1. This is so cool! I could have something to do in church while that idiot is standing up front boring the shit out of people and conning them out of their money.

  2. dadeo says:

    Very cool! But also very vulnerable to the joker with a sharp, pointy object…I wouldn’t be flying it near candles either.

  3. Miguel says:

    The surveillance possibilities…… 🙂

  4. Richard says:

    You can buy them here.


  5. bobbo, why do you think what you think and when do you change your mind says:

    Even with my interest in two man derigibles, this would be fun for about 5 minutes. Same with most toys.

    30 years ago I did the same thing with a helium balloon and a fan. No remote control but a yard stick allowed me to direct the thing. The “fun” was getting it all balanced as much as possible.

    I’d think Zeppelin Airships could have a market today. Slow and quiet. There is a niche market for everything.

  6. Steve S says:

    Looks like their web store is down (server overload) and the one distributed they list is out of stock. At $39 these sold as fast as the newly discontinued HP WebOS tablets (now $99 if you can find them).

  7. wirelessg says:

    I foresee an Air Swimmer flash mob ‘aquarium’ on youtube.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    I for one, welcome our new avo-pisine overlords.

  9. deowll says:

    The idea has been around for a while looking like dirigibles. What makes these cool is they look like fish however I don’t think they are at all durable. They lack the speed to avoid being blown away outside.

    In other words I enjoyed the video but I don’t want one.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    After watching the instruction video to get one operating. It became less a toy and more a job.

    No thanks.


  11. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Smaller and with a random mode so you could just let them fly around the house, Also need a treasure chest that blows bubbles to sit in the middle of the living room.


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