Sort of like China who also has cities without people, but for a different reason.

New Mexico, home to several of the nation’s premier scientific, nuclear and military institutions, is planning to take part in an unprecedented science project — a 20-square-mile model of a small U.S. city.

A Washington, D.C.-based technology company announced plans Tuesday to build the state’s newest ghost town to test everything from renewable energy innovations to intelligent traffic systems, next-generation wireless networks and smart-grid cyber security systems.

Although no one will live there, the replica city will be modeled after a typical American town of 35,000 people, complete with highways, houses and commercial buildings, old and new.

Pegasus Global Holdings CEO Bob Brumley says the $200 million project, known as The Center, will be a first of its kind in the U.S., creating a place for scientists at the state’s universities, federal labs and military installations to test their innovations for upgrading cities to 21st century green technology and infrastructure in a real world setting.

  1. Peppeddu says:

    Maybe someone needs to tell them that we are in 2011

    What do they possibly need to test that couldn’t be done with computers?

    I am pretty sure that a $20 million datacenter would have been more than enough for all their testing needs, and they could test for all sorts of things line earthquakes, bombs etc without destroying anything.

    Oh wait….

  2. moss says:

    #12 malicious duzy – I know it’s hard for you to look past information simple enough to satisfy the average Kool Aid Party study group [that’s tomorrow night isn’t it?] – but here’s a list of a hundred or so clients of PGH that aren’t the DOD:

  3. shutupslave says:

    “if space aliens decide to invade Earth”

    if it was gonna happen they would have done it by now, or maybe they waiting for the price of gold to go up even more, i hear they like eating monoatomic gold in order to maintain their health, but by this logic they should have invaded years ago at a lower price, maybe they will wait until we have extracted all the gold on the planet and they can heist it in one hit from from the nwo.

    then again, these ghost cities look like possible escapes when some ‘natural disaster hits’

    Questions: is this city high above sea level, away from quake zones and can they grow their own weed? do they have access to underground caverns, are the locals armed, is there strategic defenses by design?

    all very important questions.

  4. Chris Mac says:

    Once the cylon’s drop in and nuke the place, your jibber jabber won’t mean shit

  5. B. Dog says:

    Obviously it is a playground for DARPA.

  6. MikeN says:

    Couldn’t they just use one of France’s 70 no go areas where noone should travel, including cops? OK, there are still Muslims in those places.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ya sure. With the out of control spending our government is into these days, I suppose this non-populated city project was expected to go under the press’s radar – and so far it seems to still be there too.

    Quite frankly, this sounds to me like a disguise to build one of the first modern U.S. concentration camps. Need more proof? Just look at who the neighbors are to the south! (OK, I’ll take my tin foil hat off now.)

  8. Dexton7 says:

    That’s a lot of money that could rebuild some of our disintegrating infrastructure. That’s a shame.

  9. more_pork_barrels says:

    In a time of rampant unemployment and foreclosures and national indebtedness, this is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY. And I’m sure, 200 million is only the start.

    Why do I always hear of programs like Social Security under attack? Why aren’t we stopping these wars, cutting back on the Pentagon and its contractors and on these foolish “research” projects. If I would President, I would work actively to eliminate most Federal agencies, including those conducting “research”. It’s only a scam to steal massive amounts of money from the taxpayers and funnel it to private corporate industry.

    I’m really pissed at this. How DARE they build a fake city when so many of our real towns and cities are dying?????? Where are those damn torches and pitchforks?????

  10. more_pork_barrels says:

    “@#8 Cap’nKangaroo … Yeah,… Than you study financial background of the Pegasus and find that it is paid by DOD… It is money-washing scheme. DOD pays Pegasus, Pegasus “invests private money” to build this abomination. DOD does studies on it…
    If spending GOVERNMENT money on this scale, why not build city for real people who need it and give it to them. Cut DOD budget for that amount.”

    That’s EXACTLY how it works. It’s not PRIVATE money….it’s money they get from some part of government as a grantee or contractor, and then they use that. It’s STILL tax payer money, and it’s STILL a terrible, terrible, terrible idea. I’d like to start flogging these people with cat o’nine tails. I’ve had it!

  11. MrProfile says:

    Who else, other then me and an army of homeless people are going to want to sneak in there?


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