UPDATE: The video had been taken down, but we found another copy. You can also see more if them here. [Thanks Hop!]

This is in Hungary. For some odd reason, I have the feeling something about this is illegal in this country. Or will be soon as politicians and insurance companies and do-gooders see it.

  1. deowll says:

    Looks like fun. Something sometimes hard to come by in nanny states.

  2. Hairy German says:

    Glad to see every country has rednecks.

  3. Johnny LaRue says:

    Looks a little dicey to me. But, to each his own.

  4. seetheblacksun says:

    Looks like a good time. I’d be more concerned about the green water.

  5. Steve says:

    What could possibly go wrong ?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    That water was green? must have been that stuff they put in the pools that turn color when people pee.

  7. wirelessg says:

    Long lost scenes from the movie, “Cocoon”

  8. Yankinwaoz says:

    #6,,,, I noticed that too. I wonder if they even chlorinate that pool? That water looks disgusting.

  9. bobbo, the most fun you ever had always lasts until someone gets hurt says:

    I think there is some youtubes of GOUSA redneck action with a backhoe with it going in circles and the locals using it to water ski. That looks like even more fun.

    I see the appeal, but I wouldn’t do it. Heavy equipment and people don’t mix.

  10. bobbo, the most fun you ever had always lasts until someone gets hurt says:

    “Actually” there are more than one:


  11. The back hoe is always a good replacement for the pool sliding board. Swinging that in the horizontal direction back and forth would make a great wave pool as long as you didn’t smash one of the kids (and hopefully the operator is not an epileptic). I’d drag an extension cord and a toaster out there when it is time to get out. Hell, you could probably baptize people in that fucker on Sundays.

  12. Skeptic says:

    I agree with Bobbo about heavy equipment and people. My neighbour was in construction and was under a shovel like that when a pneumatic hose broke or came loose. The empty shovel fell and flattened him… killed him instantly… closed casket. I personally wouldn’t put those kids in such danger. A cubic yard of water weighs nearly 1700 lbs. Even that much water dropped from 6 feet up….?

  13. Speter says:

    #6…. I noticed that too. I wonder if they even chlorinate that pool? That water looks disgusting.

    maybe just maybe its a third world shit hole of a country and luxuries like a sparkling pool doesn’t rate as highly as having food and beer and hookers.

    just saying, we inflict our standards on others without thinking of what may or may not be important to them as a society.

    looks like having fun is important to them, some of us have forgotten how this works

  14. seetheblacksun says:

    #8 I noticed that too. Check out #6.

  15. Skeptic says:

    #15, #8, #6, I noticed that too. The whole area looks rather industrial. Maybe it’s a sedimentation pool at a sewage treatment plant.

  16. Frashizzle says:

    #4 had a late night but wanted acknowledgment for recognizing the greenish hue of the water.

  17. Peppeddu says:

    That ain’t a swimming pool John.
    That’s a reservoir of water, probably used for the crops nearby.
    It’s not unusual in Europe to occasionally take a swim right in there.

  18. Cripes! Add chlorine!

  19. andycatus says:

    Go to YouTube and check out the 2nd video. Two dudes + water get scooped up in the bucket, raised up high and then poured out… eek! skin sliding over over those bucket teeth!

  20. Me-Mongo says:

    The video is now private. Here’s another link:


  21. Miguel says:

    … and after the fun must come the work…


  22. ChuckM says:

    Miguel… it’s funny, the first time I saw that video long ago, I laughed. Now that I see it, I finally notice the big pipe going across… So must be gas, oil or cables going through and they are required to remove the soil by hand…

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Bobbo,

    Heavy equipment and people don’t mix.

    I see you haven’t been to the Mid-West lately. That is the main mode of transportation for some of our more, (ahem) ample population.

    A few weeks ago, apparently there was a fight over the last motorized shopping cart at Wal-Mart. The shopping cart lost.

  24. Animby says:

    Lake water?
    Buckets scooping water?
    Just future Firedivers in training.

  25. paul li says:

    It is very funny!

  26. anonymous says:

    Im seeing the takedown notice in Japanese, could someone tell what it says? This was a great entertaining video whoever pulled it should be dragged by a car by a rope through city streets until they died.

  27. Miguel says:

    #23 – I really never noticed that or thought about that! Maybe they’re being smart and we (me) being stoopid 🙂 It happens. Well spotted!


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