Executive Producers: Patrick Coble, Craig Porter, William Arcand, Joseph Frost
Associate Executive Producer: Bryan Barrow
Executive Producers and 328 Club member: Joseph Frost
333 Club Member: William Arcand
Art By: Thoren

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  1. notatall says:

    Adam, you’re obama impression sucks. Don’t try to improve it. It won’t help. Just. Stop. What is your price to never ever do it again?

  2. What? says:

    Adam is a ham, he can’t help it. If you ever have dated a “performer”, you know it is in their DNA, and it can’t be extracted. Sorry.

    The first hour of the show was good.

    Listening to old shows, Dvorak seemed to have had more air time, and the overall quality of dialog was better as a result. When Adam dominates the show, being the bully he tends to be, the quality of the show suffers. However, see the note above.

    The strength of the show was/is the quality of the back-and-fourth.

    I get the feeling the root problem is that Adam is nervous about his income, and that is affecting his performance. Entirely understandable, and correctable with an adjustment in lifestyle expectations. However, the crowd he is trying to run with has more $$$$ than he thinks the show can provide.

    The value of the information is outstanding.

    However, it was the “personal” conversational tone in the beginning of the series that gave the show heart. Like in any show, movie, radio serial.

    The show needs a director, and should be aired on Russia Times (RT) TV.

  3. What? says:

    Good job trying to control the profanity.

    As fun as profanity is, it drives some customers away, and those customers infavor of profanity will stick around even if you don’t use it.

    Take the high road, and you’ll be respected. Take the low road, and even your best supporters will eventually spit on you.

  4. deowll says:

    Moody and others have said that they think the US can and will continue to pay off their short term bonds. They didn’t down rate us but they obviously don’t consider our long term bonds to be a safe investment.

    One of the smaller bond rating companies had already down rated us on the bases of potential income verses obligations is impossible.

    A few investors are on record saying American bonds bleep but people are buying them because the EU and the US are doing a race toward economic melt down and much of the EU is at least a year or three ahead in the melting.

    I’m thinking the Taliban is getting high tech out of Iran maybe from China or even Iranian made. Our surface to air missiles played a big role in driving the Russians out of Afghanistan and it just might be somebody has decided to do the same to us.

    If it’s China we will do jack because China owns us.

  5. Ken says:

    So “1984” is now considered to be an obscure reference? Wow.

    I’ll admit it’s been years since I’ve read 1984 and Animal Farm. I’m making it a point to re-read them before the year is out.

  6. WmDE says:

    “1984” is sooo 20th century.

  7. TooManyPuppies says:

    That No Excuses indoctrination crap is precisely why all of my friends and I have pulled our kids out of the CA public school system over the last 5 years.

  8. ECA says:

    I gave curry my B-day last year, and he missed it..Posted on his site.

    But..its 9/9/59

  9. rasputin says:

    re: London Riots. Adam said “it would never happen here (US)”

    Very true, I mean I have never heard of large scale riot and looting in America triggered by percieved racial injustice involving the police and a black youth.

    Must be great to live in such a perfect country Adam. 😉


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