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Conceding that this is Photoshopped I’d still like to see if it was based on some seriously funky photos.
For the up tight anal retentives throwing around the R word so they can feel superior. This was humor of which you have none.
I think I’ll call it UPS after Obama gets re-elected and finishes off the economy. Don’t worry Dallas you should get free passage as cargo inside. I on the other hand will have to pay to ride on the top.
Now a humorous and good spirited come back from the other side would be in order.
I don’t think you people understand how important airline safety is.
It’s NO joke.
Same with libertards in our political system. Ron Paul: we don’t need Fema. What’s his Face: must find cuts elsewhere in order to provide disaster relief.
Both statements are correct from a very restricted/false sense of reality. Infecting politics with DOGMA is about as effective as lashing cargo to the outside of a jet. Only one of the above is clearly seen as a joke. The notion that Loser is a pilot and can see one but not the other is rather telling to me.
but why should I lighten up when the subject is an overloaded airplane? Its a double standard I will not up with put.
Ha, ha.
MSNBC News Flash
Mexico’s newest discount Airline announces several new routes to Central America
#33. And yet you STILL haven’t Captioned The Photo.
McCullough–ha, ha==excellent point. I feel trumped/revealed/exposed/embarrassed. My commentary is appropriate “but” only with a caption as the price of admission.
Fair enough. Lets look……..
“Beverly Hillbillies take first airplane ride.”
“Modular construction while cheaper does not result in pleasing design.”
“Santaco Airlines: serving the South African Bush in a culturally sensitive manner.”
“Santaco Airlines: failing to grasp the exact meaning of taxi service.”
I feel better now that I have a balance of plus two. VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE!!!!
“Keep the Power on No 3 low until the cargo blows off.”
“Flintstones… Meet, the Flintstones. They’re a modest stone-age fam-i-ly. From the… town of Bedrock…”
Didn’t I see that on a cartoon somewhere?
“Priceline: there is a reason the tickets are discounted.”
K’Daffy’s last flight out of Libya !!!
*DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar *DING* *DING* Door is ajar
#43 Damn Fool
#40 You’ll be alright
Business class is cheaper than first; coach class is cheaper than business; this is the cheapest – no class!
Obama Admin to Gibson Guitar:Send your jobs to Madagascar, and away we go!
Winner of the “Ugliest Stretch Limo” contest.
VW Vanagon FTW!
Griswalds win a 1st class paid vacation tour across South America.
“Honey. I need to get my compact from the back.”