It’s been a couple of days. Millions of words written, stock bought and sold, and now your turn to have your say on this. Anybody think he, as board chairman, won’t still have a major say in design? And sorry pedro (our resident Apple hater), your devil hasn’t left the building, he has just moved offices.

  1. legendinmyownmind. says:

    Fuck Mr. Jobs with a dog’s dick.

  2. chuck says:

    Stock is up $9, highest market-cap in the world. Maybe he should have stepped down (as CEO) years ago.

  3. alt173 says:

    Steve who?

  4. Dallas says:

    Jobs parting note to Tim Cook…
    “You can only go down from here, Tim”

  5. MikeN says:

    Under Pres Obama even Apple lost Jobs.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    It’s truly unfortunate that he wasn’t able to design new disruptive technologies for a few more decades.

    I hate Apple software, it’s been a fire hazard on my systems and never works like anything else I use, but their hardware is top-notch.

    Hmmm, just like Sony now that I think about it.

  7. Skippy says:

    I’m no Apple/Mac fanboy, but Jobs is a true visionary, and Apple can only go down from here. Yes, he’s a dictator, and yes, he can be a real asshole, but the things he’s managed to accomplish are truly amazing.

  8. Drive By Poster says:

    Steve Jobs designed the new Apple HQ with the knowledge that just several years after his death the mystique around the Apple products would fade and not long after that they would largely be indistinguishable from the competition’s products.

    His new HQ, on the other hand, with its dramatic appearance, would carry his Legacy of Style for maybe a hundred years. After all, just look at how long lived iconic buildings such as the Empire State building and the Chrysler building are.

    The failure point of charismatic, creative visionaries who MICROMANAGE their empires like Steve Jobs and Walt Disney is that their egos simply cannot stand the sustained presence of other charismatic, creative visionaries who may have different ideas – they view them as an intolerable threat to their own power and ideas. As such, when they die, there’s nobody there to fill the gaping void they leave because they made damn sure to get rid of any such people as SOP.

    As much as I admire Walt, he and Jobs ultimately failed their Legacies nigh completely when it comes to truly surviving their creator’s death. They do live on, but only as Shadows of what they once were, and could have been, with the passage of time.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Mr. Jobs was a very good visonary and perfectionist. I doubt that Apple will fail just because of Steve Jobs leaving. After all Apple at one time fired Steve Jobs. What was different when he came back was that consumers were now ready for his ideals. Plus they had the money to buy them. Income had gone up and the electronic revolution had begun. It would not surprise me to see Apple do even better without Steve Jobs?

  10. Joe says:

    TMZ just released a photo of Steve Jobs. It’s pretty heartbreaking:

  11. Otter says:

    I’ve never owned a Mac in my life and only have an iPod, but I wouldn’t have a problem if they renamed my old high school (also Steve’s) after him. As much as he’s done for Cupertino, I don’t think it would meet with much resistance.

  12. McCullough says:

    Now can somebody KILL iTunes …PLEASE!!!!!!

    Please, get some intuitive software to replace that piece of crap. I like the iPod, but software is half the story, and iTunes blows chunks. And don’t even think about bringing up DoubleTwist.

    que music:

    That’s Mark T McCullough’s pet peeve of the day.

  13. chuck says:

    #11 – wow, my first thought when I saw that picture was:

    Steve, quit the vegan diet! It’s not helping!

    Drink a gallon of whey protein shakes, soy milk, rice & beans. Eat something!

  14. Faxon says:

    If not for iTunes, I might have bought an iPhone instead of my Android. (Which I love). Itunes software never made sense to me, and I could never find ANY instructions on how to use the crap. I do, however, appreciate how nice their computers are for idiots who won’t bother to learn how to operate a PC.
    So, instead, they pay twice as much for Job’s shiny chromey stuff.

  15. Faxon says:

    #11. He looks like shit. The dress is lovely, however.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    We know Steve help on to his position as long as he could.

    I admire him and what he has done.

    I give him weeks, not months.

  17. Special Ed says:

    Poor guy looks like he vacationed at Auschwitz.

  18. Ah_Yea says:


  19. Sai Kai Lee says:

    Now that Tim Cook is the CEO, does that mean that Apple will go back to the “rainbow logo”?


  20. msbpodcast says:

    Actually, I think the ability or inability to use iTunes should clue people into their ability or inability to stand Steve Jobs, his products, his management style and his legacy.

    I have never had a problem using iTunes.

    Does that make me into a rarity?

    Who gives a fuck?

    Apple never made stuff, doesn’t make stuff and won’t make stuff for the herd, but that hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the most successful enterprises in US history.

  21. Steve says:

    #1 You’re a real classy guy. And oh so clever!

  22. KMFIX says:

    Steve Jobs has helped me as a self employed person earn a very good living for a very long time. Some software developers deserve some thanks too, must not nearly as much as Steve Jobs.

    I hope the future is as bright.

    Thank you!

  23. Traaxx says:

    I really care about Jobs one rat-f!@k bit, without jobs we won’t be buying his Chinese crap much longer anyway. The Only we can get our jobs back is


    Both parties are globalist and free traitors that want more and more one treaties that export our jobs out of the US. No more taxes without jobs



  24. Angel H. Wong says:

    Enough of the f*cking tribute articles already! I’m sick of finding between 5 to 10 articles devoted to him on tech sites. Dammit, he’s still alive and it’s not like he’s diei- oh wait.

  25. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Our adoration of the rich/Super Rich is truly disgusting.

    He is but a man, soon to return to dust.

    I don’t know tech or Jobs. Did he do, as in “DO” anything substantively creative of did he just make successful commercial products?

    I note they are replaying the “iconic” Woman throwing the SledgeHammer commercial as an example of Apple’s revolutionary goodness. Its meaningless commercial drivel.

    Did Jobs have kiddies? a wife? a mother/father?

    What did/do they think of him?

    Yes, what is the measure of a man?

    Silly Hoomans.

  26. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    I’m watching Earth, the Owners Manual on PBS right now. I think my mind has finally become dogmatic on the issue of Man caused Global Warming.

    Maybe Hurricane Irene will be the misting on the cake. How wet can you get and still deny reality?

    Ha, ha.

  27. msbpodcast says:

    Also, the cartoon is inaccurate.

    Nobody holds a gun to your head and makes you buy an Apple product.

  28. MikeN says:

    New CEO comes in and is given 3 envelopes, told open them when you are in trouble.

    After a while, opens first envelope, BLAME YOUR PREDECESSOR.

    Few months later, opens second, REORGANIZE.

    Six months later opens third, PREPARE THREE ENVELOPES.

  29. msbpodcast says:

    In # 24 Traaxx said: TARRIFFS = JOBS IN USA

    Yeah, right… Whatever dude.

    You’re assuming we still have the means, the motive and the opportunity to pull that trigger.

    Means: Pittsburg no longer has any steel mills, the rest of the country isn’t doing much better. The republic has been dismantling itself and selling itself off to its creditors since Nixon was in office and since Daily was New York City’s mayor.

    Motive: Your kids would look at you funny if you suggested that they go work in a factory for crap wages. (What am I? Chinese or sumtin?)

    Opportunity: Nobody builds anything in this country anymore. They tell other people what the specs are.

    If you’re bemoaning the fact, you’re out of touch with reality.

    Adapt and thrive a little or hurry up and die.

    <Sting> When the world is winding down, you make the best of what’s still around.<Sting>

  30. So what says:

    #10 check out apple history during steve jobs initial tenure, after he left, and with his return. Steve jobs IS apple. I don’t own an ipod, ipad, or any apple product and don’t care about it, nor will I ever care to.


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