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I really like the idea. Oil paintings that live out our fantasies. What will the future bring? Some ideas:
Rotting, magot infested portrait of one’s ex.
Distant vista of one’s home with all surrounding buildings nuked.
Picture of one’s boss about 1/10 sec after the grenade in his back pocket was touched off.
Scuse me. SWAT’s at the door…
Check out what Putin allows in Russia. A young man shakes hands with Putin that has felt 1000 pairs of young women breasts.
WARNING NSFW, probably.
Long video.!
An artist on every corner depicting the banks aflame constitutes your first amendment right, priceless.
Joking to a Peace Officer about not being a terrorist. Costly.
#13 LotsaLuck said, “Let’s say this artist dude … painted YOUR house on fire. Wouldn’t YOU call the cops?”
No. Probably not. Maybe if he were making Molotov cocktails from his paint thinner.
#17 Bobbo: I’m sorry your Texas experience has been so bad. Though raised in AZ, I lived in Central TX for several years. Much of the state is a vast wasteland. But there are many parts that are exquisitely beautiful. Sort of like Sister Mary?
Hey Sis: I like wrestling, too. Think you could take me?
Welcome to Barack Obama’s America.
BTW, his art is… um… well, I think 8th graders have shown more talent. Just saying.
Dam http://
One or two nights ago, CNBC aired a segment on unusual suspects. One suspect is a bank robber in his 60s. There is a fan page for him on Facebook. Someone responded: “Bless you.”
Times are bad.
It’s worse. The Cross will now be a national monument.
Stupid police.
Enslaved society.
As usual – dumb Americans.
# 34 Lou Minatti
Truthfully, we are reaping the America Reagan started. His America started out ok for everyone, but as designed, his economic policies trickled wealth up from the middle class to wall street. We are all the poorer for having Reagan and his ilk for President.
In #41 noname said: …his economic policies trickled wealth up from the middle class to wall street…
I beg to differ, Reagan’s economic policies turned on a fire hose of wealth up from the middle class into the capital pools of about 1,200 families.
The pool ran dry about 10 years ago and now they’re breaking the piggy banks holding our nest eggs. (Watch in awe as retirement funds get raped.)
US interest rates are now at such a level as to make further saving worthless, literally worth less that zero since inflation continues while savings can’t keep pace.
Meanwhile the 400 really rich and the 1,200 merely very rich are buying vacation properties at bankruptcy prices, (places like: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Northern Ontario, Northern Quebec, The North West Territories, Yukon, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the interiors of Washington state, Oregon, British Columbia, Alaska,) while getting the suckers in the government to give them farm subsidies for doing it.
They must be laughing their >expletive deleted< asses off.
#42, This is what happens when we print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print and print money.
Here’s some results of that printing. In case you are interested . . .
BTW . . . how do we submit articles for submission?
Can anyone say “knee-jerk reactionist”?
This is like that recurring news story you always hear about where some 3d grade kid draws a picture of a gun or something (not pointed at anyone or anything either – you know, politically incorrect subject matter) and then having the entire school board expel him/her for their inappropriate behavior – IT’S A PICTURE PEOPLE! GET A GRIP!
Maybe the the phrase of the day should really be “inappropriate censorship“!
# 45 Anonymous said,
“This is like that recurring news story you always hear about where some 3d grade kid draws a picture of a gun or something”
When I was in 3rd grade, I used to like to doodle and draw airplane dog fights with tracer bullets shooting other planes down. My planes would sometimes shot at stick figure people on the ground or a parachutist. It was just something I did and I don’t believe I ever aspired to shoot anything or one, other then in my drawings. I know I wasn’t the only one drawing war scenes and playing with toy guns. I have never owned any guns and only shot guns when I was in the navy to qualify for the ships security force and roving patrol.