This story must be bogus since we all know that the science is in and every known scientist agrees that man’s activities causes global warming. Nobody has ever disagreed with this. Nobody, ever. Besides, the fix is in.

In this chamber, 63 CERN scientists from 17 European and American institutes have done what global warming doomsayers said could never be done — demonstrate that cosmic rays promote the formation of molecules that in Earth’s atmosphere can grow and seed clouds, the cloudier and thus cooler it will be. Because the sun’s magnetic field controls how many cosmic rays reach Earth’s atmosphere (the stronger the sun’s magnetic field, the more it shields Earth from incoming cosmic rays from space), the sun determines the temperature on Earth.

The hypothesis that cosmic rays and the sun hold the key to the global warming debate has been Enemy No. 1 to the global warming establishment ever since it was first proposed by two scientists from the Danish Space Research Institute, at a 1996 scientific conference in the U.K. Within one day, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Bert Bolin, denounced the theory, saying, “I find the move from this pair scientifically extremely naive and irresponsible.”

  1. soundwash says:


    What a bunch of chuckleheads..
    This news is as old as dust.

    -That cosmic rays cause cloud cover is part of the Plasma / Electric Universe model which has been around since the 1800’s and in a big way since the the mid 1900’s. Heck..even the Russian’s knew this decades ago.

    -no “profit” can be had this from this model though because then, you would know how the weather really works and thusly, be able to control it with very little “energy inputs” -can’t have that in our hyper-capitalist system. ..sad to say.

    There is NO reason we should still have droughts anywhere. Sadly, politics and dogma dictate otherwise..

    Hannes Alfvén is the “father” of the EU model as well as the concept of what is basically the electric weather model. Wal Thornhill explains electric weather and the sun’s role in this 2004 news post: are a bunch of simple, picture of the day explanations of “electric weather” from the ThunderBolts Project:

    Nothing about the weather or climate is a mystery once you learn to see the world with Electric Eyes.

    Get a clue people.. I’ve been posting links about this stuff on Dvorak for several years now. Open your mind and embrace the Electric model..learn something real for a change..


  2. soundwash says:

    Also.. for those interested, here are some papers on plasma cosmology:

    Main front door to the Plasma Universe site:

    Most humorously, plasma universe engineers and physicists do not get along too well with the electric universe folks mainly because the EU people also include or address ancient mythos as part of the model which the plasma folks deem “anti-science” (lol)

    “Science” per se, will never be complete as a body of works until we finally understand that we must combine and/or include the spiritual aspect (or subtle energies) of the Universe with it.

    -the plasma folks will come around soon enough..


  3. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    soundwash–with this deeper understanding of the universe that you have, how do you maintain your chipper personality? Some electrical stimulus every day? Living under power lines?

    Just slap happy by nature?

    I envy you. Keep your electrifying subtle forces of the universe coming. Maybe one day I’ll flip from ac to dc?

  4. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Pedro–can’t you do more on this blog than call Dallas a sheeple?

    The link you can’t see is forged iron cable: polluted water and Global Warming are BOTH CAUSED BY HOOMANS.

    Take notes while you read. Dallas is responding to the notion that humans are too insignificant to cause Global Warming==therefore we can pollute as much and as long as we wish.

    The same argument exists with surface pollution of the ocean. Surely we humans are too small to matter? And yet the gyro’s are forming to who knows what mass calamity in the future—or not. No one has proven that microscopic bits of plastic do anything to phyto plankton. another too small to matter issue. Kinda like your brain.

    Yes, I’ve been convinced.

  5. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    I’ll take it: Dear Eds: please bump this FASCINATING thread up to the top.

    I have more kind words for sheeple masters.

  6. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    From a related post on Cage Match from Misanthropic Scott:

    Seems the earth is much more sensitive to temperture changes than I thought. Just 2-3 degree on average increase will kill species off at extinction rates regardless of what happens to ice melting or ocean rise.

    Who can believe that? I mean 70 degree water doesn’t feel any warmer than 75 degree water. My human common experience tells me everything scientific experts have studied is wrong. Wrong, because you know, I can’t feel the difference with my finger.

    Silly Hoomans.

  7. Dallas says:

    #102 Pedrito, take note of Bobbo’s ability to see forests from the trees. Like me, he’s wise.

    You on the other hand are imported sheeple and should limit discussions to things like goat herding or woman’s undergarments.

  8. MikeN says:

    Kudos to you Bobbo. I thought you would modify your statemenf to avoid your rookie AGW mistake of making a testable prediction, instead you doubled down and repeated it! So the planet is past a tipping point and is doomed. Then what is the point of doing any of the policies you think are needed? Green energy? If it is past a tipping point, then there will still be unstoppable flooding and meters if not 10s of meters of sea level rise, and we should just expand the Statue of Liberty’s torch.

  9. Cgp says:

    Bobbo, again where does tens of meters of sea level rise come from? I have given you a link to an article the debate about possible southern polar continent bounding melt releasing a surge in inlaid glacier movement.
    Are you a Hansen sucker?

    Note that this is not debate. We are not counterpointing, just continually referring each other to sources.

    You do realize that anti AGW do not argue that warming isn’t occurring PAST.
    See those regional temp graphs of Europe and north America from Prof Courtillot. We are in for steep temperatue declines if you fit these with the sun graphs.

  10. MikeN says:

    #105, Bobbo has already bee given a link from NASA saying sea level is down recently, but he prefers Wikipedia.

    The only things we have learned in this thread are

    Bobbo is an idiot.

    That and

    No, just that.

  11. President Amabo says:

    Global warming is irrelevant.

  12. bobbo, ain't reality a bitch? says:

    Too bad we are at the end of this thread, attention spans being what they are. Lets address these horrible character smears:

    #104–Mickey==Ha, ha. Well done. That little bit of humor that must keep you sane when reality gets you down? So even keeled you are. Still the puzzle.

    The Tipping Point. I said many Climate Scientist HAVE GIVEN UP===because we are past the tipping point to saving our civilization absent heroic action of some sort. Now, some are turning their research to how to perform a heroic effort. did you see that 6 part TV show on possible heroic efforts? Have boats in the ocean spraying water into the air, have airplanes inject sulfur dioxide into the upper atmospher, cover the poles with aliminum foil, shoot any Puke, set Nukes off in the Sahara Desert to put dust in the air? That last one may be my own idea.

    Things can get even worse as the co2 level keeps going up. There is the tipping point we are past now causing the displacement of 40% of the worlds population. Then with further co2 there is another tipping point that will cause the displacement of 60% of the worlds population.

    See how that works Mickey: things can always be better or worse. Tipping points all over the place. Figures you won’t even admit the presence of one. What kind of magical non-think world do you think you inhabit? Good joke there about being past the tipping point of stupidity. I’ll work on it for you since you evidence the inability to think for yourself.

  13. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #105–cgp==ocean sea level rise comes from increased amounts of water from ice melt and from volume increase due to thermal expansion. Both direct results from the earth getting warmer.

    Its true that we will never prove that human burning of carbon is causing this event right now. Some, as you appear to be doing even reject the notion the earth is getting warmer. Thats what nonscience think does to people.

    I did not go past 2 minutes with your Doctor Link. In that time he presented a highly variable graph and wanted to argue it could be interpreted against the way the consensus of qualified climate scientist ((the IPCC report)) has done. I don’t need to spend my time and attention with such idiocy. I’d rather do that on this somewhat interactive blog.

    Like Mickey with his stupid the ocean is going down argument. I do recall now the explanation was that more heating has caused more rain in areas that previously didn’t get it so some water is being soaked up by the earth with the trend line up to continue.

    Its a STOOGES ARGUMENT to take a zigzagging graph and every time it goes down to say its a reversal when the chart has been going up and down for 120 years BUT TRENDING UP.

    Silly arguments.

    All silly arguments. NONE OF US KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. You fools can take your comfort from “individual” nay sayers. I take mine from the consensus of science.

    Science or Devo?

  14. MikeN says:

    So you say we passed a tipping point 20 years ago, and even now climate scientists aren’t predicting damage for many more decades. Not much of a tipping point. I was really trying to help you there. I think you have the tipping point all wrong.

  15. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Awwwwhhh Mickey. Are there two MikeN’s? Seems to me a few months ago you posted on Climate Change with some real expertise. You impressed me. Now, you are posting without expertise or even common sense, or an understanding of the English language.

    What gives?

    You’ve already been told twice, now three times, its about LAG TIME.

    The Earth is BIG, BIG, BIG Mickey. Not so big that hoomans who are MANY, MANY, MANY can’t destroy it, but big enough so that any change takes time to express itself.

    When you reveal yourself so inadequate on the subject, why do you even take a position? What made you decide to be anti cause and effect? Do you just accept without review whatever Limbaugh spouts?

    The puzzle may be showing more of itself now. Maybe its not a puzzle. Just a picture with too many missing pieces.

    I do wish you the best Mickey.

  16. rick says:

    The cosmic rays we receive has been pretty consistent, except for the occasional bursts.

    Its funny how persistent we are about denying our effects on the environment. The dust bowl was created by us, the buffalo near-extinction was due to us

  17. Guyver says:


    This story must be bogus since we all know that the science is in and every known scientist agrees that man’s activities causes global warming. Nobody has ever disagreed with this. Nobody, ever. Besides, the fix is in.

    Causes or contributes? Correlation is not causality.

    Man-made global warming is still a theory. I don’t think anyone has established causality yet with respect to global warming.

  18. Guyver says:

    If you were being sarcastic, my apologies. I haven’t had my morning coffee yet. 🙂

  19. bobbo, been waiting years to see Pedro excited says:

    Hey Guyver–you caught your mistake in 4 minutes without coffee. Well done sir!

    We should all be so reflective.

  20. Skeptic says:

    I can’t see myself in the mirror until I have coffee.

  21. MikeN says:

    By the way, the main post is being overhyped. The study makes no such conclusion that the sun is causing global warming. There is such a theory, and this experiment was made to test one part of the theory, and the experiment was successful. All that means is the theory is still possible, as they were able to confirm one part, rather than disprove it.

  22. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, I’ll help you out here. I don’t think you can find a single scientist who says 350 ppm is a tipping point, for the reasons I said: one simply looks foolish in saying so. You are combining two different things that scientists are saying.

  23. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Gee Whiz Mickey, your stupidity is reaching Alfie levels. You couldn’t even google tipping point and educate yourself?

    since you obviously can’t read, I found a video for you. Theres over a million hits for that on Google.

    Google: your invitation to learn something when learning is the indicated necessity. give it a try sometime.

    Mike–what’s happened to you?

  24. MikeN says:

    Well you surprised me for a bit with that link and other searches. But if you read the links and think about it, what I said stands. You are conflating two things.

  25. cgp says:

    booboo on #109

    trending up during the last century Nope. Again I refer you to Prof Courtillot’s graphs.

    He is a dissenter who cannot publish in AGW peer group, nor can he foster students to carry on his work. A truly damning testimony to AGW fraud.

    Look and listen to what he points out in the graphs.

    No trends just regional climates, europe with the ‘M’ signal and n america with the recent spike. He acknowledges that recent temperatures in the second graph in highest in last 50 years, but not so for europe. The aim point in these graphs is no correlating trend with human CO2 emissions. He points out the bad fitting three-institution sourced temperature figures used in AR4.

  26. cgp says:

    And as always the three-institute stooges never have made
    known how they derived their AR4 graphs. As they said in the
    CRU email trawl they reinvented the way science peer group publishing was done to pull off their agenda.

  27. cgp says:

    And the very first graph Prof Courtillot shows is a full temperature scatter plot which is completely black to the average temperature plot derived from it.

    As an atmospheric physicist he points out this has no meaning.

    So all along we have been debating trends in unreality.

  28. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    cgp–I posted above that I have decided to become dogmatic on the issue of AGW. Just as I was right off the bat about conspiracy theories on 911. BushtheRetard did not have explosives put in WTC and have dupes fly airplanes into the correct locations. Silly to think so AND I don’t need to read “new” evidence that such a plot really did happen.

    Same with AGW. The IPCC panel of qualified experts has reached this opinion with a body of evidence that has grown and been verified and can be seen with our own eyes and common sense for at least 50 years.

    I’m not interested in a single expert coming forth saying all the other experts are wrong.

    MY MIND IS MADE UP: JUST AS EVERYONE ELSE’S SHOULD BE: AGW is the consensus of qualified scientists.

    Scientists and Experts who have other theories should continue to file their report but until the consensus changes, I’m going with the best science available==not the outlier opinion.

    Could AGW be untrue? Sure. By picking apart some isolated element of the theory??–no. By presenting a different theory that explains all the observations/predictions better.

    Dogma is comforting. I can feel its appeal.

  29. cgp says:


    deliberately setting out to be dogmatic must mean your mindset is that of the non-truth-to-anything existentialists perverts of reality, or you simply do not have the reasoning mind means to work things out for yourself.

    I’ve offered in the past many ways and means which you have ignored without successful counterpoint- (in which case I’d concede. I debate to think things out, point to elsewhere).

    Prof Courtillot could indeed be a liar, all those graphs a fraud. So why do I believe him? I don’t. I just take his word till someone else comes along to disprove him. Its the scientific process, which has been rehauled by the AGW peer group collective.

    Why is it that people like you believe these guys? I mean people like you always disbelieved the scientists when they pushed progress. Now we have a peer group push a halt to progress, and now you all believe them.

    Boy is leftism a mental disease or what!!!! The other mental illness gripping 40 per cent of european pop is the never-ending supply of other peoples money, which is about to stop. All those austerity protest marchers will stop dead and gap astounded at the event.

  30. bobbo, your father's ideas are not Pop Culture says:

    cgp–are you qualified to form opinion regarding global warming? ie: do you know enough to do other than take other peoples word for it?

    I don’t.

    Therefore, I take the opinion of the consensus of qualified scientists.

    You can ride whatever bright new unicorn comes along.


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