Har! Probably the closest most liberals will ever get to a firearm, but at least I agree with the choice of targets. Can you say Sean of the Dead?
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As stupid as this is, it’s a spit in the face of the bullshit “toning down of the violent rhetoric” that the left love to tout. Swap everything to Obama, Pelosi, and the like and this would be a front page, top news story for weeks.
But honestly, the game in and of itself is just stupid satire. Anyone who takes the actual game seriously is a moran 🙂
#2 Derek “toning down of the violent rhetoric”
I think Jimmy Hoffa Jr. has that covered.
Meet the Obama zombies – the AFL-CIO.
I encourage leftist Democrats to continue with these snide attacks. There is an important election coming up, and such material can only help Barack Obama.
And when a nutjob shoots another congresswoman in the head, we’ll blame the right wing conservatives.
Why I no longer see anything to admire or respect about most progressives.
Mike Lofgren leaves the cult.
Well when the media keeps giving liberals a pass for their comments and rhetoric, then they will just keep ramping it up until they finally hit resistance.
To tell you the truth its going to get allot worse, at least until the media starts reporting on the hate that comes out of the left, then and only then will they tone it down.
When looked at it from their perspective, why would they tone down the hate? Their really is no reason to. It fires up their base at these rallies, and their collaborators in the main stream media will make sure their comments are not widely distributed. From a purely political point of view, their really is no reason to stop.
Just raising the tone a bit more.
LOL.. what losers u all are. Seriously.. Relax and enjoy a joke for once. Fox news will still make up statisics and use “Some say…” to smear people tomorrow.
P.s. THIS JUST IN TO FOX NEWS: Some people are saying if you don’t like this game, you must be queer and like taking it in…
Now, I’m not saying that’s true.. I just find it strange so many people are saying that.
“Meet the Obama zombies – the AFL-CIO.”
I thought the Obama zombies were the past and present hosts of MSNBC? Heck, the entire “main stream” media are Obama zombies.
It’s depressing that most of the leading Repub candidates for President are Liberals from the north east or are past Dems. If one of them prevails, then 2012 will present the choice of a “Big L” Liberal RINO or a psychotic Leftist like Obama & Co. In 2008, I voted for the comedian Gallagher and Weird Al Yankovic for Pres/VP. I wanted to watch Weird Al sing and dance the State of the Union address and Gallagher use his Sledge-O-Matic in negotiations with Congress and foreign governments. 😀
For the Record, if you want mindless, violent fun, try “Postal 2”.
“Only my weapon understands me.” – Postal Dude
I was thinking the same thing, Taxed Enough.
The women, even as zombies, were way hotter than anything the left has!
And the men, even zombies, were way smarter than anything the left has!
BTW, did the game reserve Rush Limbaugh as a Boss Zombie??
Not long ago, I was hearing all these complaints about Obama taking a vacation, when they country was being hit by hurricanes and an earthquake. And yet, nobody said a damn thing about Rick Perry being on the campaign trail, while Texas was burning up from wild fires. I guess it’s always Ok to skip out on your state’s or country’s disasters, when you’re white and Republican. But obviously no such joy for the other. When will hypocrisy and prejudice stop being cloaked under the banner of the “Right Wing Conservatives”? God didn’t grant them any wavier on being both ignorant and stupid. And they just better pray that HE doesn’t turn out to be black, in their afterlife.
If someone put out a video game about shooting the sock monkey, it would be a runaway best seller, and the maker would be arrested.
First of all, these zombies are in way better physical shape than most Tea Party people. Secondly, Tea Parties are not parties. Parties have music, dancing, liberal booze and stimulants and rampant rumpy pumpy. Not prayers and hymns. Lastly, Tea Party is an apocalyptic cult masquerading as a political party, while zombies are already in an apocalyptic nightmare and want out. So in all, zombies are better guests to have at a real party, especially if you’re into necrophilia.
Ha, ha. Red meat for the vulgar masses.
for the majority here who cannot see past the two party pandering BS, enjoy.
“And yet, nobody said a damn thing about Rick Perry being on the campaign trail, while Texas was burning up from wild fires.”
Rick Perry has been in Texas. Try watching real news instead of the faux news on MSNBC.
For everybody who is screaching about Hoffa’s “violent language”, please learn to read. It might also help if you got your “information” from some place other than Faux News.
Hoffa said that we all need to VOTE and take the sonofabitches out. Get it? We all need to take the NON-VIOLENT action of VOTING to remove the sonofabitches from office.
Alfred…the Hoffa quote wasn’t about context, it was about selective editing. Fox didn’t misinterpret anything, they intentionally edited what Hoffa said.
Further, Currently 31 percent of voters have a favorable view of the tea party, according to Fox Noise
The “Tea Party” is a group of old, angry, right-wing Republicans. Unfortunately their anger is misplaced; they continue to support the Republican party. As that Mike Lofgren article referenced in #9 points out, the Republican party is of, by, and for the rich. Any non-rich person supporting the Republican party is cutting his own throat. But the fundie mindset in the Republican base makes it hard for them to understand how they’re screwing themselves.
“65% of whom belong to the Tea Party to some degree”???
There’s lies, damn lies, and statistics… Not sure where that 65% falls into, but the logic used to generate that number as “proof” of the teabaggers’ popularity wouldn’t pass on a playground, let along adult discussions…
My guess is that somebody posted a list of those items the tea party “stands” for, then offered the opportunity to agree or disagree with them. 65% agreed with one or more, leading the disingenuous to claim “65% of whom belong to the Tea Party to some degree”.
There’s liars, damn liars, and teabaggers (goddamn liars).
Another example of the tolerance the left brings to the table.
I forget sometimes that it’s pointless to debate with one who ignores logic, facts, and reality.
Have a good day Alfred, and help Parry pray for more Texas rain, will ya?
Americans like to be lied to. That’s why they watch 24/7 cable news and listen to talk radio. FOX is the number one cable news network for a reason.
MikeN, the wealth has been spread in the US. That’s why the middle class is an endangered species.
#26 – show me a Democrat who promises to increase the number of 4×4’s on the road, cut the price of gasoline in half, and increase urban sroawl and I’ll vote for them. Keep the priorities in focus.
Hilarious how they complain about the Tea Party. Clearly people should just fork over more money for the spending the government wants. Now they are proposing a higher ticket tax to pay for the invasive searches courtesy of RapeAScan. Plus a lawsuit by a TSA employee upset that someone compared their searches to rape.
Hey it’s the GOP debate tonight. Good times watching Bachmann try to hump Perry.
For all you Dems out there, since it’s at the Reagan library you have a drinking game option. One shot of tequila every time someone says “Reagan”.
You’ll be throwing up one way or another, so you might as well have fun.
Fox/Tea Party Zombies want to eat brains and with all the superPAC money and the Fox/AMrushRadio power forks they have found lots of soft nervous tissue inside many skulls.
We know they wouldn’t want to live in the world they would create but they do want the money they would get on the way to that hell of a zombie apocalypse
enjoy some koolade with those brains