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Executive Producer: Sir Vernon White
Associate Executive Producers: Krister Hedfors, Mark Borghese, David Koss
Executive Producers and 335 Club members:

Art By: Thoren

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  1. ECA says:

    Check out the weather for Louisiana, untill monday…


  2. Glenn E. says:

    Interesting Photoshopped pic of Air Force One dropping bombs. It reminds me of the fairly recent revelation of how Senator Nixon got elected as President, by sabotaging the Peace Talks, so the war wouldn’t end too soon. He didn’t care about US soldiers getting killed. And his “secret plan” to win the war, later, was carpet bombing Laos and Cambodia. So why pick on Obama administration’s war policy? When prez Johnson and the news media kept Nixon’s bad act, quiet? Nixon should be reviled along side Benedict Arnold. But protecting the Presidency (largely a figurehead position) is treated as paramount.

    [We were not during the show during that era. We would have treated Nixon the same way. Are you trying to accuse us of something underheanded? Or what? Or do you approve of bombing the crap out of everything and we should too?– jcd]

  3. dvdchris says:

    Shownotes link goes to notes from show 334. FYI

    [fixed — jcd]

  4. eca says:


    The towers were HIT 3 times, before they were destroyed. Start back in the 1990’s

  5. deowll says:

    My brother in law lives in Louisiana. They got four inches of rain so far. Most businesses were open. There is some flooding in the places that always flood.

    Bottom line: He was more interested in the pictures of the White reunion I sent him.


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