Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.
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  1. Lou says:

    A new trading range for the S&P 500. 1102 = 1204.
    There were sellers at 1204 over the last 2 days.
    Play the range with the computer traders and type in your order quick.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    Look at the Republican presidential candidates. Psychologically un-self-aware pea-brains
    contaminated with a distorted medieval belief system. It’s a symptom that’s telling us that we are
    headed toward financial catastrophe. Obama will just keep fighting the bonehead wars &
    printing toilet-paper dollar$. Obamacare can never work because it’s based on “health insurance”
    which is a blatant, laughable scam. You can’t insure “health” the way you can insure chattels.
    But look at the alternatives to Obama & his ilk. Fatuous know-nothings. We are $crewed.

  3. deowll says:

    I do understand why John would think going back to the gold standard is crazy however the EU is going down the tubes and that will take the Euro with it.

    The US is going to end up paying off its debts with money backed by nothing just like Greenspan and others have suggested.

    At which point in time there aren’t going to be a lot of options left for doing international commerce besides specie.

  4. nicktherat says:

    i am interested in what horowitz really DOES do. i think he plays it off as boring so he doesnt have to spoil it with the reveal! 😛

  5. adam says:

    I love this podcast, but I really can’t believe several statements made within.

    1. John you never actually address why the gold standard is a bad idea. It’s getting really old for you to knock Ron Paul on this topic, while never backing up your statement. There is a pretty clear Austrian position that you make no effort to refute.

    2. It blows my mind either of you think a government moratorium on housing would be a good thing or that the cash for clunkers was good. In a recession the only positive for the average man should be falling prices. Cash for clunkers destroyed a lot of perfectly usable vehicles and made things much more expensive for the poor people who buy those cars.

    The same thing goes for housing. Forcing a moratorium to drive up prices, would likely not even work and put a bunch of builders out of business. But if it did work you would only be penalizing the saver who is trying to get the best bang on his buck for a house rather than the current owner who overpaid.


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