Executive Producers: Fishguy, Scott Shellhammer, Scott Hankel
Associate Executive Producers: Jonathan Doughtie, Anonymous, Travis Dillman
Executive Producers and 331 Club member: Scott Hankel
333 Club Members: Fishguy, Scott Shellhammer
Art By: Thoren

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Hard to believe someone could make me wish George W Bush was still President.

    At least this tour gave us a great t-shirt!

  2. EnemyOfTheState says:

    I never knew Oscar had a black Weinermobile.

  3. Alex says:

    Photoshoping a stinky finger … Classy …

  4. LibertyLover says:

    The 16 point plan pic — from Idiocracy?

    Should be . . .

  5. B. Dog says:

    Homeland Security has done nothing good since Brownie did some work on Florida hurricanes under Bush. If anyone feels like getting rid of govment waste, get rid of that turd.

    To answer the question of what agency is the second biggest, well that is Veterans affairs. The State Department is miniscule, but noisy.


  6. The0ne says:

    Funny movie if you guys didn’t know, Idiocracy.

  7. Rasputin says:

    I wish Adam “SQUIRELL!!” would STFU during clips “CLIPS! THERE ARE CLIPS!”, makes them difficult to hear when he screeches “SCREECHES, BWAAAA SCREECHES!” and repeats the end of every sentence. “SENTENCE! Its a SENTENCE!!”

    Quit sounding like a sqwaking parrot Curry.


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