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Already have.
Try that in America.
I skipped to the end because I mistakenly believed there might be a point to it all that was revealed there…. Fail…
Ah come on the expressions on their faces were funny.
Russian girls are easy.
In Russia, it looks like he only gets slapped less than 1% of the time. In America, the first feel will get you thrown in jail.
And we have freedom here?
Retired TSA Agent
I was trying to come up with something witty to say,
But #6 (Julio) wins outright
What is the significance of the “+1″s that flash up occasionally ?
I very upset that I didn’t think of that ….
#8 dr bork
dim-witted slavs? hardly.
How many human whales have you noticed in this video? I spotted 2, but let’s assume there are couple more I haven’t noticed and let’s make it 4 (four, out of a 1000!)… now compare it to all those fat and obese uber-american “girls” π
So, yeah, them drunk russian slavs indeed are so “dim-witted” for not eating crappy “food” american way and still looking like a healthy normal society should, and being able to live without femi-nazis in their society… I think you mr anglo-saxon bork should go watch and listen more of your lovely jewish propaganda on your american television, where they will confirm how dim-witted them slavs are and how great a “nation” America is (with all the multi-culti happy slaves working their asses off, under control of Jewish banksters of course) LOL
some nice looking friendly happy girls in that video. Proof just about anything can get boring?
Ha, ha.
Oddly enough the biggest boob he touched was in the opening sequence
A few things…
Some of the girls seem to never having been groped before π
The guy seems to never get experienced in it, his technique doesn’t improve π
I prefer doing this from behind, you can get a better handful π
How nice most of the ladies are π
Ahhhh, those eyes…. those eyes….
And no, couldn’t watch it all, will download it for later viewing π
# 6 Julio said, “Retired TSA Agent”
Nah. ASPIRING to be one, maybe.
# 11 NotAmerican said, “How many human whales have you noticed in this video?”
I invite you to actually GO to Moscow before you make such comments. Just because they chose not to film the obese does not mean they do not exist. You want fast food? Try local eateries like: KFC, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Subway, Arby’s and a myriad of street vendors. I read, recently, that almost 40% of Muscovites are obese. I think the last time I looked, the US claims about 30% are clinically obese.
Clearly… since he only shook Putin’s hand with his right one… every breast he touched with his left hand was gratuitous. I am outraged.
What impressed me is the majority of these women are very sexy.
#2 There were two points in every shot. Are you kidding ?
I got bored and went to the video for a pick me up.
Number 278 gave him a kiss and hug back. Most of the women seemed to smile. Maybe our lack of directness is what is missing in LoveBoat, American Style?
Anyone else have a favorite?
Number 278 captured my heart as well. That’s so cute.
Bless ’em all though. Good to know there are so many nice, well adjusted women out there!
Can I ask a naive question? He told them he was going to touch them there beforehand (if you’ll pardon the expression), right?
The wimminz made great faces because they forget how sensitive they are there. That gave me wood. Only got seven minutes in though. Will do the rest later in “installments.”
They all knew they were on video and I think he had managed to get their permission otherwise I think his face would have been showing marks.
Looks like a dream I had once…
There are thousands of reasons why this is the video of the decade!
#21–Silent==it took me all day to come up with: yes, I agree they are out there, but there is Russia.
I’m thinking mostly the same reactions in America with what we don’t see is a higher number of women declining the offer==unless like Girls Gone Wild……….
We get more bi-polar behavior in america: thats a statistical term for high counts at either ends of the bell curve.
I love statistics.
i can totally fap to this
I trust he sent a copy to Putin…