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A new piece of artwork by Richard Sargent, featuring a huge crowd of robots from movies, television and more. Can you find WALL-E among them?

You might win a signed poster print of Richard’s ‘Where’s WALL-E?’ art! How many characters can you identify? Use the guide picture to name as many as you can. The most correct answers will win a poster. Answers to Closing date for entries 31st August 2011. Entries will be judged by name and origin of each character; in the event of a tie a winner will be chosen at random.

Thanks, Ursarodinia

  1. Michael says:

    Found him! If you start at the W in the title and go up from it two rows, then to the left, Wall-e is the second robot to the left.

  2. Bob says:


  3. mschauer says:

    Who is #91? i remember him but can’t remember the movie/tv show!

  4. wirelessg says:

    #91 is XR from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command cartoon series.

  5. Mr Fog says:

    Please announce the winners.
    Will add them to my “people to avoid” list.

  6. Grandpa says:

    Lower left and up one

  7. Rreynoso says:

    I believe the tin-man from the wizard of Oz technically is not a robot… He he he

  8. Doc says:

    Where did 139 come from? I can remember the robot, but not the show.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Left of the Cylon, behind K-9

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    This is quite a picture, some my old favorites in it. Although there are a few missing (well I can’t find them):

    Uniblab – The Jetson
    Gigantor the space-age robot
    Flying Robot – Johnny Soko and his flyong robot

  11. wirelessg says:

    #139 is SAM from Sesame Street.

  12. cjohnson says:

    There’s an ED-209 but no RoboCop? What gives?

  13. hhopper says:

    With help from Michael.

  14. WmDE says:

    What robot is represented twice?

  15. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 7 Rreynoso said, “”the tin-man from the wizard of Oz technically is not a robot…”

    Good question. He was originally human who had pieces of himself replaced with mechanical parts making him a cyborg but continued until he was completely artificial. Except for a missing heart, of course. So, is he robot or human or something else?

    We don’t need a robocop, we need a robophilosopher.

  16. Miguel says:

    Where’s Asimo?

  17. Ursarodinia says:

    My old favs ~ Hewie, Dewie & Louie(‘s foot) are there

  18. EnemyOfTheState says:

    All that hardware and not a single dialysis machine amongst them.

  19. nobodyspecial says:

    Evil Edna isn’t a robot – she is a witch that got turned into a television

  20. raster says:

    Spoiler alert: The (near) completed list is at:

    Good thing too – the “Heavy Metal” robot was driving my crazy.

    And to those looking for “The Iron Giant”, you have to look close, but he’s there

  21. webdesigner says:

    Amazing artwork

  22. MikeN says:

    Is Vicky there?

  23. MikeN says:

    Where’s Data/Lore?

  24. Miguel says:

    Man, the work that went into making that list is almost as amazing as the art itself!

  25. eggman9713 says:

    #14. The Cybermen from Doctor Who are in there twice, right next to each other. An old 1960s version and the new version.

  26. WmDE says:

    Turns out there are several with two incarnations.

    The one I noticed was Marvin.

  27. Faxon says:

    #12 Robocop is present and accounted for. Keep looking.
    My son and I had fun checking these out. Found about thirty or forty we knew. Including the two versions of Marvin, and Dr Who’s dog.

  28. bobbo, why do you think what you think and when do you change your mind says:

    Looks like we all found somthing to enjoy. I’m still looking for Bender. Good to know he’s in there somewhere.

    But must robots be metal to some degree? Why don’t blow up dolls qualify? They actually provide a service that is more than ironic subtext.

  29. zenzmurfy says:

    I am really impressed! I didn’t expect Brian the Brain from Space:1999 and Nomad from Star Trek to be in the group picture. I see that the old and new “Lost in Space” Robots are present. Even the robot from Millenium who looks like Kryten from Dwarf are there.

    Was Iron Giant present? or the bounty hunter robot from Empire Strikes Back there?

  30. jpfitz says:

    Bender Bending Rodríguez is to the left of the Tin Man.


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