring fresh public funds into the economy. Yep, that’s my boy Obama.

    THAT, is what brought economic prosperity during the roaring 20’s. What we need to do is cleanse the Congress of stiff mofo’s like Boner pull the teabagger weeds before they get too big.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    #67, Glad to see you finally got it right. You have to cut spending when you reduce income. Kudos.

    This tax cut is reducing income to the government.

    Where is the spending reduction?

    You should be against this plan. A $4,000 tax cut without an appropriate spending decrease. Obama is spending more money! Isn’t this what everybody is griping about?

  3. Dallas says:

    #72 “Glad to see you finally got it right. You have to cut spending when you reduce income. Kudos.”

    Yup! When you don’t do both, it’s called spending. Bush didn’t do both so …..

  4. LibertyLover says:

    How can reducing income and spending both be spending? Two different things. Heck, they’re even spelled differently.

    Admit it. You’re full of more shit than a Christmas goose.

    But let’s assume you’re right. Is Obama doing the Bush thing now? Reducing income without reducing spending?

  5. Dallas says:

    #74 this is painful.. One last time, slowly… Let’s get you trained on the first one before we go to the next


    Gov Spending = Tax Revenue + Deficit Borrowing

    Note the equation is balanced unless you default!!

    Here’s the tricky part so pay attention: Deficit Borrowing is an expense placed against the Chinese Credit Card

    Now, assume some GOP’r reduced Tax Revenue as a xmas bonus to wealthy billionaires. To keep the equation balanced, you either reduce actual spending on the left or get a loan from the China MasterCard on the right.

    Since W elected not to reduce gov spending on the left side for this gift, he had to ask China for difference. I call that borrowed spending.

    I submit we withdraw this relatively new xmas bonus, restore that tax revenue and subsequently pay back that borrowed spending to China.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    Gov Spending = Tax Revenue + Deficit Borrowing

    Glad to see you understand it is deficit borrowing and not deficit spending and that it is separate from tax revenue.

    See, it wasn’t that hard now was it?

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Forbes article says it all.

    Obama’s Jobs Plan: He Should Have Stayed On Vacation.
    Back from a vacation that, with the economy’s health in mind, was cut well too short, our President has returned energized, ready once again to inflict ideology on the economy. Ever certain of his transformative skills, the President continues to miss the essential truth known to many of us, but totally lost on the political class. Specifically, Washington can’t create jobs, but it certainly can destroy them.


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