![]() “I will rise into the air and you will see God embrace me…” |
When Rick Perry officially launches his presidential campaign this weekend, he will not be the only Republican candidate to carry the banner of Christian piety…Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty discovered his inner Honest Abe at the Faith and Freedom Conference in June. Heedless of the risks to his campaign, Honest Tim read from the Bible and thundered to the mostly evangelical audience, “We need to be a nation that turns toward God, not away from God!”
Another presidential candidate, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, refers to God so frequently in the context of her political ambitions that you would think He was her running mate. At the Faith and Freedom Conference, she treated the audience to a prayer of her own design: “Lord, we know there are things we have done in our nation that have not been pleasing in your sight,” she sorrowfully intoned, “Lord, we ask your forgiveness for that…”
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich may not be able to boast about Christian values in his personal life, but he has vowed to defend his grandchildren from the imminent threat of “a secular atheist country” or, somewhat inconsistently, political domination by radical Islamists. Gingrich has also promised to resist the fearsome “homosexual agenda” on the grounds that he supports “pro-classical Christianity,” a hitherto-undiscovered Christian sect that may be imaginary.
Donald Trump, whose campaign ended before it began, still found time to gallantly sputter, “I believe in God. I am Christian. I think the Bible is certainly, it is THE book.” In case people missed the point, he added, “I’m a Protestant. I’m a Presbyterian. And you know I’ve had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”
Even libertarian Ron Paul, who long resisted injecting faith into politics, has waxed Lincolnesque this season. “We have had the Constitution stolen right before our eyes,” he drawled urgently, “This is now about whether or not we have the right to worship freely.” He later explained, “Congress should never prohibit the expression of your Christian faith in a public place…”
On Saturday, August 13, Republican insiders in Iowa will vote in the Ames Straw Poll. Although the poll is non-binding, it hints at the candidates most likely to do well in the Iowa caucus…
Indeed, the political compensation for public displays of faith is so precious that it makes me wonder whether the candidates’ zealous efforts to to prove their piety as they race for the Republican nomination might be called calculating or opportunistic. Some might even suggest unchristian.
When will the members of this holy crusade change the name of their wholly-owned political party? The Republican Christian Party? Or – better yet – the American Christian Party since they claim to speak for all Christians, all Americans?
Rick Perry = Huckabee 2.0. Where are the fiscally conservative, non-religious loony candidates? I guess they aren’t as good at bread and circuses as the religious nuts like Perry.
Alfred said:
Hey fool, that one falls on the narrow shoulders of one Fred Upton, R-MI…my district. But lucky for you, he blew with the windy tea and now supports the repeal of that law.
Fred: Idiot, flip-flopper, Norquist sycophant, and member of the Super Committee.
Back to Who’s the most Christian to manage our empire…..
Michelle Bachman stated on the debate she will not be submissive to her husband. A clear violation of the bible. We should not settle for less than a perfect record.
I’m a liberal. Here’s my morality: leave other people the fuck alone.
I agree with your morality but it directly contrasts the version of the liberal mindset we see in modern American politics. The liberal point of view is: “We know what’s best for you.” That’s why liberals want heavier regulation and more taxes (“We know how best to spend your money”). The modern liberal isn’t about more individual freedom but rather a more controlled society. On the other side, the idea of leaving people alone is also contradicted by modern “conservatives” (which is to mean Republicans). The Republican mantra is “Give up your freedom to be safe” or said another way, “Respect my authoritah”. Thus, both sides like bigger government because it serves each side’s purposes even though it directly contradicts the original intent of the Founders which was a weak central government (or at least weaker than it is now).
I think the country needs to come to the realization that as it is structured now, it is simply too big to be governed by so few. We need to rethink the authority of the central government and either severely curtail the powers of the Federal government or consider dividing into multiple countries.
#55 Bobo, the Unloved said,
“And you couldn’t find anything to copy and paste readily available. Doesn’t THAT alone speak at all to you?”
As a matter of fact it does. It says your opinion isn’t important enough to me for me to take the time out of my life to satisfy your demands.
#77–Oh Drive by==my little child. You don’t understand this medium at all do you. Ha, ha. These posts may be addressed to individuals but successes and failures are addressed to the whole world and more limitedly, to those who come and read here.
I don’t even have to point out how cravenly you have failed to support your point of view. EVERYONE CAN SEE IT. Ha, ha. Yes indeedy. So like a wingnut to “personalize” everything.
No pride at all.
#76–Thomas==why so partisan as if ON THIS ISSUE, the parties aren’t essentially the same?
Dumbos: tax and spend
Pukes: deficit and spend.
See the “SPEND” on both sides? Now observe the left overs and tell me who is being more responsible?
Poor Thomas. Better spoken but posting with the same insight as Drive By.
One of you can do better.
I hate Republicans! They are such posers
I’m talking to you too Already Dude
Already liberals are resurrecting George W Bush as a solid substantial moderate intelligent Republican, as I predicted. One columnist called Perry, Bush without a brain.
#80–Mickey==thats funneee. At first I thought Oh thats a bunch of BS. But on reflection its TRUE!!! Dumber than Bush. Yes, its true. And you know, thats what the primary system is all about: bringing forth the most pukish of all possible puke candidates. Looks like the Pukes are going to have a tough choice this year: will they choose the male or female version of a brain dead but still functioning religious loon?
Speaking of Rome Burning, is that fiddle music I hear?
#80 Hitting the buzzer. Calling timeout. Bullshit.
I second the nomination of the taxed enough dude as the scariest person on here.
One creepy bastard.
# 63 bobbo said:
“I’m a liberal. Here’s my morality: leave other people the fuck alone.”
Must be the phase of the moon. But while it lasts:
Welcome to the land of the sane and decent!
# 62 Guyver said, “a dysphemism for morality”
Outstanding! I love learning new words. Thank you.
# 75 Dallas said,”Bachman stated on the debate she will not be submissive to her husband.”
Shame on you Dallas. Making things up like that. She did not say she would not be submissive she merely redefined the words to mean “show respect” Bill Clinton: “That depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.”
#Many – Alfie: Is it your intention to reprint the entire bible on the pages of this blog? I don;t mind a brief quote, now and then – done it myself! – but you just seem to really get off on posting whole damned chapters. Please stop. I have to limit my fiction reading time.
#80 So would that make him bush the turd er I mean third?
#85 Animby
Isn’t it odd how Alfie, and the hard right in general, never quote the Beatitudes?
If we want to be a nation that turns toward and not away from God, maybe we should vote for someone OTHER than Tim Pawlenty. And I have doubt about Michele Bachmann’s sincerity in her prayer of forgiveness.
taxed enough (alfie) isn’t scary, he’s pathetic as are all believers in a god that creates and destroys with whimsy. sorry to say it’s all bullshit.
#84–Somebody==I don’t want to pop any of your soapbubbles but YES, I’m Liberal. I am “for” many social programs you might find objectionable even when you do read the fine print: as much as possible, the government should “offer” help and guidance but refrain from requiring compliance. That makes a huge difference in some programs like Family Planning but no difference at all in others like paying taxes.
Pragmatic: what works? No reason to be for something if it doesn’t work.
Libertarian: Leave other people alone.
Existential: There is no right and wrong in the Universe other than what the majority agree to.
Anti-Theist: Even if God did exist, I would be against him. From everything I can see, he just a tyrant.
I post very consistently with these values. Not always. I have blind spots too.
I’m not afraid to admit that I believe in the Christian faith. But I do not allied myself with most of the whack jobs that equate Christianity with politics. Especially Republican politics! To me it’s a deal with the devil, at best. And most that I know, are too blind to see this. They think they can lend their support to a party and its causes. And then back out later if it gets a little too crazy. And not have lost anything. Like their souls. Well the Parties (either) might not be powerful enough to steal souls. It doesn’t work that way. They’ll just steal hearts and minds, and the souls will follow. And what lead to things like the American Civil War, can also lead to some new 21th century civil war. Over God knows what lies and confusion, the parties create to get elected. We don’t need protection from cyber terrorists, or Islamic terrorists. We need protection from our own, home grown, taxpayer funded, political party terrorists. The Anti-Truth Squad, as they ought to be known. They’ve all gone well passed the “negative ad” campaigning, which was somewhat forgivable. Into this “God and I are buddies” campaigning. Trying to turn the next election into a Holy War. Which is a tragic joke, because most of the candidates have violated their oaths of office (sworn to God) in representing wealthy special interests, over the rest of us. And not even knowing (or caring) about parts of the Constitution that they are stepping on. Like the “separation of church and state” clause, that is very real and does exist. And not open to their convenient interpretations.
You can identify the best Christian candidate by his/her care for the poor, prisoners, immigrants, etc.
BTW, remember that you read it here first. Rick Perry got an invite to the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, this past June. So surprise, surprise, he’s finally following orders and throwing his hat into the ring. Not a surprise at all. And no surprise that the main stream press never mentions this meeting. Maybe they’re saving it for later, so they can kill his nomination, if it suits the robber barons of the world.
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for any of these rich republicans to enter into the kingdom of God”
just paraphrasing my son
#68 Somebody
Oh no, I wouldn’t presume to take your turn. The rebuttal is yours.
I was told to never talk about politics and religion because you will always get an argument.
Michelle Bachmann doing some field research at the Iowa State Fair.
I don’t remember that in the bible.
#98 Me fail English? That’s unpossible!
I, for one, am glad Obama made it rain here in Dallas/Fort Worth.
Perhaps he does deserve another term . . .
# 63 “blow hard said,
“I’m a liberal. Here’s my morality: leave other people the fuck alone.”
Thanks for the laugh. That is the most absurd statement I have ever seen you make!
Using your statements as evidence, you are a completely amoral person.
For the strick constitutionalists out there, may I say that “The Separation of Church and State” pretty much says it all.
God, Yawe, Jehova, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, L. Ron Hubbard, Chthulu, what ever flies your space ship (or car,) the Constitution of the United State of America is against>/i> it.
#102 I agree! I too, thank you President Obama for the welcome rain in Dallas!