It’s been a couple of days. Millions of words written, stock bought and sold, and now your turn to have your say on this. Anybody think he, as board chairman, won’t still have a major say in design? And sorry pedro (our resident Apple hater), your devil hasn’t left the building, he has just moved offices.

  1. jdmurray says:

    I hope Steve is working on an even better “Last Day at Work” video than Bill Gates did.

  2. What? says:

    Jobs all lost
    Accountants killed it

    Drive By Posted hits the nail squarely.

    I agree that the hardware is generally good from Apple, and the drivers seem good, but the software is horrible (always has been since after Apple //).

  3. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Yes, I’m (attempting to) hijack this thread/blog.

    There is a once in a Century Hurricane Headed to the Worlds Financial and Cultural capitol.

    Maybe a blog entry could touch upon this for the wisdom of the crowd that gathers here?

    I’m entranced by trying to divine the science from the infotainment aspects. Looks to me like Irene might well be a Cat 1 by the time it hits NYC but even that could be disastrous given we make long range plans based on ignoring reality/nature/physics/weather.

    Is this a Perfect Storm, or the Year 2000 computer fizzle?

    Delete as you wish, but c’mon==ONCE in a friggen Century.

    Who ya gonna believe? You know, they can’t predict the exact strength, or the path, or the wave height, or the flood surge. Obviously we can ignore this because the science is too iffy.

    Ha, ha.

  4. McCullough says:

    #37. Cat 1? If they can’t survive that, they need this as a wake up call. I have been through Cat 5’s and lived and worked without power, hot food, cold beer, MRE’s, curfews and Nat’l Guard troops and local idiots looting the local merchants (St Croix 1995), for months at a time. NYC has a blackout for 24 hours, and the news reports show whiny New Yawkers complaining that they can’t get a decent cup of joe.

    A week or two without power will show you just how fragile your existence really is.

  5. foobar says:

    My grand kids will be talking about how Steve Jobs shaped our world.

  6. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Thank You McCullough, your support and contribution is noted and appreciated. Ha, ha.

    Yes, I’ve heard Low Cat 2 to High Cat 1 and the issue for NYC becomes the exact track as the geography funnels the water higher than the storm surge itself and I believe there is a high tide condition at the same time: perfect storm.

    If anyone in NYC hasn’t done it already, seems to me they should ALL have a well thought out plan for eating without power for one week if not two? Get that camper stove you always wanted even though you never camp? Make sure you have a manual can opener and so forth.

    Saw one news show on the DILEMMA New Yorkers were facing: should they stay in the city or move to their second homes in the suburbs? Jon Stewart worthy for the rusty nail skewer Award.

    As you say: life/civilization is very tenuous. Sometimes its good to turn away from Hero’s and Media Sensations and think about our own/societies situations.

    Then there’s whats his face (Ryan?) saying no disaster relief/support without offsetting budget cuts.

    My only fear is that his stupidity may not even be plumbed yet.

    Yea, verily.

  7. J says:

    #38: I totally agree! Optimization through technology has removed more paid positions than anything else. Just think of all the accountants that Ford doesn’t have because of spreadsheets, databases, and OLAP cubes.

    #40: No they won’t. He peddled designer technology to the elite. Put a Bondi Blue iMac next to Warhol’s Campbell’s Tomato Soup can and be done with him.

  8. So what says:

    Bobbo, technically any storm is a one in a century, just as any flood in a one in one hundred, five hundred, etc year flood, as each, no matter how similar is unique.

  9. mharry860 says:

    Bobo, who cares? I live in Spokane and there’s a reason. I am sad for Steve though.

  10. moss says:

    #39 – were you living at sea level?

    I spent a week digging bodies from silt and mud after a storm surge up a river – from a Cat 1. Didn’t make 77 people any less dead.

    75 miles from NYC.

  11. deowll says:

    The value of the dollar is falling off shore. At some point that means imports are going to decline because we are only going to have the money to spend we can earn from selling.

    The eco freaks should be very happy. The ones that aren’t starving that is.

  12. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    sowhat==how ironically your nom de flame fits. Indeed every event is unique===but thats not what “of the Century” means. Once hinted at, I’m sure you get the point.

    YOU KNOW: Every conversation is like a chess match: it matters not whether you won or lost but rather did you play your best game? Did you learn anything to take to the next game?

    Why is there air?

    mharry==”who cares?” /// Define “cares.” I don’t care but with the wisdom of crowds, a topical once in a century event, I do wonder what anyone might make of things. Afterall, while quite self sufficient, the input of different frames of reference is potentially quite rewarding. Take #46–Moss for instance. I didn’t know that. Bangladesh maybe, but not the USA.


    I knew the air at ground zero was toxic and would be for weeks. You’d think “the experts” meaning the first responders would have individually known that too.

    What do the first responders here know that I do not? Even this blog can be a valuable source of information, life affirming change and growth==not just some Super Rich ball sucking hero worship blog of no import.

    Interesting that–I should read the whole thing again quickly, but no one really identifies what Jobs really brought to the industry/society. He was sucessfull in a highly competitive field. It does seem unique he did it with his gut hunch that proved more right than wrong. He micro managed==many successful people do.

    Maybe, success whether making consumer products or surviving a Hurricane is just that bland?

  13. moss says:

    Don’t let the thought from a talented cartoonist get in the way of your ego problems folks…

  14. sargasso_c says:

    A very great American.

  15. foobar says:

    Pedro, you think people are going to be talking about Larry Ellison or Jack Goldman or Eric Schmidt when they talk about this era? It’s Jobs and Gates. End of story.

  16. foobar says:

    Jerry Pournelle reflects.

  17. So what says:

    I know exactly what is meant by the term once in a century means when applied to both hurricanes and floods. The question is does the media or the average person. In both cases the answer is no. The media uses the term as hyperbole as in “case of the century” How many of those have there been? The populations misunderstands from the aspect of statistics. They assume that if you have a five hundred year storm or flood this year you won’t have a storm of flood of similar magnitude for another five hundred years. The reality is there is a one in one hundred chance of a “storm of the century” every year! At this point there is nothing unique enough about Irene in either strength, location, or track to warrant the usual use of the term. There is also no evidence that climate change of any type has had any affect in any way on irene.

  18. Dallas says:

    Oops.CNN/Money I meant.

  19. McCullough says:

    #46. Moss – yeah, 4 years CG Search and Rescue on the Outer Banks of NC. N’oreasters much worse than this storm.

    Sea Level

  20. foobar says:

    #56 That is the voice of experience talking.

  21. Steve S says:

    I like what a commentator wrote about Dvorak’s predictions in the article referenced by Dallas.
    “As one of the commentators on Investor Village’s AAPL Sanity board wrote, even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

  22. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #55–so what==I think you “should know” but the more you talk, the more I’m not so sure. Let’s parse:

    Defined: (Urban Dictionary) A term the Pittsburgh mainstream news companies use to scare people into buying lots of toilet paper and water. We wake up next morning to half an inch of snow.

    Ok, I got tired of looking after 90 secs so lets take your definition: something that statistically will occur once every 100 years.

    I know exactly what is meant by the term once in a century means when applied to both hurricanes and floods. /// I said that you did.

    The question is does the media or the average person. /// No. There was no question. I used the term correctly at #37 and you responded at #44 that every storm is unique and therefore each and every storm is a Storm of the Century. So which definition are you using? Flip flopping and not recognizing it always leads to self reverential fantasy.

    and you In both cases the answer is no. The media uses the term as hyperbole as in “case of the century” How many of those have there been? The populations misunderstands from the aspect of statistics. They assume that if you have a five hundred year storm or flood this year you won’t have a storm of flood of similar magnitude for another five hundred years. The reality is there is a one in one hundred chance of a “storm of the century” every year! /// By definition: No. While the term can be misused as you describe that doesn’t mean that someone using the term correctly should be corrected by YOU using the term incorrectly. Especially not when that is the very issue being directly addressed.

    At this point there is nothing unique enough about Irene in either strength, location, or track to warrant the usual use of the term. /// Who says? If there is “anything” unique about Irene in that such characteristic is experienced statistically once every 100 years then BY DEFINITION it can be called a Storm of the Century for that point. For Irene, it is indeed the path and strength that BY DEFINITION makes is a SOTC. The fact that you can imagine a Storm of 200 Years doesn’t negate its smaller brother/sister. Is the hottest day of the week negated by the hotter day next week?

    There is also no evidence that climate change of any type has had any affect in any way on irene. /// Agreed. No evidence except for Irene. But that is another conversation about DEFINITIONS.

    Back to the dictionary So what. Use your intelligence to learn and your character to recognize it. Turn away from the dark forces of dogmatic no think, of maintaining a position that your own intellect shows you is wrong. IOW—stop being so Republican.


  23. So what says:

    “Turn away from the dark forces of dogmatic no think,” Pot meet kettle. Registered independent by the way.

  24. MikeN says:

    #55,62 Roger Pielke Jr has written extensively about how the IPCC got it wrong on hurricanes. There is no increase in hurricanes to date. The IPCC ignored peer-reviewed research on the matter and went hunting for what it could find to fit its predetermined opinion.

  25. Badda bing says:

    While both alfie and bobbo appear to be ideologically different. Both seek not discussion but vindication. They want people to agree with them even when they are wrong. Both are both so narrow minded in their views that they are blind to anything else. They are the two sides of the coin, fortunately most people have the ability to see through them. The major difference between them is that while alfie is at least amusing, bobbo is so full of himself that his eyes are brown.

  26. deowll says:

    I saw Jobs most recent picture. The man looks end stage. Apple better be able to get along without him because it’s going to have to soon.

  27. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #62–So what==what does your party registration got to do with the definition of a Storm of the Century? Does it mean A–once every century, or B–nothing because every storm is the same?

    #64–Mickey==I’ve read articles to both sides of that question. Its very definitional and highly dependent of the time periods you wish to extrapolate.

    #65–Badda==no bing.

  28. Badda bing says:

    Ah boobo you have “read” both sides and dogmatically stick to your guns, how alfie of you. Hmm why is it that I don’t believe you?

  29. Badda bing says:

    Its not a matter of liking your conclusion or style. It a matter of common sense. You wouldn’t change you conclusions if the IPCC changed their views tomorrow your simply too entrenched in your own dogma. I seriously at this point doubt you even believe your own position. Like alfie you just want to be seen as right and have every one venerate you as a great thinker with unique ideas. Watching the morning shows right now, Irene no more than a large “severe” thunderstorm. Storm of the century indeed. The media gets it wrong again, imagine that. But just like you they continue to stridently scream about what could be or might have been.


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