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I’ve never fully trusted anyone who doesn’t love dogs.
How does the dog know who is in there?
brm…this s more common than you know. A friend runs a funeral home, she has seen this several times.
brm, have you ever had a dog? Do you know what they’re capable of understanding or sensing or smelling? It’s amazing what they can figure out. Ever heard of “Greyfriars Bobby”? This is not uncommon or unheard of.
So how many of you Kool Aid Drinkers still support Obama’s wars.
Obama’s wars? You mean the ones started before he was elected? Maybe you need to drink more Kool Aid and less alcohol.
I’m no fan of BushtheRetard, the Meat Puppet of the Cheney/Rove Presidency “but” I think it is fair to call our wars now those of Obama.
While the financial hole Bush and the Pukes dug is so deep even Obama “should not” be blamed for not being able to fill them in 2-4-6-8 years, especially in face of continued Puke opposition and interference, I do believe he has had time to withdraw troops if he were of the mind to do so. He hasn’t. The wars are his.
Of interest is Libya. Did Obama want to go in but simply recognized with all his other wars he couldn’t? Or was he a brilliant lead from behind military strategist? We’ll never know—even after he writes his book. Everything gets defined/explained with hindsight so all we ever get is hindsight.
American Power, supported/an effect of our economy = in decline.
We still have 58,000 troops in Germany and 32,000 in Japan.
The 10 – 20,000 we’re leaving in Iraq is paltry by comparison.
#6. These are Obama’s wars now Kool Aid man…he owns them. Especially Libya. Or don’t you remember the promise?
IMO the picture touched people because it shows the cost that families are paying. What was disappointing is how quickly the comments devolved into political in fighting. Obama stinks, Bush was horrible. Neither the republican party nor the democratic party serve the public good. They stay in power because they successfully deploy a divide and conquer strategy. Seems like every debate among the public turns into a my team is better then your team free for all, which ends up insuring that the same 2 corrupt parties retain their position of power
Iraq’s a pretty shitty country in comparison to Germany or Japan. They’re decades behind in porn development.
My pet chicken did the same thing when I died.
Or was it the other way around?
It rips my heart out
What rips my heart out is the number of guys and gals still in those places including relatives. The present military situation is Obama’s because he’s had time to pull us out of this mess and he’s digging in deeper.
I still think in less than five years we are pretty much out of everywhere because of the economy. What are we going to have to show for the ruined lives then; debt and third world non super power status.
#10 hg…I agree about the reason the pic is touching. We can’t or won’t show pix of kids doing this, so we show the dog, a proxy for the family.
deowll…do you recall how long it took Nixon to get out of Vietnam? Is that his war?
The problems we face as a nation, the wars, spending problems, etc, are not Bush’s fault or Obama’s fault, nor Republican or Democrat’s fault. Its ALL OF THE POLITICIANS FAULT and the people who keep voting for the bozos in office.
#16. Yes, it became Nixon’s war, he embraced it. In fact he illegally extended that BULLSHIT war into Cambodia. Similar to what this asshole is doing in Libya. All under the FUD of TERRORISM!
I am so tired of apologists who defend their President. He has had plenty of time to at least attempt turn back the abuses of the Bush admin. Patriot act being the prime example. But no, he supports it.
Fucking grow up people. You people aren’t liberals, you just don’t want to criticize this President because you might be perceived as being racist.
Tell me I’m wrong.
Fuck you, McCullough.
I’m not defending anyone, just pointing out some reality. Johnson blew that war up. Nixon ended it.
Fuck You Right Back. Nixon dropped more bombs on North Vietnam and killed more innocent civilians than we did in Germany during WWII. Learn some history, asswipe.
Touched a nerve, did I?
Too bad.
I thought the WHOLE POINT about Vietnam and Nixon was that he kept bombing to support a philosophy (Domino theory) that McNamara knew was not going to work AND wasn’t needed as Uncle Ho the Vietnam Commie had 1000 years of History fighting the Chinese and he didn’t care what their politics or religion was. Its hazy and when McNamara and Nixon both agreed the war was lost, but they kept it going by supporting corrupt Diem Regime. Money, time, lives, honor==until we lost and got pushed out of the country. Exactly no worse a result than had we left 5 years early===and no where near as good as if we had never gone in.
Same with every other war we have been in since===except Granada? Granada!!! Ha, ha.
War–a failure of politics.
And WHAT AT THE VERY LEAST makes us think our politicians can do ANYTHING except transfer out wealth to the rich while the poor die for wars protecting their loot. Course, Rick Perry, a politician by repute, says its an outrage those veterans who fight these wars don’t pay any income tax.
You know, the only issue that counts in american politics is how much money you donate to them.
As a you defend Obama’s wars? Plain and simple.
Well Do You?
Assault, it’s alot harder to get out of a war than get into one.
I apologize. As an editor of this blog, I should be above personal attacks.
All I am saying is, think for yourselves, don’t get caught up in the bullshit left vs. right. arguments.
If the president is wrong, and whether you voted for him or not, or whether you like him or not, You have the responsibility as an American to speak out.
Otherwise..nothing will ever change.
Most of you are nuts, this is a beautiful moment and you denigrate it by politicizing it.
Editors should be above personal attacks?
Really? I didn’t know that. How does one train to be an editor.
(end joke///)
No joke: I assume you are writing to Olo who seems to be having a bad day, not his chipper self, and not me. In my more perfect world an editor would take sides, berate those that need it, NAME who they are responding to, bump popular threads, and find topical issues on which there should be a difference of opinion.
Mocking what others want to hold sacred can be fun, but there is usually no meat on them bones. Sacred issues are like that: either high up on that pedestal or who cares? What always cracks me up with the Sacred Pedestal Holders is that they actually don’t even care if whats being held out as sacred is phoney or not===its sacred!!!!!!
Yea, verily.
I agree. Staged.
Verily, yo.
Dogs are my role models.
#28 I guess you think the moon landing never happened, either.