Hungary has produced a provocative video advertisement to encourage more people to fill out its national census online next month.

In a video posted on social networking sites Wednesday, a topless young woman in red underwear, lacy black stockings and holding a whip opens the door to a census taker, who, realizing he has arrived at an inopportune moment — offers her the option of completing the census online.

We want to reach the younger generation as well, and the internet is more for this generation, it uses their language,” Imre Dobossy, a top communications official at the Central Statistics Office (KSH) told Reuters.

The last time Hungarians were counted was 10 years ago, and this will be first time they will be able to fill out the questionnaire online.

Sometimes answering the door really isn’t convenient.

  1. Animby says:

    Isn’t it great that not all Hungarian women look like Zsa Zsa?

  2. LibertyLover says:

    I would knock on it again and ask her to sign a document saying he had visited. She wouldn’t want him to lose his job, would she?

  3. Miguel says:

    Translation / subtitles wanted…. Nah, not really 🙂

  4. Dallas says:

    With a few changes it makes for a great pizza delivery jobs ad.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Looks like she’s getting ready for a cavity search.

  6. wrhamblen says:

    Zsa Zsa was a hot number in her day, about 70 years ago.

  7. JimD says:

    Gotta Whip the Hungarians into shape !

  8. Birddog says:

    Bow chicka wow wow

  9. scandihoovian says:

    What was the point of the commercial? o_O

  10. MikeN says:

    Still wondering why you got banned in Dubai?

  11. LotsaLuck says:

    Would like to see a mash-up of this video and the video of Sam Nickel (6 items down from this one).

  12. Glenn E. says:

    Commercials like these were what the Cleo Awards were all about. Too bad they don’t have those on Tv anymore. You’d think cable networks would jump on this ready made resource. No production overhead. Just a small fee to the commercial makers. And you can put together a strip show. Like AFV does with their amateur home videos.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Now she could put the Hung in Hungary.
    BTW, I recently leaned that it’s legal to go around nude in San Francisco. Wonder which alternative lifestylers fought for that law? And why? What so special about them, that they need it all exposed? This is what giving a faction a little respect and equality, leads to. All out, in your face, abuses of societal decency. Take their anatomy expressions to a so designated beach or spa. Not where the general public as no choice but to notice them. Which is their sad, desperate desire.

  14. chris says:

    Doubles as an international travel advert, brilliant!

  15. Dexton7 says:

    Well that was cute.. and #15 had a good point. haha.


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