Executive Producers: Benjamin Caudill , David Lee,
Sir Dwayne Melancon, Sir Sean Conneley

Associate Executive Producer: Sir P. Sneekes
333 Club Members: Sir David Lee, Sir Sean Conneley
Art By: Pay

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  1. Similac says:

    As we already know the “batteries in a cup of water” to charge a cell phone is completely false.
    As Dvorak pointed out it’s not even worth testing for. If however some of you curious people still fancy the idea of testing this, it’s been tested already here (and it doesn’t work): http://gizmodo.com/5830329/are-syrian-rebels-really-charging-their-phones-with-batteries-and-water

  2. B. Dog says:

    That is one good show. A big thanks a lot for filling in the big picture of the London situation. I’m glad Micky and Adam had fun shooting. I guess target shooting was a more popular sport than baseball back in the ’30s, but the media doesn’t really touch that subject. It was hilarious when that one newscast shifted to the breaking news of a fat lady with a sore shoulder.

  3. BoffoTheRabidMonkey says:

    big media is nothing but a big show,it’s too bad the majority of American’s still think that their opinion is original. It’s very sad indeed that our school system shuns the concept of “critical thinking.” SIGH! Our society is effe’d two ways from Sunday.

  4. BoffoTheRabidMonkey says:

    I am pissed about our semi-permeable border with Mexico. Ifdrugsweren’t allowed in then there might not be as much needless killings there…..we police our way of life across the Atlantic, but we ignore what happens just south of our own border….hrmmm. I think the government of the United States is corrupt.

  5. BoffoTheRabidMonkey says:

    We are ef’fed up two ways from Sunday. There is nobody to turn to for the answers. Our own religion is stricken with tales and woes of child pornography even. We humans will kill each other in the end.

  6. BoffoTheRabidMonkey says:

    Zen Buddhism cannot even touch our own godless deities.

  7. Rasputin says:

    Good show guys. Cameron is considering bringing US style tactics in. so looks like we might catch you up when it comes to overly zealous armed police screaming orders and called people “Germany Boy”. 😀

    maybe if we are lucky, you guys can lend us some sound cannons for the next riot.

    Keep up the awesomeness and it would be pretty sweet if the final stop on the tour had JCD and had a video to accompany it.


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