Anyone living in the affected area and have stories to tell?

  1. msbpodcast says:

    I live across the Hudson river from NYC.

    This was a non-event.

    No power outage, no flooding, no disruptions in the flow of closest neighbors and friends (its party time,) helped by no disruption in the flow of booze (Ya, hic, ay!)

    There was a hell of a lot of rain (5″ in 24 hours,) but I don’t have to shovel rain. (If it had been snow it would have been scary.)

    Right now there’s less sequelea than there was from last winter’s snow storm. (Fuckin’ cheap-ass Healy laid off all the snow removal crews the week before the storm. Jersey City was a mess for months.)

    The fact that it happened on a week-end and that NYC had shut down its MTA system and the PATH system was also down meant that everybody was staying put for the duration.

  2. bobbo, you must respeck mah authoratay!! says:

    #24–Bada bing==good one. Humor from defining the words you are using. Most excellent. Lets see if you have finally gotten around to doing that on our other thread.

    Not holding breath as I go look………

    Keep up the good work.

  3. chris says:

    I live outside of DC and the hurricane was just a strong rain storm, but I was still very happy to see most shops were closing by late afternoon or early evening( 2-3 hours in advance of the storm arriving).

    Two winters ago we had a major blizzard. There were all kinds of stories about places selling non-essential shit staying open to chase that last sale and stranding their employees. That probably had an effect.

    Good to see DC having some class, even in a small way.

  4. KiltedTim says:

    Category 1… yawn… Gloria (1985) was a category 4. We didn’t get all worked up about that kind of thing. I was at Camp LeJeune, NC at the time. Young, dumb jarhead… hurricane warning, everyone is supposed to be in helmet and flak jacket if outside the barracks… so what were we doing? Playing football. OD approached a group of us gathered around the bench (stacks of beer cases) and said, ‘what the hell are you Marines doing?’… Our response, ‘WINNING, SIR!’ as we grabbed another beer and headed back out onto the field.

    We were lucky we didn’t all die… or get written up and called to stand in front of the man… death would have been preferable.

  5. TooManyPuppies says:

    It seems that most of the lame stream has now moved on from NYC to focus on the hardest hit southern states. But CiaNN keeps spouting the bullshit of how horrifically impacted NYC is. The rain, wind, and FEAR all across NYC.

    I’m now convinced that the CiaNN wants to portray NYC residents as a bunch of pussified morons that shit their pants over a weak-ass earthquake and cower in fear over a bullshit storm.

  6. Brian says:

    I just love how since Irene didn’t flatten NJ and NYC everyone is acting like this was a non-event. Trust me no one is more disappointed that NYC was spared than the places that weren’t.

  7. harold says:

    Mayor Bloomberg came on the tube with a stoney face and declared Irene to be the greatest emergency of the century. And the local stations hyped it to death so that each puddle of water was a potentially deadly flood zone that could swallow your children at any time. TV reporters were chastising NYers for being outside and railed against people in NJ for watching the waves as the hurricane approached. Con Ed was getting ready to cut off lower Manhattan’s power below preemptively until people got wind of it and Con Ed had to back down. All in all, a typical day in a city run by a corporate fascist panty waist of a mayor.

  8. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    As Hurricane Irene moved north and away from Florida, it caused strong winds from the Gulf of Mexico to blow eastward over the state thus carrying very warm and humid air. Tampa had an overnight low of 86°F. That’s an all-time highest daily low temperature for the city.

    The Gulf of Mexico water may be hotter than normal. If a tropical system is in the Gulf of Mexico, watch oil futures jump up in price.

  9. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    #39 continued –

    The high temperature on that record day was in the low 90s. Low 90s high and an 86°F low. It was that humid.

    Hope everyone pulls through O.K.

  10. The0ne says:

    You guys are late on this issue but 😀 Here’s something to share with you all.

    Ah, always a way to make a good buck off of victims. I have my reasons to be insane and crazy y’know 😮

  11. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    TheOne==an all: don’t miss the side bar. Do you like boobs a lot?

  12. The0ne says:

    didn’t notice, too piss at the story lol. Really sucks that this BB is doing this.

  13. Poor American says:

    Yes, we had to sit through hours of the talking heads on TV trying to create some crisis,catastrophe,conflict, or chaos out of a tropical storm affecting millions!!!

    At least we got to see a lot of the ‘D’ team reporters stand out in the rain and try to report, that was cool.

  14. jpfitz says:

    Hailing from Long Island 15 minutes from Robert Moses beach. Internet back today. Don’t own a smart phone.

    I couldn’t watch any of the reporting on the TV.
    Way too scary. My wife was running around like a chicken without a head. I told her to put on FOX news for five minutes. He,he. She was also concerned with my indifference to Irene. I followed trusted weather sites to track the storm and hoped the storm went out to sea or weakened.
    Just more fear mongering by the MSM.


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