Smart money knows about this graph taken from an insiders news letter called Shadowstats. What’s happening above is a clear difference in direction between the official government numbers and reality.

The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate of U-6 unemployment, which includes short-term discouraged workers.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey Animby, check this out too!

    “Judge rules Obama transparency lacking”
    “President Obama had promised that his administration was committed “to be the most open and transparent ever.” But an Associated Press study found that the Obama administration is ducking FOIA requests at a greater rate than past administrations even though the number of requests is down.
    The Obama administration has further circumvented their transparency promise by meeting lobbyists near, but not in the White House, thus avoiding the Secret Service logs entirely.”

    What a lying POS we’ve got in office!

  2. MikeN says:

    But we were told things would get better if Obama’s stimulus passed!

    A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours, a recovery is when Obama loses his job.

  3. jescott418 says:

    What we need is a lot more doing by Government and a lot less planning! That’s all Obama talks about is planning. I had high hopes for Obama even though I never would have voted for him. I just can’t vote for a bunch of promises. I never thought he was capable of much with his inexperience with Washington. Its not like he had been a Senator that long.
    I realize the President is not the only problem in Washington. Congress has a lot to do with the State of our Country. But I have not seen Obama step up and even be able to handle his own party let alone the Republican’s.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Animby…no poll makes any sense unless it matches existing beliefs. This one is at least interesting.

    But oddly, or not, it accurately describes the tea-party types I know.

  5. MikeN says:

    #27, no the Administration doesn’t want the Supreme Court overturning his policy, even if it could help him get reelected. The plan is to delay their appeal for a full 3 months, then ask the full 11th circuit to hear the case, delaying things even further. Then by the time the Supreme Court hears the case, they hope to have things so entrenched that the Court will find an excuse not to throw things out. This is how Miranda rulings stayed, even though there were five justices on record against it.

  6. Dallas says:

    Good article on the obvious : The Teaparty as responsible for the collapse of the fragile recovery.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #27–Animby==you post as if clinically depressed. 62yo and don’t think you’ll see what happens to Obamacare? I’ll take that bet.

    But more importantly, going to your “character” you post as I think too many otherwise thinking so called conservative voters:

    “I favor a single payer system but I want a smaller Fed Gov. Hard to reconcile. /// Heh, heh. Anyone older than 18 and not a liebertard should have resolved this as easy as pie. Which is more important/relevant/impactful/common sense and then you make your decision AND THEN YOU ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES. Silly to dither otherwise as so many do. Its really WORSE than that though. As any thoughtful caring humanitarian you KNOW HEALTHCARE is a basic human right to be provided whenever possible. Other so called balancing concerns are mostly malignant. ANIMBY: WAKE UP. You are walking/talking/thinking DOGMA. hahahahah. Time to get REAL with yourself. Tell me doctor—-what is your higher value??? After 62 years on earth, what is your accumulated wisdom?

    You really are a silly rabbit: the function of government is to do for individuals what they legitimately want and cannot do for themselves. Legitimate is not a weasel word unless you think allowing people to suffer from medical conditions because of lack of money is an appropriate and good outcome. Is that what you think Animby? Liebertards: is that what you think? If not, then the only remaining question is how to fund/structure that provision of care. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE, this NONSENSE, about wanting small government? Long term effect of spirochetes is the only answer. WAKE UP Animby. Recognize, act, conclude on the social/human equity you are completely aware of that is within you. The fact that it makes for a better society, one more capable of competing economically on the world stage is actually a secondary concern. Imagine that.

    And there is the additional constitutional question, if they “nationalize” health insurance, have they illegally put insurance providers out of business? //// Yea, so what? It would be illegal if a law is passed doing so. Lots of “economic activities” are illegal or not viable because of government action. How private medicine would still be around to interact with the government system is a wide open question with the world showing very different approaches. They should be analyzed for what the best system for our society might be. Try it. Modify as experience shows. No dogma. Imagine that.

    Yes Animnby. Just a little bit more imagination is all you need. Less dogma. Interesting how those notions are always in counterpose.

    Ha, ha. Poor smart, old Animby. Still got the basics to resolve.

    VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE. Right now, that would include Obama by his performance. What do we care of words when action takes the day?

  8. bobbo, why do you think what you think and when do you change your mind says:

    #39–PedoBreath==it is interesting that my post while addressed to Animnby is really for any liebertard/tea partier/small government/no new taxes advocate. But then I note that is only true for those self identified such group memebers who do hold the conflicting thought that maybe people shouldn’t go wanting for healthcare, food, and a list as long as your basic humanity.

    How about it Pedro–how much should your fellow man suffer because you think you are advantaged by paying lower taxes?

    Got a mind beyond the chant?

    Silly Hoomans.

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 32 Ah_Yea: Thanks for the link. We all knew it, of course, but I missed that it had gone to court.

    # 35 Olo : This is the sort of poll that just shows you can prove anything you want in a poll. Ask a preselected group of Southern Baptists if they’d want their daughter to marry a Tea Partier or a Muslim and then see which one is more popular. The poll is junk and, therefore, not interesting at all.

    #38 Bob : It was only a couple of days ago I was accused of being a flaming liberal. Now, you, in one post take me from conservative to dogmatic libertarian! It’s enough to make a country doc into a raving schizo!

    I certainly did not mean to sound depressed. I intend to live a lot longer. But I fear it will be even longer before the US has a solution to healthcare. (Hope I’m wrong but, in your heart -you DO have a heart?- you know I’m right.)

    “After 62 years on earth, what is your accumulated wisdom?” Don’t pick your nose with chopsticks.

  10. bobbo, why do you think what you think and when do you change your mind says:

    Fair enough Animby. I personally don’t have any gaping contradictions in what I think/post. If it ever looks like it, then its bad writing or bad sense of humor, or perhaps just maybe I need to resolve a conflict I didn’t realize I had. To me, that is the value of this blog. A word here, a statement there, a link or two and we get a new idea, an old idea changes. What else is life for?

    Its rhetoric but there is something “wrong” in thinking there is a conflict between a government providing healthcare and desiring a small government. Just think about the structure of that meme. It is malignant. You wind up voting against services because you think you want small government which is in opposition.

    What we all want is the government to do what we want it to do===and then we have to pay for it by “right sizing” the government.

    As with any/all goverenment programs ALL of the possible wants cannot be met. There is more healthcare desired by the public than can possibly be paid for. Same with all the other wants. Government is about making those judgment calls: no heart transplants for 80 year old terminal cancer patients. A fleet of F-35 raptors of 120 instead of 360. Military bases in 68 countries instead of all of them. Things like that.

    To go at these issue from the prespective that we want smaller government is to put the cart before the horse.

    I note your bedside manner though. Purposefully chosen, or unconscious. We all should have it.


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