I remember reading Kafka when I was young and naive, thinking things could never get like that here.

Artis said that after buying his dinner at the Armadillo Grill, he “quietly began to eat his taco, waiting for the bus,” when [officer] Rollins “approached Artis on foot … and asked if a beer was his.”

“Artis leaned forward and saw what appeared to be a discarded can of beer that had been concealed from his view” by a newspaper rack. He says he told Rollins, “‘Why, Officer, if that beer were mine, I would be enjoying it with my meal.'” And he resumed eating his taco.

He says Rollins asked him for ID, then “Without either warning or being told he was under arrest, Rollins grabbed Artis by his still taco-laden arm, and spun Artis around with great force, which pivoted Artis on his left leg and sent the hapless taco flying.”
“All of Artis’ weight was still on his left leg from being spun by Rollins, and Artis felt and heard his lower left leg sicken[ing]ly crack when Rollins swept-kicked him.”

Artis adds that he “was not in possession of a deadly weapon; he was, however, in legal and actual possession of a taco, which Artis did not wield in any threatening manner.”

And that was only the start of his insane journey through our fine justice system. RTFA to see what happens next.

  1. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #25–noname==irritating side bar you had to go down there. I remember a top sarge of mine saying that the salute was just the military way of saying hi and someone in the group said loud enough to be heard: “…and sir means asshole.”

    I still laugh today over that—and still use it. It was worth the extra mile we had to run.

    We hoomans are word users. We can make them mean whatever we want to. Just like the subject cop did.

    Ceremony and protocols. Dogma. Devil’s work.

    Yes, sir.

    Yes sirree, bobbo!===can’t have any redundancy now which is a good thing.

    Ha, ha.

  2. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Sorry to go all monopoly on youse guys but Its a holiday.

    I recall an employee who used to call me “Boss.” “Yes, Boss” and “No, Boss.” Totally correct, no tone of voice.

    I have very much the same attitude as noname although I enjoy joying others a sign of respect in salutation. Often hard to do, especially me, without coming off looking sarcastic.

    But my employee did. I never corrected him and always smiled back and he always smiled. He like fat women. LOVED fat women just like his wife. Had missing front teeth. Drank in the morning but was never drunk. From the south–I assumed–but never knew.

    Good man. After him on occasion I wanted to call my bosses “Mr Boss man” in respect for my old employee. I never did. I have all my teeth.

    Ha, ha.

  3. So what says:

    “# 21 So what said

    Anything less or more then “no sir” is tantamount to a criminal offense in your mind.”

    So exactly where did I say or imply that? Guess while getting that “I work for a living” degree in “physics” you skipped reading comprehension.

  4. So what says:

    #34 “Sorry to go all monopoly on youse guys but Its a holiday.” Bullshit you do it holiday or not.

  5. bobbo, as mib in dis-guise says:

    So what: well, you got me there==but my “mood” is different and you can’t tell mood from mere words, so I included it.

    Good one.

  6. Namxas says:


    I was raised to always address an unknown male as Sir and an unknown female as Ma’am. I was also in the enlisted core of the military and had several people request of me not to call them sir, I always responded with “yes Ma’am.” If you can’t respect my upbringing enough to accept a polite form of address then I no longer feel the need to show any respect to you at all.

  7. bobbo, as mib in dis-guise says:

    Namxax–and what do you demonstrate except everyone wanting to impose their childhood upbringing on everyone else. That doesn’t show “respect” as much as it demonstrates and inability to learn after age 8.

    Do you still use all the respectful language you learned at age 8 or did you progress to a society wider than your trailer park?

    I could go on, but its a Holiday.

  8. peter_m says:


    I agree, a simple no would have blocked the frustrated cop and he would have moved on to the next potential victime.

    Sad that abuse of power is everywhere and manifests in many forms but it is here to stay. I don’t blame the taco eater. I hate cops in general.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    This is all Obama’s fault. Had John MacCain won the election he would have made sure this news be ignored by the media.

  10. Micromike says:

    Isn’t it great how many of these discussions sink to the level of name calling in a microsecond. People are so passionate about things that don’t matter but not passionate at all about stopping our runaway illegal and unconstitutional government.

    As to the story, that’s why we call cops pigs, it is a very good word to describe how they behave all to often. There have been 5 cops in my family and I have no problem referring to them as pigs or even thinking of them as pigs, and they have committed most of the crimes they have ever arrested anybody for.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    Bad cops? Obviously. Bad Judge? Possibly. But are the N.C. voters also to blame. They elected this judge. Probably liked his “I’ll bust heads” campaign promises. And they aren’t making any demands upon their Governor or Mayors, to clean up the Police’s act. So I’m guessing their all quite pleased with things as they are. That’s why I’ll never live there. What a bunch of self-righteous morons.


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