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Found by Gary, the dangerous infidel who likes to travel in style

  1. LotsaLuck says:

    What the plane looked like *before* Photoshop

  2. LibertyLover says:

    Hey! That’s what I took my first flying lesson in!

  3. Burntfinger says:

    Hot Pockets 2009 Tour!

  4. personallity says:

    worst photoshop ever?

  5. BigDaddyJ says:

    OK everybody, remember where we parked.

  6. dadeo says:

    Racism, photoshop style.

  7. minkebar says:

    Hot Pockets International Tour 2009

  8. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    I’d buy the concept as a prop, but not a jet. The rope doesn’t look strong enough to me—unless the contraption is meant to be a train?

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The extra baggage fee for one suitcase is only two chickens, which is very reasonable. Coincidentally, the in-flight meal is… chicken!

  10. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Obama’s Jobs Program

  11. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #2–Lucidity Loser==You imply you took lessons or are maybe even licensed? Let me suggest that your “personality” such as it is, is inconsistent with most pilots that I know. Pilots KNOW that WE must take responsibility for things that we didn’t cause. Bad maintenance leading to an engine shutdown COMPLETELY the responsibility of maintenance? Yes–but pilots know and accept we still must land the plane. I can see a LIEberTARD in the cockpit: I didn’t screw up the maintenance–so I’m not responsible for what happens. Plane crashes. YOU are dead—along with the passengers. See how that works?

    I am a pilot. I am a scuba diver. I read books. I am pragmatic.

    I am not a libertarian who IMPOSES a dogma on social arrangements the pragmatism and common sense and common humanity of which have long been worked out.

    If you have any money, and any interest at all in learning your place in the universe: I advise getting your private pilots license and your scuba diving certification.

    It teaches you to be personally responsible for things you had nothing to do with AND that there are situations in the world that you cannot control–both in a three dimension environment that moves.

    Its mind opening==if you allow it to be. Some might say that gravity is an intrusion on personal liberty. Yea, verily===it is.

    Ha, ha. Stoopid Hoomans.

  12. jdmurray says:

    The only solution to Egypt’s garbage disposal problem.

  13. pwuk says:

    Topgear’s latest homebrew

  14. WmDE says:

    “Flying still remains largely for white people. It is not because black people cannot afford flight fares, but the issue is how to get there (airports) if you don’t have your own car. Metre taxis are very expensive. Our airline cost will have a flat fee structure, which will range between R500 and R600.” said Jabulani Mthembu, the President of Santaco, yesterday.

    Santaco launches Sept 16, 2011.

  15. boolez says:

    It’s the ultimate definition of a cargo plane.

  16. Brian says:

    Personally, I think it would be awesome if someone actually built the thing (without any actual engines in the nacelles, of course).

  17. Nephew Kevin says:

    “We are off to Burning Man, Black Rock, NV”

  18. wirelessg says:

    “I flew single engine fighters in the Air Force, but this plane has four engines. It’s an entirely different kind of flying, altogether.”

    [together] “It’s an entirely different kind of flying.”

  19. UncDon says:

    East Los Angeles mercy flight of desperate residents to anywhere but East Los Angeles.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    The result of Tea Bagger Party style regulations.

  21. LotsaLuck says:

    The result of Left Wing Looney style regulations.

  22. MikeN says:

    #10, no it’s Obama’s plane when he went on his bus tour of the Midwest. They flew the bus from stop to stop along with his motorcade.

  23. Algieair says:

    Sorry the Black box seems to be missing

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    What really happens to checked luggage.

  25. McCullough says:

    Santa’s new Corporate jet SC1, and it’s Christmas Eve. SANTACO?

    Hey bobbo, it’s called Caption This Photo. Lighten.

  26. Micromike says:

    Tijuana Taxi!

  27. MikeN says:

    Lighten up on bobbo. He is bitter about the implosion of Obama’s approval rating, and upset that his vision of green jobs is falling apart.

  28. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #26, not only do I remember that song, but I have it on my hard drive. Herb Alpert was perhaps one of the reasons I learned to play the trumpet.

  29. noname says:

    america’s future realized

  30. Pilot says:

    Hold on everybody !!!


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