Speaking of waves…

  1. Reverse Engineer says:

    “Lucy” Napolitano just identified the latest (security theater) terrorist threat: surfers with flares setting piers on fire. Effective immediately, the sale, possession, or use of flares is illegal without a DHS-issued license. Furthermore, all piers will be shut down “just as a precaution” until naked body scanners can be installed.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    In #1 Reverse Engineer said: Furthermore, all piers will be shut down “just as a precaution” until naked body scanners can be installed.

    Naked body scanners?

    They’re in their skivies already…

    Uh, right… What I originally wanted to say is that my best friend in college had a brother that looked like that and sort of did that, but he didn’t need to be trailing flares, he just needed his trusty Zippo™, he was lighting his farts.

  3. jpfitz says:

    In the persona of Flip Wilson’s Geraldine, Here come da coral.
    Thanks Uncle Dave for the vids.
    We may head to the beach today (Robert Moses on Long Island) and do some body surfing.
    Good bye Irene and good bye for now the FUD.

    On a side note I was in bliss without the TV signal, I have terabytes of Horror movies and Top Gear plus a smattering of BBC documentaries. The BBC documentary about the Brooklyn bridge is fantastic.

  4. B. Dog says:

    Sharks don’t see red?


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