The Greater Manchester Police are naming and shaming rioters on their Twitter feed. “We promised we’d name all those convicted for their roles in the disorder — here we go …” the police announced, as they began listing the names, dates of birth and partial addresses of individuals tried in connection with the disorder, which flared across Britain.

“Eoin Flanagan (born 01/01/1983), of Carson Road, Burnage, jailed for eight months for stealing clothes,” read one post.

“Jason Ullett (born 15/10/72) of Woodward Court, Ancoats, sentenced to 10 weeks in prison for swearing at police officers,” read another.

And another: “Stefan Hoyle (born 27/01/1992) of St. Stephen Street, Salford, jailed for four months for theft after found with a stolen violin…”

The police department’s efforts received both praise and criticism, along with a few questions. The department explained that it released dates of birth so as to avoid confusion with individuals with the same name.

Both the Manchester and London police have also posted photo streams on the photo-sharing site Flickr and asked the public to help identify riot suspects…

The Manchester police seem to be keenly aware that they are treading on new territory. “Lot of debate about publishing details – courts very clear, justice should be done publicly,” read one of its recent posts on Twitter.

Legit or not? Deserved or not?

  1. Animby says:

    #34 Glen Erroneous: Most of your diatribe against Republicans is simple liberal bullshit much like Alfie or Pedro’s bullshit rants about liberals. Let’s face the truth: Anybody who WANTS to be a politician is probably evil and lies constantly for their own benefit.

    But, I will agree with your assertion “there ought to be prison terms for making crap up, and calling it news or journalism.” I am so tired of reading a news story only to have the reporter interject his/her own thoughts on the matter and presenting those thoughts as fact. Fox is bad about that. But not much worse than CNN or CBS, etc.

    Not sure “prison terms” are the correct solution to the problem but I do think a quick kick in the butt is called for.

  2. f_w says:

    In two minds about:“Jason Ullett (born 15/10/72) of Woodward Court, Ancoats, sentenced to 10 weeks in prison for swearing at police officers,” read another.
    Agrees with first poster, 10 weeks for swearing.
    Then again, being over hostile is not smart.
    Perhaps even, whats the English word…
    Eh, never mind,hmm, crowd rousing or something.

    But it is good in another way, shows he did nothing more then that, so no one can say hey you where jailed, and you was one of the raiders/arsons/assaulter.
    Then again, proving himself innocent in some ones else’s eyes is harder then the law proving him guilty.

  3. Grandpa says:

    Careful, you might piss off the wrong people.

  4. dittmv says:

    Remind me not to laugh when the local police station or New Scottland Yard gets torched.

  5. Floyd says:

    “Its just liberals gone wild.

    Entitlement is a terrible thing to foment in people, they degenerate into parasitical members of society.

    The only real solution is to take away the check.”

    So you want to take away peoples salaries? That’ll give them a real reason to riot…

  6. So what says:

    @33 alfie said “Some folks seem to have descended from the chimpanzee later than others.” Even your insults show your lack of basic science knowledge.

  7. What? says:

    If you’re going to let people breed, you’re going to have to plan to create jobs for them.

    Having lots of unemployed disrupts the social order, and pretty soon the public starts running amuck.

    Get the bit between their teeth, and they will smile!

  8. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    #39 Taxed Enough Already Dude:
    “Its just liberals gone wild.

    Entitlement is a terrible thing to foment in people, they degenerate into parasitical members of society.

    This is why liberalism is fundamentally evil, it robs people of the joy of self achievement, by giving them a check every week.”

    Uh, ya mate, that is it exactly … it was liberals rioting because they there isn’t enough racism in Britain and we need more, also it is the Chav’s in council estates who have the great sense of entitlement, not the people born into wealthy family driving around in Daddy’s fancy car (when they aren’t at their £20,000 a term public school which will guarantee that they, rather the smartest or best, will get the top jobs).

    “This is why liberalism is fundamentally evil, it robs people of the joy of self achievement, by giving them a check every week.”

    Either that or its lazy shits that don’t work for living, don’t expect to pay any tax, and except the world to revolving around them because Great Grand Daddy make his millions selling opium to the Chinese or Slaves to the Caribbean.

    Self achievement is great when it rewards the able and punishes the useless, unfortunately we get little of either in this country … generally we reward the connected even when they make huge mistakes (bankers) and punish the non-connected when they start to show gumption. And that isn’t the fault of liberals or liberalism ….

  9. So what says:

    The hypocrisy of fox news.

  10. It reminds me of the famous scene in the classic Peter Sellers movie “A Shoat in the Dark”
    Let me call the warden – when are you going to have modern furniture
    You are not running a medieval torture chamber
    If you are going to be dealing with modern criminals you are going to have to have modern furniture
    Yet all of this Twitter and Facebook high tech and you have Dudley DDo-right of the Mounties with his Windows 98 era computer

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Pat Buchannan just said that in recent history there have been 6 “flash mob” riots in Washington DC brought on by disgruntled minority community members and social media. Now, brother Buchannan has a strong bias against “minority folks” as he calls them “but” I’m still gonna assume he’s talking about something that wasn’t reported on right here in the GOUSA? ((Contra: he might be summing up the last 250 years of history including the first Tea Party and the social media of Paul Revere on Horseback?))

    Shows it is always a mix of things. Social Oppression, unemployment, lack of social services, cut backs AND THEN a spark.

    And what do we have today all across America??

    All that is lacking is that spark.

  12. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    #44 Taxed Enough Already Dude:

    “From the arrest reports, they aren’t showing gumption, they are just stealing.”

    There are just dumb-asses, and they are just stealing. No argument there. But whether their dole comes from government or Father Pedo they are still going to be chavs. My point is you can’t blame it on Liberals …

    “In a truly free market, the churches are the social safety net, not the Government.”

    Brilliant. And Father O’Brien will give your kids a free blow job with every rent check …

    “Society functioned for most of recorded history without entitlements, and we now see how unaffordable they are, and what happens to those who get them.”

    What history books do you read? Whatever they are, they are lying to you. Societies have always had to taken care of some people at some time …

  13. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, I think he is also including the bicycle nuts that like to block traffic.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Mickey==that would be an excellent follow up question to get these DC riots on the record. Bicyclists certainly have been a hated and oppressed minority in our country for many many years.

    all that is needed is that spark.

  15. bobbo, politics more the measure of man than a man says:

    Nightline segment on Friday says this phenomenon is all a morph of the flash mob performance art scene. So now, instead of a group of people breaking out into song and going home, now the same organizing principle is a group of people just breaking out, looting, and going home.

    I’m sure that explains a good part of this. People just “showing up” to engage in group activity. Almost “neutral” allowing pundits to project their own bias.

    Same as it always is.

  16. Colonel Bonkers says:

    Put them in the army I say!

  17. MikeN says:

    30 years ago there was rioting in Britain, but then many people were supporting the rioters. This time, the opposition party is with the prime minister against the rioters.


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