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What is the purpose of such video?
Certainly not to catch attention of mass-produced american high school morons, as they won’t understand more than few words “sung” in this video anyways.
Does demonstrate how science is difficult to present in Pop Culture terms. Course, its not either or. Read about the 12 particles and the 4 forces and ponder that. If the tune comes across your mind, nothing wrong with that. singing the tune without reading the books would be rather worthless though.
Thats the nature of Pop Culture: no books.
Yea, verily.
Well, the use of Autotune makes it sound more appealing in a way. Just remembering Thermodynamics class back in college is enough to put me to sleep 😉
Even in song listening to scientists blather on about things is still akin to listening to sports fans, car enthusiasts, philosophers drunk on wine and women cackling on about shoes.
Understanding how the Universe works is as tedious as listening to sports fans?
My, my, my, aren’t we special.
What do you find “not tedious” cursor? I’m betting the only relevant evidence will be: “Running from direct questions.”
Stupid Human.
the autotune gimmick is a failure and the commentary too difficult to follow otherwise i love the topic and visual presentation.
JFC, this music video makes me want to shoot myself in face with a shotgun 12,000 times.
Think we could talk Big Sis Napolitano into declaring autotune as a terrorist WMD?
You want to understand quantum mechanics?
Read this book.
I performed some of Capra’s experiments in college (peer reviewed, you understand). Quite enlightening 🙂
I liked the first version of this (the one with Nye, Sagan et al), thought it was innovative. This one, though, shows how quickly such an idea can go old hat.
At least they revisited Feynman, which is about all I can say for it.
(And what’s really bloopy is hearing yet ANOTHER synth/drum machine soundtrack using that same old tired Fmaj-Gmaj-Amin type progression. About as groovy as a tire commercial. No wonder so many folks say they can’t stand electronic music).
It’s the who’s who in “bought and paid for” consensus science “entertainers”
..sounds as phony as scientific snake oil they’ve been peddling all these years..
Whats up with Morgan Freeman’s left hand?
#16 kerpow: Freeman had a traffic accident three or four years ago that rendered his hand paralyzed. He usually wears a compression glove to help with the nerve damage.
As a student of physics, I found this video somewhat thin. And a bit of an insult to those of use who study science.
The secrets of the universe are only accessible to those who wish to learn.
That’s why I have read hundreds of books on the sciences.
And have watched very, very few pop videos.
It would be interesting IF they KNEW how the universe works.
But like all the other groups mentioned in my list of tedious talkers, all that is presented is conjecture, speculation and opinion.
Rather see a good play or listen to something from Vivaldi or Strauss.
But hey maybe you enjoy the cacophony of caca?
To each their own.
Ignorance has been called bliss. For some people it appears to be a virtue.
20 –
Thanks for the videos link. To me, RF was surely one of those researchers who could make his ideas interesting without having to sound like a splashy TV guru.
(almost poetically sometimes, even…rare bird).
Well good try… The video is a bit grating. Think I’d rather just watch the documentaries à la carte. When I was a kid, I read books about these things and used that thing called ‘imagination’.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you have present science like this to teach kids… then we are fast approaching a time when humans bang rocks together and not much else.
Maybe someone will find the Higgs boson particle this year. And others will find some massive rocks. Yay.
How can there be ignorance when the subject matter is ended with the phrase “This is what we believe as far as we can tell”.
Not much different than people who believe in aliens visiting Earth or supernatural beings forcing morality and the need for a steak dinner well done.
Yes or no. On or off. One or zero. True or false. I need confirmation not ambiguity.
To me if you don’t have a concrete answer you’re just pissing in the wind.
Cursor, are you denying that our universe is made of 12 par-ticles of mat-ter, 4 forces of na-ture?
The wo-o-orld is a dynamic… mass… of jiggling things.
If you don’t believe that, watch the Vladimir Putin handshaking video a few topics back.
Cursor, you demand concrete answers from science yet your preferred activities are a good play, Vivaldi or Strauss.
All three activities have no concrete aspect. Their quality is purely a matter of opinion.
If Strauss could attend a modern concert of his work he might be pleased. Vivaldi might find the modern concert appalling. Vivaldi’s music was written before the equal temperament scale was prominent.
Equal temperament makes sure that most notes on a piano are not correct in a concrete manner. It is a straight mathematical formula. Each note increases in frequency by the twelfth root of 2.
Asharp = A times 1.059463094…….
Sorry that the twelfth root of 2 appears to be irrational, but at least it is a real number and not an imaginary number.
Art is tangible. Like a good meal, Decent air and a glass of spring water.
I can touch art, I can feel art. I can hear art.
Can I touch the black hoke the present astronomic community believes is at the center of our galaxy? The same group of people that still argue about GUT.
Can I see it? No. What about dark matter is it really there? Or will they find out it is something else and not dark matter at all?
Without the proper instruments they wouldn’t be able to tell their ass from a hole in the ground.
I can tell the difference between a good play and a bad one. Or a good painting and a bad one. Instantly because I can experience it.
The physics community is not much better off than a bunch of theists. Believing the possibilities and probabilities of things.
I am not as much interested in what they THINK they know than what they DO know. They could be just as wrong and string theory as they were about phrenology or canals on Mars. Hell some of them have even abandoned string theory for other ones.
Akin to Catholics leaving Hera behind to venerate The Virgin Mary. Who’s train will they jump on next?