Har! Probably the closest most liberals will ever get to a firearm, but at least I agree with the choice of targets. Can you say Sean of the Dead?

  1. President Amabo says:

    #9 – WOW!!!! I finally waded through that piece. Demonstrates why the left has been slowly winning. There was a LOT of skill involved in how the author used some legitimate beefs to bolster a ton of 180 degree backward spin and general BS. The left has always been better at the PR war. I must admit I’m impressed.

  2. gmknobl says:

    Hmmm. I’m a liberal and own and use firearms. I own and use rifles, shotguns and own a pistol cap “starter” gun (technically a firearm but can’t do much).

    The poster was making a poor joke or doesn’t really know much about liberals, which is the norm for most people who think conservative is good by default.

  3. MikeN says:

    This site complained about Tea Party making teachers retire. Turns out that alot of those teachers went right back to teaching after they retired from that ‘horrible job they couldn’t stomach after Scott Walker gutted it.’ Turns out that because of Scott Walker’s reforms, the teachers now get to collect their pension and salary.

  4. McCullough says:

    #42. I said MOST Liberals..and I stand by that statement. Which party favors the strictest gun control?

  5. MikeN says:

    That would be the Republicans who support the strictest gun control. Keep your hand steady, aim carefully. Eddie Eagle training programs for kids.

  6. foobar says:

    McCullough, US gun ownership rate is 88.8 per 100 residents. You don’t need a venn diagram and an abacus to figure out you’re off base. 😉

  7. Mick Hamblen says:

    If someone wants to buy kochzombies.com let me know…


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