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He’s a dead ringer for Hitler.
Oh, and the mustache part too!
Halloween 2012 is gonna be stoopider then ever.
here’s my attempt 😛
And to think he has a chance….
Perry is not the most ideal candidate. But he beats the hell out of the democrat option.
I’ll vote for Paul in the primary but when it comes to the general I’ll pull the lever for whoever isn’t Obama.
So #6 gets it, wow, you people totally dumbfound me . What drugs are you doing?
What did he say? Paraphrased:
“I really love America….”
“I will make Washington DC an insignificant issue in your lives…..”
Hmmmmm. Just like Hitler. Save us from the evangelicals who think compromise is a sin.
Need to see the video of this picture. I can’t believe that this actually happened without photo shop of some kind
Burt Reynolds
And Obama? Perhaps Nero???
#6 — Perry was a Democrat until 1989 all through the Reagan admin. He even headed Al Gore’s 1988 campaign! Get a clue. This guy IS the Democrat option.
He’s a huge phony. Let’s see how many dummies will be bamboozled by him.
Dvorak must go all Vivek Kundra on Perry, he’s our only hope to stop this insanity.
John, I KNOW he is a phony, I live in Texas I have a very close view of his problems. Those problems though DO NOT in any way shape or form come close to the issues I have with the Democrats.
I hope it doesn’t come down to a race between Perry and Obama but if it does Perry has my vote.
Anyone who wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get a job that pays 100k a year should have thier motives questioned. From where I stand though I’ll take the candidate who isn’t Obama.
Yank on a lever. It makes no difference. You’re just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
George Washington was right.
Parties are not a good idea.
Why is this guy a front runner. Why is the mainstream media ignoring Ron Paul? Jon Stewart nails them. 😉
Rick Perry is a liar and a sneak of the first order.
1) On TV during the gubernatorial debates, he said he reduced taxes on businesses in Texas. LIE. One thing he did was institute the “Franchise Fee.” See, Texas doesn’t have income taxes as per its constitution so they call it a fee. This fee is equal to a percentage of your GROSS income, not profit. Yes, our taxes went up. So everybody raised their rates and every one of their customers now pays for the this tax.
2) He tried to force parents to get their 11-12 year old girls inoculated against the HPV before they could get into school. After a massive public outcry, he backed down.
3) He tried to turn I-20 from Dallas to Shreveport into a toll road to get some of that casino money headed to Louisiana. He wanted to do this without a reduction in road taxes to the citizens who were maintaining it. After a “quiet” public outcry, this was scrapped.
4) He is using eminent domain laws to snatch up property along the super-highway corridor through Texas, a clear property rights violation. Nobody here wants it except for the special interests.
I could go on and on about this guy.
Nice, John. Now, how about one of MussolinObama?
Liberty lover,
If the choice comes down to Perry V.S. Obama can you really in good faith vote for Obama or cast 1/2 a vote for him by staying home?
I understand the criticism in fact I share it. I don’t understand the vitriol.
I say we have faith that the primary system will work and then we evaluate the candidate that emerges against the current incumbent. Instead of pointing out the imperfections of this candidate or that candidate we should instead decide who of them best represents our views and beliefs.
Then in the general you vote against the one who is selling you “change you can believe in”.
So John, we know you don’t like Perry (for good reason).
So, who do you like?
[Ron Paul — JCD]
nicktherat has a much better pic!
Well done. I went to http://nicktherat.com/ to see more and got this:
“500 – Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed”
Just so you know nick.
#20, I will vote for neither. I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. I refuse to vote against someone. I’ll vote my conscience.
There are ALWAYS more than two choices. Try not to think so two dimensionally.
This is how we’ve gotten to where we are now — people thinking we only have two choices and vote against the other guy, not bothering to look at the one they ARE voting for.
#20–Jag==why should anyone “have faith” in the primary system that shows time and time again it perverts a general election process?
But that is what having faith is all about. Reality tells us reality–keeping the faith says to pick the opposite.
Rick Perry = religious loon
Keeping the faith = religious loon
No need to guess.
Reality = Two Party system
Reality = Voting for preferred third party candidate will often put the worst of two candidates into office.
Realtiy = something dogmatic people don’t deal with.
#23 Ok don’t vote then (that is essentially what you are choosing to do). If your going to chose not to vote then at least try not to criticize others who are prepared to make the tougher choices.
#24 The effectiveness of a primary system is directly related to the involvement of the populace. If only 4% of all people in the U.S. Choose to follow and vote in the primary then those 4% get to decide. If you want to sit on the side and complain about the teams that’s fine. You should understand though that if you don’t suit up and get on the field it won’t matter how loud you yell from the stands. As for your comdenarion of religion that’s your own buisness and has little to do with this discussion.
What people fail to grasp is that we have the problems we have now because we have left politics to the politicians and assumed that their friends in the media would act as our broker and not theirs. If we choose not to praticipate in our represenitive form of goverment then we get the goverment we deserve. The people still hold power in this country, but not for long if they collectively choose to sit idly by and complain while everyone involved screws us over.
It’s much easier to yell about the problems than it is to take the action nessicary to fix them.
# 19 Faxon said,”how about one of MussolinObama?”
Don’t be silly. Photoshop a photo of O’Bama and you’re a racist. Do a Republican and you’re a patriot.
# 23 LibertyLover said, “I will vote for neither. I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils.”
Good for you. Throw your vote away. Sure, you could write in any name you wish. In the two party system that’s the same as not voting. Worse, it means you are not voting for someone who could win thus helping to elect the other person.
Liberty Lover? I’m guessing you are a sailor who loves three day passes.
P.S. Dvorak – Sorry, you’re wrong. Nobody HAD to do it.
Ah_yea, my sites up! Dont scare me like that!
Actually, voting for *anyone* who is not the current office holder is exactly how Nazi Germany started. Exactly!
He’s a Bilderberg (Manchurian) Candidate.
The whole “Hitler” bit is redundant.
He will be a mass-murderer just like the current guy.
Lest you think that is over the top, the Libya deal, if not a legitimate war must be mass-murder.
And you can just bet that any of the Theocons will escalate the – let’s face it – war with Iran.
If you want to see an end to perpetual war for perpetual profit, Ron Paul is the only game in town.