
Reporter Gives Update Covered In Sea Foam: MyFoxNY.com
MYFOXNY.COM – A local news reporter from Washington, D.C. ended up getting covered in what is probably the remnants of raw sewage as he delivered live hurricane reports from Ocean City, Md.
WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates for stations around the country as a wall of what he described as sea foam poured over him. Barnes was on the boardwalk as Hurricane Irene hit the coast of Maryland. He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material. That “organic material” was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm.
“It doesn’t taste great,” he said.
He said it had a sandy consistency and added, “I can tell you first-hand, it doesn’t smell great.” The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria. 60 mph wind gust sprayed the toxic mix across the reporter and the boardwalk and coated buildings. Bubbles and foam in the ocean can be caused by several other things, including oils from decomposing animals.
Mom always told me, even a dog has enough sense to get out of the rain.
As kiddies, we always called it “Whale Sperm” and kept our mouths closed. Must be that Journalism Degree.
I won’t be buying a frapucino any time soon.
New York sewage flows raw into the Hudson River after 1 inch of rain an hour.
Just so you and everyone else knows, almost any town, small to very large, just barely treats sewage enough to pass the state sewage treatment requirements and dumps it into the closest stream or river. Ewwwww.
And then there’s what comes out of septic tanks…
That really stinks.
#5 It depends on the type of treatment system. Federal NPDES requirements state minimum removal efficiencies BOD and TSS anywhere from 85% for very basic treatment such as lagoon systems, to 95% for mechanical facilities. Almost all states are promulgates to enforce their own NPDES permitting system, but cannot set limits less stringent than the federal requirements. The NPDES system does not allow for bypassing of raw sewage except in cases where not doing so would put lives at risk. They don’t however, cite a criteria as to what constitutes putting lives at risk. Nice catch 22 that.
Reporters always stand in the pouring rain, the windy wind, and the Herculean hurricane. It is another idiotic feature of local news. My reporters are forbidden to use an umbrella during live shots, and hoods over their heads are discouraged. The news managers insist on seeing them looking like drowned rats.
So, they are, indeed too stupid to get out of the rain.
I told one when we were doing a similar live shot that any intelligent person would be inside, and they should do the live shot next to a roaring fire inside a warm house. Nobody wants to dare to be different, however.
Reporters are, largely, not too bright.
Got to keep that job. There aren’t many left.
Dan Rather became a national anchor for his antics as a local reporter during a hurricane. This guy is doing the right thing.
FactsOn/FactsOff==I wonder if you have lived within your own mind for so long that what you just spouted sounds insightful to yourself?
I don’t go to mountain tops, the desert on the hottest day, to France for cooking school, to Harvard for lectures on ethics, swimming with sharks, -OR- outside in a Hurricane.
while its a bit long in the tooth, its called: Their Job! funny you can be so much a part of that for so long and still not have a clue.
HAW, HAW!!!!
Tastes like chicken!
While in general its fun to think of Algore as a corrupt money grubbing robot out to foist carbon credits on the world in order to make billions, he’s right about one thing:
Climate Warming Deniers are as dumb as Racists and need to be treated the same.
HAW, HAW!!!!!
#13. It’s official, bobbo has gone completely insane.
McCullough–I thought you weren’t supposed to berate people?
Ah well, I will wear it as a badge of honor.
What if AGW is about the same as Storm of the Century or YK2000? More media hype/scare than the science that backs it up?
Or—just the opposite?
What if blacks are genetically inferior punished by god for their sins against the children of Moses?
What if you really can pump green house gases into the atmosphere for centuries and nothing will change at all as a result?
And the sea level keeps on rising:
All those glaciers and snow caps gone.
Yep==them niggers don’t know how to do more than pick cotton, AND==they like doing it too.
Yea, verily. Deny your eyes and common sense. Call it skeptical. Then be proud of it.
Done in jest…kind of. Think of it as an “intervention”.
McCullough—aren’t you actually kinda anti AGW though? I think of you as generally liberal but constantly surprising me. A unresolved conflict there. I don’t follow anyone’s postings here close enough to have an “outline” on anyone. One note ponies like Alfie aren’t even an exception.
I admire your willingness to engage folks on your own postings as well as generally. I’d think that would be half the appeal of being an editor. Whats the point otherwise?
Its good to find the humor in everything as much as possible. Its always there: directly or by tangent.
Always best when humor, truth, wisdom, and direct contradiction can be combined. Like the Storm of the Century: it is rare and always to be appreciated.
I welcome your, and everyone else’s, direct contradiction……..with facts and analysis?
Yea, verily.
Had a friend once but
then we talked honestly and
friendship was over.
It’s reading posts like #13, #15 and #17 that I come to realise that Bobbo is in fact a climate skeptic in disguise. His insane rants, highly personal attacks and frequent misquotes and misguided science can only point to one thing. That, he’s a plant, put here in DU in order to make catastrophic AGW believers look insane.
It’s working.
As for the actual video clip.
It’s not hard. If it looks like shit, and it smells like shit.
It’s shit.
Can we have an honest talk?
“I reject your reality, and substitute my own.”
Seriously==name one wrong fact I have used?
Sad when reality bites.
I’m deeply saddened that no reporter was decapitated on live TV by a flying road sign or other debris. I want my god damned money back!
#17. It’s complicated. Hopefully, you will never be able to label me. Labels are bullshit.
I am not AGW, Climate change is happening. But whether man-made, or just mother nature’s way of stickin’ it to the man..what good will come from taxing us, especially now.
Skepitcal on my part as to how the “taxed” money is going to be used in any way, shape or form to resolve any of this.
Question to you.. how would these monies be accounted for? We get no accounting for the money we throw at these morons now, and people want to give them more?
Education about environmental issues, including birth control, a serious Manhattan type Project geared towards alternative energy, and I’m on board.
Throwing money at phonies like Gore..then you have lost me.
Sorry about the whiskey fueled response, it’s the best I can do under the circumstances. There is just something about a fine scotch…better than heroin.
McCullough–a man’s man eh? I admire anyone that can drink straight booze. I can’t do it. Everything gets mixed. My favorite right now is a little Home Made Bailey’s after a good meal.
Yeah, I see that conservative/no taxation thing going on with you but underneath a let’s do what is rational approach to you. Ever try to meld those two or do you just flip-flop as the whiskey speaks to you?
You act as if one taxed approach with its inherent fraud, waste, abuse, pork, and mismanagement if different or avoidable from a different taxed approach of the same? False distinction. EVERYTHING/EVERY PROGRAM we engage in will be rife with these errors. Saying you avoid one while accepting the other is only a form of reinforcement/gilding the lily once you have made up your mind however it is done.
So you are a “don’t label me” kind of guy huh? We all inherently carry 15-20 labels on ourselves all the time. Don’t even know what it means trying to avoid it. Simply said: we are all labels: the sum total of all our labels==not just one or two.
Label me: contrarian, as one of 50.
I think you might be conflating too much the proposed carbon credits of Algore with AGW? Just because we don’t support Algore doesn’t mean we should disbelieve the underlying issue. I don’t want to be taxed to provide cancer surgery/heart lung transplants for 80 year olds===but that doesn’t mean I deny cancer exists. Too much of that polluting the discussion.
But, I’m sure you know all the arguments as well as I do—so why argue?
Yeah, me too.
It’s not hard. If it looks like shit, and it smells like shit.
Well there is pedro and Alphie. They, … Never mind.
NExt up for this reporter is some fake memos.
Yo Bobbo, you should get some more up to date numbers, 2010 showed a drop in sea level rise. NASA calls it a pothole on the road to higher sea level.
Next time Al Gore compares skeptics to racists, they should ask him you mean like your dad, who voted against the civil rights act? And did you ever complain when your home state was celebrating the founder of the Ku Klux Klan with Nathan Bedford Forrest Day?
#23. Again I would support a well funded and accountable project to get us off our oil Jones.
But comparing Global Warming skeptics to racism is asinine.
Gore can kiss my ass.
How would a FOX reporter know this shit is different from the shit they normally report? Looks like what I envision santorum to look like.
Given the descriptions, I’m guessing this crap smelled not unlike a working septic tank. Not raw, but damned close to it. Poor fool must be a city boy, probably doesn’t even know what a septic system is.
Hope he doesn’t catch any bizarre diseases.
#26–MikeN==Fantastic Link. thanks. Its good to see you basing your reality on SCIENCE rather than Voodoo Economics.
You make light of the explanation==the ocean’s fell because more rain fell on land. There are pictures and charts supporting that.
What do you want?===AGW is proven only if some measurement is resolutely absolutely solidly constantly in one direction only? THAT is not the SCIENCE of the situation. There are MANY MANY variables. First time I had ever thought of more rain meaning more rain would fall on land meaning the oceans could lower in depth for a period.
I find the SCIENCE to be fascinating don’t you? Yes science.
What a concept.
Yes. SCIENCE===its how we understand the world/universe we live in and then we turn to anti-science bible thumpers and self dealing greedy Super Rich for our political and social life.
And the level of our sophistication as a culture plummets in negative correlation to the steady progress of Global Warming.
Quite a situation.
Keep the good stuff coming Mike. You might stop and try to understand it every once in a while.