I wonder if this is some kind of character assassination for the individuals named in the video.

  1. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:


    I didn’t watch the whole thing. Super Rich “influential” people doing evil???……Tell me it ain’t so!!!!

    You know, evil is not good people doing nothing, its idiots forming political parties to do evil things.


  2. Mike from Illinois says:

    This is Catch-22 in real life, Capitalism at its finest with David Welch as Milo Minderbinder and Bechtel as the Sydicate. For the right price you can buy our politicians and corporate services, even if you are a Dictator and sponsor of terrorism and we are at war against you.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    I say set-up.

    Kusinich might not support the NATO actions, but he isn’t about to commit treason by blatantly discussing with an outlaw state. Without knowing Welch, I would extend the same to him, especially when Quaddafi was on the ropes at the time.

  4. nilum says:

    Umm… the meeting between Kucinich and the Libyan government was well publicized and those documents were not classified. This is just Kucinich’s libertarian/liberal views about war.

    He never thought we should get involved in the first place especially when we are stuck in other quagmires. He’s also well aware that our military support was simply a ploy to steal Libyan oil.

    I usually like to hear Al Jazeera’s side of things, but trying to make Kucinich look like he was working against the rebels or with Gaddafi is ridiculous.

  5. Dan says:

    #3. Yeah, because we would never work both sides of the fence, right MR. F.?

  6. NobodySpecial says:

    Would be more interesting to know exactly when the rebels signed up with Exxon and how much they paid ?

    It’s cost $750M so far to bomb them into power so we better be getting a decent commission on future oil sales – otherwise we might have to discover they are terrorists and bomb somebody else into power.

  7. Cursor_ says:

    Should anyone be shocked?

    This is how things are done. We played ball with all the despots at one time or another.

    And when they no longer serve our purposes we toss them away.

    Bin Laden
    Baby Doc
    Kei Shek

    on and on and on


  8. chris says:

    #3 “he isn’t about to commit treason by blatantly discussing with an outlaw state”

    Wrong on both counts. Publicly advocating for somebody isn’t the same as militarily aiding them. No treason. Also, remember when Libya gave up it’s weapons and turned in the Paks as WMD salesmen? I thought they were ‘back in the fold.’

    Lesson here: don’t give up your weapons.

    #6 That’s true, but we sent back 1.5b to a place that has NO government. Want to guess how much of that cash turned around at the airport and came back?

    What a deal!

    #7 Exactly right, these guys ought to read the small print when they sign up.

  9. noname says:

    America has spoke with “forked tongue” almost from it’s beginning, saying one thing on one side then saying something contradicting with a different audience while still meaning something other. It’s all just smoke and mirrors in Washington, except all the real and printed money they waste with abandon.

    What David Welch did was treasonous. Bechtel crimes should also be implicated! Unless of course this was sanctioned by Obama, then no one will be charged!

  10. Steven says:

    WTF is with the surrogate voice over. The voice over matches the appearance of that David Welsh, kinda nasal and feminine. Truth is Israel is the problem here. Everything the United States Government does is on behalf of Israel. The United States Government is illegitimate and all federal employees are subject to common law justice. That is why Tea Partiers, Ron Paul supporters, United Nation critics, and various other “isolationist” thinkers are targeted with the Patriot Act. The United States Government is acting on behalf of a paranoid shitty little country in the middle east. Israel cannot justify the cost or the consequence to the American people, but the American people be damned, they own the politicians, and the pols will subjugate and persecute American people to the agenda of that shitty little country.

    Zionist trash, IT ENDS SOON!

  11. Glenn E. says:

    First, pick a single way to spell your dang name, moron. How can anyone be taken seriously when nobody knows how to spell your name, from week to week? Hitler was simple, easy to remember and spell. And was rarely ever confused with Hilter. Now does the Lybian dictator’s name start with a “G” or a “Q”? Does it have an “H” in it, or not? Two “D”s or one? Does it end with a “Y” or an “I”? You can rule a country for very long, when nobody knows your name.


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