It’s been a couple of days. Millions of words written, stock bought and sold, and now your turn to have your say on this. Anybody think he, as board chairman, won’t still have a major say in design? And sorry pedro (our resident Apple hater), your devil hasn’t left the building, he has just moved offices.

  1. bobbo, you must respeck mah authoratay!! says:

    #70–BadaBong===let us parse once again just to show you one more time how to analyze.

    Its not a matter of liking your conclusion or style. /// Well, lets hope so because thats all you’ve given so far–not liking “something” and trying to liken me to Alfie. something anyone would take umbrage with, including probably Alfie. He’s like that.

    It a matter of common sense. /// Ha, ha. Ohhh, tell me more.

    You wouldn’t change you conclusions if the IPCC changed their views tomorrow your simply too entrenched in your own dogma. /// I have changed my mind three times on AGW in the past few years. Just announced my last change to dogmatic just 3-4 days ago. Reasons for each change were presented on this blog.

    I seriously at this point doubt you even believe your own position. /// Please state my position. Again–you state only conclusions. So child like. Where is the ANALYSIS????

    Like alfie you just want to be seen as right /// To the contrary, I much prefer being shown I am wrong. ONly that makes me a better person.

    and have every one venerate you as a great thinker with unique ideas. /// And your conclusion is that this is what Alfie wants as well? Is having unique ideas what Alfie presents? Are having or wanting unique ideas a good or bad thing in your book? As an anti-theist===what I venerate is everyone being themselves and left alone.

    Watching the morning shows right now, Irene no more than a large “severe” thunderstorm. /// I’ve seen Tropical Storm so far, not thunderstorm. You do know the difference?

    Storm of the century indeed. /// Indeed what?

    The media gets it wrong again, imagine that. /// That was my original question. Did you miss it?

    But just like you they continue to stridently scream about what could be or might have been. /// Please copy and paste when I did that.


  2. Badda bing says:

    Thank you for your response, I rest my case with you proving my point.

  3. bobbo, you must respeck mah authoratay!! says:

    Besides the point on the top of your head, what point were you trying to highlight?///// Ha, ha. THAT was rather Alfie of me===although unlike him, you won’t see me repeating it for several months if at all.

    Seriously Badabad==what don’t you like?

    Can you even identify it rather than simply conclude it?

    Do you know what the difference is between stating a conclusion verses stating what the conclusion is based on?

    Hmmmm snuggums?

  4. bobbo, you must respeck mah authoratay!! says:

    Hey Snuggums: you were asked about 5 direct questions. Why don’t you try answering a few of them?

    Because all you can do is shiat your opinion and keep repeating it until people get tired of your nonsense. Hey, that is like Alfie.

    Just a little case of projection?

    ha, ha.

  5. foobar says:

    bobbo and Badda Bing. Way to kill one of the few interesting techie threads here.

  6. Badda bing says:

    An observation.

    Which two posters routinely hijack threads to foster their own political views? Alfie and Bobbo.

    Which two posters spout dogmatic verses to proselytize their views? Alfie the bible, Bobbo the IPCC.

    Which two posters think that the world is being destroyed by a specific political party? Alfie-its a liberal progressive plot, Bobboe-its a conservative republican t-party plot.

    Which one believes in a savior? Both for aflie its jesus, for bobbo its al gore.

    Which two posters think everybody else is less intelligent than they are? Alfie and Bobbo.

    I change my opinion, I don’t believe that they are two opposites of ideologies. I think they are one and the same person suffering from or enjoying schizophrenia or multiple personality’s. When the meds go down we get alfie, an over abundance we get bobbo. When the meds are just right they end up arguing with each other. Now that could be an overestimation as I am not a doctor. The other explanation is that they are just routine internet trolls.

    It is well nigh time that their/his/her postings be ignored due to their/his/her lack of bringing any thing worthwhile to the table and a general lack of relevancy. From here on it would be beneficial to ignore any posting by either, something I intend to do.

    #75 It was as dead as steve jobs is going to be before I showed up

  7. bobbo, to my good friend Rob Leather says:

    Badda Bing–congrats. You did it. Foobars telling critique right on point notwithstanding:

    welcome to the club.

    Ha, ha.

  8. JimD says:

    Gotta get the new guy a Turtle Neck Sweater, then maybe the FanBoys won’t notice !!!


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