Kinda creepy.

  1. noname says:

    It’s called commercial with special effects. That type of cloaking does not yet exist.

    I think the point of the commercial, aside the bogus theatrical cloaking McCullough believes is real, is cops will stay out of sight, blend in with the background, hide, go undercover, use deception maybe and possibly what ever it takes to catch drunk drivers (hopefully all legally).

    The point is, be responsible, be afraid and don’t drive drunk.

  2. What? says:

    If you’re not doing anything wrong, there is nothing to fear!


    In your bedroom?

  3. Publius says:

    What is this trash?

    Who is guarding the guards, and where do they get a copy of the spying equipment?

  4. The guy just wants to have fun
    What about all the people i see here in wpg where its supposed to be illegal to talk on cell phones ( without Bluetooth clutching the phone to their ear
    Are the police blind ?

  5. DaveO says:

    Thanks, nobrain, I was under the mistaken impression that cops were just like the alien from predator.

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    Around here they simply resort to fake mustaches. Works just as well on the truly inebriated.

  7. Breetai says:

    If your not doing anything wrong why should you be worried if there are a bunch of camouflage cops in your bedroom jerking off while your wife is taking a shower.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Reminds me of a great Bill Cosby routine where he bought a really fast car, and every time he would speed he got a ticket because the cops were hiding in his trunk.

  9. TooManyPuppies says:

    If I was still a cop I’d be offended at being portrayed in such a manner. But, that’s what I love about this country. We can offend anyone we want and you can’t do jack shit about it. On the other hand, factual, truthful advertising is something that needs to be rigorously enforced.

  10. McCullough says:

    #1. “That type of cloaking does not yet exist.”

    “I think the point of the commercial, aside the bogus theatrical cloaking McCullough believes is real”

    Uh, really?

  11. Dallas says:

    No reason for the cop to hide during cloaking.

  12. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    McCullough–its fair to ask just what you do mean/think?

    You could “save” yourself by adding the posting tag: “humor,” but you don’t. Just crime and that the video is creepy.

    I assume you are being humorous, but you posted no reason for anyone to think that. I think everytime anyone posts something stupid that they are kidding.

    Lots of kidders here. Look at the number who key off immediately, almost as in a knee jerk response, that if you aren’t guilty you have nothing to be afraid of WHEN THE VIDEO IS OF AN OBVIOUSLY GUILTY PERSON who should be stopped.

    Silly Humorous Hoomans.

  13. McCullough says:

    #13. Et tu, bobboo?

    I guess I need to rethink this editor thing.

    No I don’t believe in Vulcan mind control, or police car cloaking device(s). The fact that I have to spell this out, actually frightens me a bit.

    Maybe my style needs work. But don’t expect much, I work for free.

  14. TooManyPuppies says:

    @ #14 McCullough

    You don’t need to spell it out for him. It’s been factually and scientifically established that failure to spot written sarcasm or veiled humor is a mental defect/illness.

  15. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    McCullough–no matter what the man has convinced you of==the compensation for our efforts on this earth include a measure of self satisfaction. Self satisfaction by your own values and measurement.

    If an issue is not ABSOLUTELY clear, then it is ambiguous right?

    and if ambiguous, a percentage of people will not understand what is ambiguously understood/assumed by others. I take pleasure, a self satisfaction by my own values and measurement in being flat wrong sometimes. Sometimes just in being ambiguous. I do try to tell before hand just what I’m being.

    I learn when people point out to me how to do something different/better/less ambiguously. I take self satisfied pleasure in that understanding as well.

    Your mileage will vary as you choose what road to take, what car, whether to pack a pickanick lunch or not.

    Have you ever wondered how someone raised in India or Bangladesh can come to GOUSA and be a psychiatrist? How do they understand the culture/language/nuance well enough to tell when someone is crazy, or just has a sense of humor, or is being ambiguous on purpose or otherwise?

    I’ve always wondered about that.

    I enjoy what I assume to be your sense of humor. works for me.

  16. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    I’m just about to pop a six pack so I’ll make my last entry. I reviewed the video and the others there and this thread and McCullough’s fine editorlizing.

    Yes, lots of ambiguity. INcluding what I called humor. what would the range of opinion be on what the video means? then add its posting here. Related, but not the same thing.

    the video IS creepy as McCullough points out–AND I don’t think he thinks cloaking technology is real==but that doesn’t make it humorous. What would the better word/concept/issue be?

    Pro’s and Con’s to putting it out there that cops/big brother/the man/authority/our government is “everywhere” and monitoring us secretly.

    What about a just a straight add that cops pull someone over and to “Not drive Drunk.” Same Main message but without the creep. Why the creep? Its not funny.

    Maybe I’ll find some comfort near the bottom of that beer icing down in the freezer. Said it once before==but there is a sublime pleasure in popping a liquid beer and having it turn to icy sludge as it pours into your mouth. I hope global warming never changes that.

  17. bobbo, why are all hidden messages ambiguous says:

    In related news: “Why Ironic T-shirts push real buttons” from Slate.

    Oh–ok, make that Salon. Already losing it after only half a slush beer. Simple pleasures. Maybe I drink like it is my job?

    Good article. T-shirts = tats = Socially relevant anti-drinking public service adverts = new studies from Cern = Hindu Psychiatrists = I’ve run out of toilet paper.

    what does it all mean?

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    McCullough, if you stop contributing, that would be very sad.

    You and Dvorak are the only reasonable editors on this blog, considering that Eideard is a full blown ICD-10 Sociopath (I’m not kidding) and Uncle Dave frequently lapses into adolescence.

    Just as unfortunately, many who post here are mad as a hatter and use this blog to reinforce their illness. (See Bobbo above).

    Makes it interesting, if somewhat frustrating.

  19. Its 1984 in our time ala George Orwell
    You wonder how the offenders and perps in 911 were
    How come the average American driving in his car down the road is the villain ?
    Just for simple things like speeding in their cars

  20. Cursor_ says:

    They don’t need to be invisible.

    Just being a drunk means you are not in full control of your sense as it is.

    And you deserve being busted every time you drink and drive.


  21. Donal says:

    #1 The tech does exist, it is just paint as #21 pointed out. You’ll notice that neither the officers nor the car moves (if it did it would spoil the effect.)

    Camouflage Carla — Sesame Street

  22. ramuno says:

    Rights are always taken for “a good cause.” Drunk drivers are a problem, so some say we should have sobriety checkpoints where they stop everyone…without reasonable cause. Secret police is another step towards Orwell.

  23. Mextli: ABO says:

    #24 “Rights are always taken for “a good cause.””

    Or to serve power.

    Police assisted Apple in search of man’s home.

  24. What? says:

    Apple Nazi?

  25. Panopticon says:

    This won’t happen, for too many people would start going to their doctors to question their mental health, thereby threatening a very large increase in medical expenses.

  26. noname says:

    # 23 Donal said,

    “1 The tech does exist, …

    Camouflage Carla — Sesame Street”

    Thanks, I never say this episode.

    Sesame Street just got started when I was in 3rd grade, so I didn’t watch it much. I didn’t watch Capt Kangaroo or Mr Rodgers much ether. I think I felt they where too childish for me.

    That’s not to say they have good stuff, as you pointed out.

    I take it, this also used as a police training video?

  27. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    In related news: Cop tasers himself in Florida:

    cops did everything correctly from what I can see except talking to the lawyer. They had everyone’s safety to better occupy themselves with. I wish the article had addressed Strickland’s Girlfriend. I assume she voluntarily talked with the cops and told them she was OK.

    Probably of extra interest to me as the cops came to my door a few nights ago. Disturbance in the neighborhood with two people arguing–NOT me yelling at a DU blogger. Cops asked me what I knew/heard and I told them. Happy smiling faces all around. If another occupant in my domicile was screaming and bleeding I would expect the cops to talk to them? And if my dog bit the cop to arrest me and the dog? I had a dog once that would bite an intruder but not if we were there being friendly.

    best dog in the world. Half sharpei/shepard. Great Combo. Its in their genes.

  28. Yankinwaoz says:

    Huh… I saw this ad without hearing the audio (I always turn off the sound whenever an ad comes up on anything). I thought they were supposed to be the ghosts of cops or soldiers who died in the line of duty getting annoyed how a citizen would abuse the freedoms they died to protect.

  29. The Pirate says:

    Seems to me the first two officers on the sidewalk let the drunks get in the truck and drive away thus endangering who knows how many citizens, some of which were probably children by the way. These officers should be fired immediately for dereliction of duty.


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