You have to wonder why this does not happen more often.

  1. Faxon says:

    As a tv news photographer, I put up with assholes like this all the time. I fucking hate them, and would happily taser them, but the company won’t let me. The worst are sports fans, (Neanderthals), gang members, (extremely stupid hoodlums), and “protestors”, (anarchist shits).
    I would love to just tase the shit out of them, and watch them spasm on live tv. At the gay parade in SF this year, I had to literally throw an idiot across the sidewalk when he began to simulate oral sex on my female reporter during her live shot.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    A new reality TV meme, “Drunk Bums”. No shortage of content and every family has one.

  3. Stopher says:

    He didn’t really look that drunk. Just a jerk who wanted to get in the shot. Still doesn’t give the news guy a right to committ assault although I would hardly call it a slap.

  4. Pwuk says:

    Fair dinkum, I thought.

  5. foobar says:

    Didn’t the blonde on the left play for the Packers?

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Freedom of speech

    The guy has a good lawsuit possibility or a nice out-of-court settlement from the news company.

  7. tcc3 says:

    They’re going to send that guy to cover hurricanes to teach him a lesson.

    If you can stand still and report while the weather is taking your news truck, you can handle an exuberant drunk guy on the street.

  8. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    “You have to wonder why this does not happen more often.” /// Gee, I wonder why it happens at all. The “media” aren’t the cause of anything except bad reporting most of it coming from anything “on the streets.” What I’m surprised at is that our politico’s aren’t assaulted on the street or in their offices “but” I think the security is well worked out for that.

    Stay tuned. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

    As a fair balancing of all the competing interests, seems to me the public has a right of smart off, making noise, faces, yelling, etc. Its when they shoved the reporter out of the way to get on camera that they have committed a crime. Take them down. Arrest them.

    FREEEEEEEDOM of Speech. Not to bulldoze your way where ever you wish. The reporter in the piece is the same kind of asshat as the drunk he was confronting. Almost as if Faxon got on camera by accident.

    Haw, haw.

  9. Steve says:

    “Back the fuck off pal I’m am the media.”

  10. Miguel says:

    Here in Portugal we have a very famous (should I say infamous) character we all call ’emplastro’. He appears in every place where there’s a TV crew, and seems almost as omnipresent as God Himself! Search YouTube for ’emplastro’ and you’ll get dozens of clips of his! Here’s one of my favorites, where the journalist does to the ’emplastro’ exactly what the ’emplastro’ always does to journalists 🙂

  11. foobar says:

    #6 Freedom of speech == Get a lawyer?

    #8 FREEEEEDOM of Speech

    Pwuk got it right. I’m just guessing he’s not a Yank.

  12. Some of the sisters and I were on Fremont trying to raise money for the homely and we got pretty shit faced and started flashing people. Luckily we were in booty shorts and t-shirt with no bra. I mean, how the hell were we suppose to attract donors? Then we went for a wax.

  13. Timbx says:

    It is Vegas the worst news reporters on the planet and the home of 24hr drunks.This is why you don’t do reports right on Fremont it is a zoo.New guy should have picked a side street.

  14. Grandpa says:

    On a public street, the guy has every right to do what he did. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else to do your report. Looked like assault by the reporter.

  15. Faxon says:

    #15 Yea, Grandpa. You have every right to be a total asshole. And I’m guessing you exercise it quite a bit.

  16. jescott418 says:

    Its pretty much what you get these days when you do a live shoot. My wife and I laugh all the time when our local news station interviews people on the street. You have to wonder where they find such colorful people. Maybe its just the normal people avoid being on camera?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1 & 16, Faxon

    Considering your sadistic streak, you really are not a nice person. Tasering someone because you don’t like them is really a sad indictment of you, not the person you don’t like. It must really suck being you.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    No, this isn’t an assault. The drunk was invading his territory and interfering with the reporter. The reporter made two attempts to evade the drunk before the drunk again got in his way.

    The drunk was disorderly and therefore the author of his own misfortune. From the quickly cut off video feed, we don’t know if the altercation continued or stopped there. In civil suits you can not cause the problem and then expect to be compensated for your damages.

    If anything, the reporter probably ended up being fired . If so, he would have a case against the drunk for assault.

  19. Peppeddu says:


    Why do you keep on censoring my posts?

    # 10 posted the exact same style video I posted (just a different country) but the Italian guy in my video does it for a living, and they cannot stop him because of some Italian laws.

    Hence it was totally relevant.

    An explanation would be appreciated.

    [We didn’t. It was the spam catcher. It works in mysterious ways at times. Your post was recovered. — Uncle Dave]

  20. peppeddu says:

    Nah, he’s just a beginner.
    Italians do it better.

  21. foobar says:

    Grandpa, that wasn’t assault. That was a bitch slapping.

  22. Lou Minatti says:

    The drunk did nothing wrong except that he was drunk. He was on a public street and if he wants to jump in front of the camera it is his right to do so. The reporter could be in big trouble.

  23. Peppeddu says:

    # 20
    OK thanks, at least the searcing effort doesn’t go down the drain.
    Keep it up, love the site.

  24. msbpodcast says:

    I’d set up a “man in the street” interview on the spot and ask the lout for his name, address and telephone #.

    Then I’d just ask the jerk if he minds being seen as a fat, ugly, drunken, semi-simian jerk by the entire Las Vegas audience.

    You have the floor, sir. We’re live on the air now, this is being broadcast live to thousands of people.

    So, tell us how many people are going to see you at home behaving like a total jack-ass?

    Do you want us to sent a copy of the stream for your local station to play on the evening news?

    No please. It would be our pleasure.

    I’d follow up with asking him if his mother knows he’s being a pain-in-the-butt to a reporter, cause she’ll know now.

    How proud she must be that her son got on TV, just like John Wayne Gacy‘s mother must be proud that her son got on TV too.


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