I feel safer already and they haven’t even installed it yet. And, don’t live in SF.

With a $6 million federal Homeland Security grant, hundreds of San Francisco’s Muni buses will soon have high-tech video surveillance cameras the transit agency can survey in real-time. […] The grant will pay for the installation of video surveillance systems on 358 Muni buses, according to city documents. The project also includes installation of wireless networks, computers and servers at three bus yards “that will enable SFMTA personnel to view, download and store the captured video images wirelessly and view them in real-time or through the Internet.”
According to city documents, “the new system will provide real-time viewing of images, inside and outside the bus, by law enforcement officers, emergency responders and other authorized personnel on a real-time basis from a distance of about 500 yards in case the bus is hijacked and used for terrorism activities.”

These new high-tech cameras will be the latest addition to live-recording technology around The City. Taxi cabs have installed new recording devices capturing activity inside and outside the vehicle. In 2005, The City began installing police surveillance cameras, and 71 cameras now monitor 24 locations.
“The rights of privacy mean the government doesn’t get a blank check,” she said. “What is being done with the information, how long is it being retained and how is it being disseminated?”

Those details have yet to be hashed out by the agency.

Here’s more info.

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. #30 – Sorry – you know what they say, “worthless as tits on a nun.”

  2. Animby says:

    #34 I, for one, wish to thank you. Never seen a crucifur before.

  3. ECA says:

    I do not worry about PUBLIC access.
    I do not mind, as long as its NOT ABUSED..

    But, I also ask that it be FULL PUBLIC ACCESS.

    Anything the STATE/FED does, MUST BE PUBLIC.

    All those police cameras, in the cop cars, SHOULD BE RELEASED ALSO..I dont care if the cop and his dog are having a Heated tet-a-tet in the back..RELEASE the videos..

  4. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    #15 Miguel – It’s becoming just like the world in the original Rollerball movie.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    #35, FTW. I’ve been trying to come up with something that sounded as cool (like the good Lord watching out for small animals like beavers and such) but nothing I can think of touches crucifur.

    And thanks, Sister Mary!


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