Any day now will be a story about a wounded soldier who’s sent a bill for having a bullet removed from his chest. We taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill. It was his fault he didn’t duck, after all.
Freedom isn’t free and apparently neither are Purple Hearts. As retired Sergeant Major in the Army Rob Dickerson found out, they too can come with a price.
“C.O.D. Is how I received my Purple Heart,” retired Army Sergeant Major Rob Dickerson said.
Dickerson, who was seriously wounded in a rocket blast while serving in Iraq in 2007, finally got his Purple Heart in the mail, four years late, and on top of it all was billed over $21.00 for postage. He couldn’t believe it.
Dickerson did get an apology and a money order for his out of pocket costs, but he says he couldn’t cash it, because it was made out to Roy Dirksen, not Rob Dickerson.
Come on now, you know what Federal employees are like. They are mostly brain dead. So one screwed up. It’s not like they are in charge of the country or anything….
I would have respectfully declined to sign for the COD.
The cuts are coming, the cuts are coming!
This is not a story about disrespect for the brave soldier. It is all about typical inept Government and as such clear case of why we need to cut the size and scope of what current Government does. Progressive concept that Government knows best and people are idiots to be controlled by it have been proven nonsense time over time.
Same people who did this write EPA regulations, control education system, “invest” in energy and resources development, “help” agriculture,… at our cost. It is time to remove those responsibilities and related funding from these leaches as after all, Constitution does not specify them in charge of it at all.
Is it true that Etch a Sketch to sue Apple tablet?
[Fixed — UD]
When I was in all our medals and awards were part of our uniform and we were paid to maintain our uniforms so any medals we were given were to be purchased by us. I didn’t care about that crap so one day on parade my CO looked at me and said you only got one medal bobbo? And I said looks like. He said I could be courts martialed for being out of uniform. So–I had to check my official records, see how many medals I had been given for being alive and go to the PX and buy them.
Its good to see nothing has changed. Still making full frontal assaults on machine gun lines and flying copters into hot zones for corrupt leaders Them: wanting our foreign and military aid to embezzle, Ours: not wanting to look weak.
same as it ever was.
a story like this you expect to see on the Onion, not in real news. this is despicable, uttely despicable and disrespectful to our troops. i may hate the war, but i respect the troops since they are serving our country even if our country is heading in the wrong direction, they believe they are fighting for what is right.
he paid for that medal with blood once, and twice with cash.
Twas ill done no matter the miscreant responsible.
Why I don’t want the government making all the choices: If I make a mistake and smash my hand with a hammer the pain will be sufficient that I will do due diligence to avoid a repeat of the situation. The government on the other hand will continue to smash hands.
The Fed gov is doing poorly way to many things that the government either should not have done or should have been done by the states or even a lower level of government.
The Fed gov should never have gotten into the health care business, the education business, etc. That was rightly the domain of the states!
“Any day now will be a story about a wounded soldier who’s sent a bill for having a bullet removed from his chest.”
HA! HA! Uncle Dave, you’ve outdone yourself!
As if Obama was THAT uncaring for the service men he commands!
Oooh, I was shot. I deserve something.
Faxon, are you sure? #11 is an idiot.
#7 bobbo
Wow, things need to change.
A loosely thread-related comment:
Near the end of the VietNam war, err, action, err, whatever the politically correct term is now, They were begging, err, offering many of us the opportunity to end our enlistments early.
I wonder if it’s possible the reason Obama has not ended any wars and has increased our commitment in on theater while initiating a new engagement with NATO could be a way to artificially keep the unemployment rate from skyrocketing.
Conspiracy mode on topic:
The Post Office is losing money. This action resulted in a COD package (which I assume involves a fee) plus two (or more) first class letters. Could this be the beginning of a government plan to raise postal revenues?
Somewhere, someone named Roy Dirksen has received a purple heart in the mail with Rob Dickerson’s name on it and a $21 COD charge.
#10, I fail to see how this incident has anything to do with Obama.
But speaking of Obama and the military, even Clinton was spared the level of open mocking and contempt that I see every day at work for Obama.
Looks like the defense department is short of cash to pay for delivery. Maybe the 12% increase they’ll get will improve this.
The American Sheeple demand better customer service from the DOD.
# 17 Sea Lawyer said, “even Clinton was spared the level of open mocking and contempt that I see every day at work for Obama.”
Can you imagine why? Just today, an event that has been forbidden to photographers results in the WH posting a dramatic (and not posed at all) photo of the Prez showing him to be all Commander-in-Chiefish.
And a movie about getting Usama gets special assistance from the Pentagon as long as they promise to release the film three or four weeks before the 2012 elections.
Certainly, there’s no reason to mock the worst president in decades. Obama has passed his Peter Principle level. We should have elected someone with experience instead of press agents.
The dude regularly in charge of sending out Purple Hearts was drummed out early last year under “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”.
#19–Animby?==ha, ha. So you really are that conservative and partisan huh? Not to say what your are thinking about isn’t correct, you have identified relevant symptoms, but is your diagnosis correct? No more history required, no further differentials need be applied?
Experience, education, a passion for the truth should lead the serious components within each one of us to recognize the uncertainty of diagnosing anything.
Two of my favorite fictions forms: going back to the past to change things for the better, and being granted 1-2-3 wishes. I love those shows. Pure fiction but so much for us to learn there.
Do men make history or merely ride the wave? What is the “true” responsibility of Bush on our current woes? The true responsibility of the 30 years Republican sway on public policy? The silent majority reading science fiction instead of marching in the steets?
“If I could change back time…..”//// One of Cher’s best. Forget what she was(n’t) wearing at the time.
Dogma: its good to push a view but what do we really think?
I’m waiting to hear the story of some US soldier, wounded by “friendly fire”, getting a bill for the ordinance his body made off with. “Hey, that’s government property you got in your leg. Shrapnel costs money.”
I’m also waiting to hear “Cash for Bullets”. When lead becomes the next “valuable metal” that they offer Fiat money for. Mostly to get all the bullets out of the civils’ dangerous hands.