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  1. WmDE says:

    Experimental electrical vehicle powered by a super-conducting coil magnetic power storage system still has a few bugs.

  2. Craig says:

    Wanna buycycle?

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    Carl’s “Emergency Transportation” fetish had grown out of hand.

  4. Joe says:

    I heard you can save a lot of money on gas by riding a bicycle around, so I figured I’d save even more by riding around with a hundred or so.

  5. wirelessg says:

    recycling drive

  6. Sam says:

    Pedobear likes to keep souvenirs to keep track of his many conquests.

  7. Hmmm says:

    I’m glad wirelessg said it – there had to be a comment on RECYCLING in here somewhere !

  8. Not really a racist says:

    Nigga Stole mah bikes.

    All of them.

  9. dadeo says:

    Post-apocalyptic mobile nest-egg

  10. UncDon says:

    Two words: Van Mullet.

  11. LotsaLuck says:

    Obviously the van belongs to an engineer who keeps a bike as a backup. And another bike as a backup for the first bike. And another bike as a backup for the second bike….

  12. Donaldo says:

    Last weekend, he only hit a deer…

  13. Lucifer says:

    This year’s Tour De France ended suddenly when a van plowed right through the entire crowd of bikers.

  14. Hmmm says:

    If I take my bike to work I will reduce my carbon footprint, so I decided to fix the whole company’s footprint.

  15. Magna carta says:

    Bob knew his 72 Chevrolet van would be a automatic Chic magnet, but never dreamed it would work on Bicycles too..

  16. Mr. Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    pedro smuggling bicycles into the US for his homeys. Actually, pedro calls them his honeys.

  17. Mr. Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Alphie’s bicycle seat smelling “issue” was getting the better of him.

  18. Arg!! says:

    …and in other news. Germany has finally decided to return bikes stolen during World War II their rightful Dutch owners…

  19. I Like Bike says:

    He didn’t mean to stop so fast at the front of the Tour de France race.

    Oh the humanity!

  20. Steve says:

    ” I’ll show you some ‘Critical Mass’.”

  21. I Like Bike says:

    Sorry #14. Great minds think alike.

    Must read before posting! Vive la France!

  22. Chris B. says:

    Free Candy

  23. TheMartian says:

    “Doesn’t matter how often the van breaks down; I can always get to the nearest garage for help before sundown…”

  24. emawkc says:

    “I’m not gay. I’m just bike curious.”

  25. tomdennis says:

    My daughter’s father in law (RIP) put in our above ground pool and he loaded his pickup that high. I live in Kentucky so just imagine that too. He was a great worker with great knowledge of his profession. It was fun to watch him pile up his stuff on the truck. It was a work of art!!

  26. Skeptic says:

    Muslim family going on vacation.

  27. JimD says:

    Apres Tour de France ???

  28. foobar says:

    Off to the Prius recycling plant.

  29. Meoowma says:

    Gun owners carve hash marks on their guns for every deer they get, Mongo, the bus driver collects a bike for every kid.


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